Star Hero
Science Fiction Roleplaying in the worlds of the future!
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- 10 replies
I was wondering how much (if any) real, placed stars were going to play in this book. I know Steve recently got himself a copy of the Astrogator's Handbook, and I was wondering if there was going to be an effort to place some (or all) of those Worlds around stars that have been reasonably well located? What I'm trying to ask is: will the author be using actual stellar data to place worlds around, or will he be making it up? Finally, how much grief is the author going to go through putting together star charts? I realize that it's probably early, but that's kinda the point, I wnat to get folks thinking about it while they have some room to move...
Last reply by Grymlynn, -
- 16 replies
I recall someone mentioning something about this on the old boards, but most of the details have been lost in the dim recesses of my atrophying brain... That's it. Memory fades. Can anyone tell me what this is so that I can rekindle the guttering spark?
Last reply by BasilDrag, -
- 16 replies
Just picked up my copy of Terran Empire at my FLGS. I'm impressed at the way it manages to span several hundred years maintaining a consistant setting, but still giving a sense of time passing.
Last reply by James_Kiley, -
- 4 replies
If Terran Empire and its successor book are the future of the Champions universe, then what happened to metahumanity in the meantime? Has it died out? been driven underground? Is it possible to play a superhero in the Terran Empire setting without hopelessly breaking the system?
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 15 replies
NASA's 'Pioneer 10' Craft Falls Silent After 31 Years LOS ANGELES -- Pioneer 10, the first spacecraft to venture out of the solar system, has fallen silent after traveling billions of miles from Earth on a mission that has lasted nearly 31 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said. What was apparently the spacecraft's last signal was received Jan. 22 by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Deep Space Network. At the time, Pioneer 10 was 7.6 billion miles from Earth; the signal, traveling at the speed of light, took 11 hours and 20 minutes to arrive. The signal and two previous signals were very faint. The Deep Space Network heard nothing fr…
Last reply by Syberdwarf2, -
- 3 replies
I have a friend looking for Heo stats on the Star Wars universe. Anyone know of any web pages that may help him?
Last reply by tiger, -
- 1 reply
Has anyone done any work with converting the Games Workshop Warhammer 40000 wargame to playable HERO? Any webpages available? I tried using google, but warhammer conversion always links to chopped up miniatures. I really like the oppressive gothic imagery of the game and think that it would work well with STAR HERO.
Last reply by tiger, -
- 51 replies
What with Star Hero and The Ulitmate Vehicle now out (and the expaned Size tables for vehicles) I'm considering, just for fun, doing a write-up of the Skylark of Valeron. Anyone else planning any really BIG write-ups?
Last reply by Gary, -
- 1 reply
Has anyone messed with a Macross (robotech) Idea? I know the valkyries may be out of it but if you go to the Southenr Cross arc ( I know Harmony gold yadda yadda but it was still pretty decent) you could make the Cyclones pretty cool. Does anyone have any ideas they could share?
Last reply by NuSoardGraphite, -
- 12 replies
That's right! Surbrook's Stuff is looking for articles, art, and character adaptions! Please, send in a submission!
Last reply by Michael Hopcroft, -
- 22 replies
Well, I can say one thing for being snowed in for two days, I got time to write up a lot of stuff for my B5 conversion That being said, I've finished my first ship! The writeup for the Aurora Starfury can be found on my web site: (I didn't want to post something that long here.) Please take a moment and let me know what you think - but remember this is my first vehicle (in 5th ed.) so be nice Aroooo
Last reply by Aroooo, -
- 1 reply
Will the Terran Empire have some sort of Galactic Sensus so I know what the major alien races of the Hero Universes are like? I noticed that an illustration for TE in the back of my Ultimate Vehicle depicted a member of the Fassai, Herculion's race. Will the TE contain Malvans, Hzeel, and others mentioned in CU?
Last reply by Monolith, -
- 2 replies
Hi Gents, Ken Hite has a really spiffy review of Star Hero in his Out Of The Box gaming review section. Here is the review. Following the review is a link to his site. In Space, No One Can Hear You Roll 15d6 On the Hero System front, meanwhile, the redoubtable James L. Cambias and the undoubtable Steve "the Man" Long join forces to bring us Star Hero (322 page b&w softcover, $29.99), with Jim handling the astrophysics and genre material, and Steve piling high the mighty Herosity. Like the other Hero Games releases in this incarnation, there are vast numbers of examples, modules, and other pluggable rules and powers here -- even a non-Hero-head such a…
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 11 replies
The Imperial Khan will begin with a simple question. In the HERO Universe timeline how are you planning to explain the absense of Cyberware in Star Hero if Cyber Hero exists in the same timeline? Once that particular genii has been let out of the bottle it's rather hard to cork it back up . But Cyberware doesn't seem to fit with say Solar Hero or indeed any tradition Space Opera style SF campaign of the type that I assume The Terran Empire is. Or do you plan to have Cyber Hero take place in an alternate timeline?
Last reply by Gigakaiju, -
- 1 reply
Ahhh... Finally, finally back at last on the boards... Before I go any further though, there are a couple of "Thank Yous" that need to be taken care of. First of all, thanks to Natoman for keeping the Discussion Boards going on his website for the length of time it took for the main boards to be reestablished here. I don't know of many boards like this where a member would provide space on his personal website in order to keep things going. Thanks are also due to Ben Seeman for fixing whatever was keeping me from posting to the boards. I can't think of too many things that are more frustrating than to be able to read the topic threads, but not …
Last reply by AnotherSkip, -
- 2 replies
I am updating the website for my Pulp Sci-Fi game, The Living Galaxy, with many great images, mostly illustrated by Mike Linden. The only thing I am unhappy with is the name of the campaign. I want to convey the idea that the galaxy is teeming with life, without being that corny... Any ideas?
Last reply by dbsousa, -
- 8 replies
Not sure if this should go here, or the Rules Q&A, but since its Star Hero related, hopefully Steve will chime in too. In all the rules I've seen governing starship combat and damage, there is no real mention of STUN damage effects caused to ships. The rules only talk about BODY damage - which makes a fair amount of sense, since we are talking about a construct. Given that, why do the sample starships in SH list the Ablative limitation at -1, when pg 77 of FRED states Ablative vs. BODY only is worth [only] a -1/2 limitation? Or does that mean STUN damage really does count, and if so, what other repurcussions are there aside from the Ablative effects? …
Last reply by Aroooo, -
- 1 reply
Are the size package deals affected by the Normal Characteristic Maxima? For example, a large creature gets +15 str, does that actually give it a 25 str or a 23 str?
Last reply by Jhamin, -
- 1 reply
Has anyone else been reading the Starfist books by David Sherman and Dan Cragg. With TUV out (when will my store get it!?!?!) I'd love to see what others think the write ups of the Dragons and Jericho Missiles should be.
Last reply by Agent Escafarc, -
- 10 replies
I am about to start a new SH Star Trek campaign and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas how best to simulate the telepathic abilities of Vulcans and Betazoids in SH? In addition to full Betazoids like Lwaxana, we will also have a half-Betazoid empath like Deanna Troi. Thanks in advance for the ideas.
Last reply by Law Dog, -
- 19 replies
Okay...I'm eliciting opinions, because I'm trying to decide whether or not to submit an article to Digital Hero. I love the new Star Hero, don't get me wrong. However, I think the spaceship creation rules are simplistic. They lack depth, and they lack the "naval" feeling of space operas like Star Trek and Star Wars. Let me explain. In TV shows like Star Trek, the ship is a character...and should be just as detailed as any PC. Star Hero is far too vague about ship-building. That's my first point. My second point is that there's no naval feel to it. Big ships should have massive firepower and defenses, move slower, turn slower, etc. etc. Little fighter s…
Last reply by Syberdwarf2, -
- 13 replies
Has anyone used the "Random Plot Generator" on page 269? If so, how did it work out and do you find it useful? I've used it to design a couple of scenarios when I got stuck with writer's block, and it seems to help. I guess I was just wondering what everybody else's thoughts were...
Last reply by Syberdwarf2, -
- 18 replies
Yes, I got the first post. So. Who is going to be using this book. I really figured I wouldn't, but after reading the playtest I am probably going to use it in a campaign. What about everyone else?
Last reply by Syberdwarf2, -
- 2 replies
I'm working on a new campaign set in the Dirty Pair universe. The character's will be trouble consultants for the 3WA. Has anybody done any work on write-ups for the pair, their ship or equipment. I am interested in the Classic Anime stuff (aka The Original Dirty Pair). Being "old school" I never really liked the Adam Warren stuff as much.
Last reply by Syberdwarf2,
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