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Posts posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. 8 hours ago, Pariah said:

    New Topic: What is Mr. Incredible giving his wife and kids for Christmas?


    I don't know, but I can tell you what he's NOT giving them... NO CAPES!


    New Topic:  Santa Claus tests positive for COVID two days before Christmas, and Foxbat volunteers to fill in for him (whether the Jolly Old Elf wants him to or not).  What "minor changes" is Foxbat going to make to this festive holiday?

  2. 12 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

    Trump going to Russia might be the next best thing to prison as far as justice goes. He'll be trotted out as Putin or whoever succeeds him needs to, told where to go and what to say, and if Trump tries to mouth off or throw his weight around, he'll be smacked down. For Donald Trump that would feel like prison.


    Ironically, I wonder if, in the long run, that might not be the best option.  I mean, I don't think Trump retains enough info - he never struck me as a details person - that he could provide them with much of strategic or tactical value.  It wouldn't be the US government, particularly the Democrats, doing it to him, but rather him doing it to himself.  I think I could see whatever the Russians put him through as punishment for his actions.  And it would show his base his true colors (though I suspect a fair number would still be in denial).  

  3. 3 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

    The uploaded images are clear to me. :thumbup:


    As far as a group name, you have to live with it, so it should be whatever you feel comfortable with. But I do have to say that it will be a little confusing if the team name is the same as the leader's name, unless you want to treat the leader like a mastermind villain, and the others as his lackeys, rather than an actual team.


    For a team leader who also founded the team, it's been common practice in Champions publications for the team name to be some variation of the leader's. For example, the Overbrain is the founder of the Brain Trust; the Warlord has his War Machine; Professor Paradigm gathered the Paradigm Pirates; and so on.


    If I use the same name for the team and the team's leader (Ape-X), I have the added level of confusion that there's another villain team with a very similar name (Apex).  Though I was initially thinking of doing this for amusement sake, I'm now leaning away from that.


    2 hours ago, death tribble said:

    Worldmaker's ape team was called Prime 8 if memory serves me well.


    Hmmm...  If I can get the mini for Harangutan, that would be 8 members (not counting Zero Device, which I'm not having be an actual member).  I could do Prime 8, though that would be copying Worldmaker.  Maybe I could call it an homage... 


    Thanks for the input, guys!

  4. Let's see if this works.





    Ape Austin






    Gibbon Glider









    Jumpmonkey and Zero Device






    I'm hoping that uploaded the images, rather than going to online links (like I tried to do originally).  Let me know if that didn't work.


    Another question - do you think I should stick with Ape-X as the team name or maybe switch to something like the Prime-Apes?

  5. I picked up a PDF of Supersytem, which is what the Superfigs are supposed to be for, but while the rulebook mentions the above characters in examples, it doesn't provide any sort of writeup or description of what the characters can do.


    1.  Does anybody know of any existing writeups for these Superfigs characters?


    2.  Failing that, I'd love to hear anybody's ideas on any of the Superfigs characters - fun powers or other ideas.  I'm not married to any of the above ideas so feel free to suggest something else that strikes your fancy.  (I can't guarantee that I'll use it, but I'd certainly like to hear what you have to say.)

  6. So, I had previously created a supervillain team called Apex, who believed in the inherent superiority of superpowered individuals over non-powered people.  Along the way, I found a mini identified as Ape-X, and decided that he had heard about Apex and figured that he was the natural one to lead them.  He and Apex's original leader (Alpha) fought to a standstill, so they became co-leaders of the team.  




    I included Ape-X in the team mostly as a joke, with half of Apex still following Alpha but some members thinking Ape-X has some good ideas.  He's a brick / blaster self-taught scientific genius type.  He has a backpack unit (not visible in the pic) that I decided can project either a cloaking field (Invisibility) or a force field (Resistant Protection).


    A few weeks ago, I ran across miniatures called Superfigs, and among them are a handful of primate-type super-characters.  I bought a bunch of the miniatures, deciding that Ape-X was going to split from Apex and form his own team (named after himself, naturally) made up of super-powered primates.


    So in addition to Ape-X (the leader) the team Ape-X includes:


    Ape Austin - I figure he's a bionic brick



    Elastiape - stretching powers

    https://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/prodimages/Superfigs New Foundation Zero Figures/SF-ZB-02-1_large.jpg


    Gibbon Glider - I'm thinking a flying mentalist

    https://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/prodimages/Superfigs New Foundation Zero Figures/SF-ZB-04-1_large.jpg


    Hybroiape - sword-wielding berserker maybe?

    https://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/prodimages/Superfigs New Foundation Zero Figures/SF-ZB-03-1_large.jpg


    Goradiator - team brick?

    https://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/prodimages/Superfigs New Foundation Zero Figures/SF-ZB-05-1_large.jpg


    Jumpmonkey - gadgeteer, maybe teleporter based on the "jump" part of his name?  His figure came with a robot, Zero Device.



    They also have a figure that was out of stock - Harangutan

    https://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/prodimages/Superfigs New Foundation Zero Figures/SF-ZB-01-1_large.jpg


    I haven't painted any of the minis yet; the linked pictures are all done by others, and I can only hope mine turn out as well.


  7. 2 hours ago, Logan D. Hurricanes said:

    So very much to unpack there.


    I'm struck by this quote from the article.


    A Florida law passed last year that made sexual acts involving animals a sex crime. 


    Soooo...  doing so was perfectly fine prior to last year?!


    I'm reminded of a comedian's routine where he mentions a news article about a man charged with "animal necrophilia."  I believe he said something like, "What kind of defense do you present for a crime like that?  'Honest, your honor, the dog was alive while I was [having sex with it].'"


  8. I saw this and had to share it.


    Herschel Walker defeat produces amazing disaster quote (msn.com)



    “Herschel was like a plane crash into a train wreck that rolled into a dumpster fire. And an orphanage. Then an animal shelter. You kind of had to watch it squinting through one eye between your fingers,” said Dan McLagan, an adviser to Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, one of Walker’s defeated rivals in the GOP primary.


  9. 6 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

    A downside to this time of year is when something gets mailed to you, it can have....issues....  First expected delivery date was yesterday, the 6th, and had it traveled properly?  It would've.  The side trip to Missouri???  Impossible, NO clue where that came from.  The circuit from Denver to Illinois, back to Denver, is barely possible, if a palette was incorrectly routed onto a flight, then recognized and returned on the same plane.  But Colorado Springs to Denver to Aurora...huh?  And Dallas to San Antonio...why?  In most cases it'll just go straight from Dallas to El Paso. 


    One time I was taking a flight, and when I arrived at the airport to check my bags, I told the guy at the check-in desk, "I'm flying to Denver.  I want this suitcase to go to Boston, this one to go to LA, and that one to go to Dallas."


    He said, "I'm sorry, we can't do that."


    I replied, "Why not?  That's what happened last time I flew."

  10. In a past Champions campaign of mine, a player character (Nexus) had precognitive and retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing).  The players got to rely on that a little too much ... to the point that a DEMON Morbane created a "no-scrying powder" to block her visions - Darkness to Clairsentience.  So when the heroes were investigating a murder and Nexus used her "Spirt Sense" to try to watch the murder and see who the murderer was...  she was rewarded with a view of static from a few minutes before the murder until a few minutes afterward.


    He also created a false visions orb (Images to Clairsentience Sight and Hearing, AoE), basically showing her what happened at a given location but in an alternate universe (like in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, or in a world where dinosaurs survived and evolved).


    But the more irritating to her was when that same villain (knowing she was going to later scry the scene of several crimes) didn't block the visions but instead took breaks from doing the crimes to verbally taunt her.  (He also had a crystal that detected scrying, so he knew when she was tuning in.)   The fact that he could monologue at her and she couldn't respond... oh, it was delicious.  Man, she hated that guy!


    (Note that messing with her Clairsentience was not a frequent thing, just that one villain doing it during adventures involving him.  Doing that constantly to her would have been a *bleep* move on my part.)

  11. 22 hours ago, bluesguy said:
    • Underground VIPER facility


    This is a perennial favorite of mine.  I've put some extensive work into some of my VIPER bases:

    • The Chicago base of a cold-based Nest Leader was noted for being perpetually kept at freezing temperatures, with agents wearing special boots to walk on ice and IR goggles, with hallways and rooms able to be filled with fog at command.  Made for a very interesting fight, with the heroes not prepared for slippery floors and hindered vision.
    • The Boston base that was directly connected to the Charles River so submersible robots and vehicles could come and go with impunity.  The above-ground front building for that same base had an internal "courtyard" where flying robots and vehicles (with holograms to mask their movements) could come and go from the underground base.
    • The base of a robot-heavy Nest Leader, decorated with statues of various robots from TV and film.  Nearly all were just mock-ups, but a few were able to activate and attack the heroes.  There's nothing like the heroes having to take on an actual ED-209 or Terminator robot in the middle of their fight with VIPER agents.
    • Several VIPER Nests have had "Walls of Infamy" with plaques commemorating various VIPER agents (some posthumously) for their actions in the field.  Had a lot of fun with those, with the players taking time to check them out while skulking around.


    While none of this would work for the OP's situation, it's still a lot of fun.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Asperion said:

    NT: You are charged with inventing a new holiday celebration.  What is this celebration?


    "Politics-Free Weekend" - a weekend where political TV ads, mailings, rallies, and phone calls are strictly forbidden.  


    Anyone breaking this rule is summarily removed from the upcoming election.

  13. Thank you, Dean.


    The members of Anti-Social Media use their powers, as well as various social media platforms (TikTok, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), to try to "remake society" as they think it should be.  It's too bad that they don't all agree on what that image should be, but they somehow manage to stay together despite their differences.  Who are these seven would-be influencers, and what are their individual goals?


  14. Jimmy Bonder is known as Bail, the "escape ticket" for Force Majeure in case they run afoul of PRIMUS or superheroes, as well as the "doorway" if they need to get into someplace en masse.   He is a mutant teleporter, able to take along others (up to 4x mass, so De Minimis usually shrinks himself); C.D.'s intangibility means he needs to fend for himself unless he's in an animated corpse.  Bail can also teleport objects, blink-teleport himself (for defensive purposes), teleport "reflect" attacks back at the attacker, and other such teleportation tricks.  


    His powers do come with a cost - literally.  He has a self-imposed mental block that requires him to get paid before he can teleport others.  (At least, he claims it's a mental block - he may just be doing it to put the bite on other members of Force Majeure.)


    Outside of Force Majeure, Bonder is a fairly successful skip tracer and bounty hunter.


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