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HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions

Post here for answers to your HERO System 6th Edition rules questions.

This forum is a question and answer forum - only members of the Rules Mavens group can post answers.


Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.

Posting Guidelines

1. All posts in this forum should be questions pertaining to the HERO System 6th Edition ruleset. 

2. How to build questions are better posted in the discussion forums.


3. As much as possible, try to keep posts to a single question.  If you have multiple questions, consider breaking them out into separate posts.

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6,890 questions in this forum

  1. Variable Limitations - Followup

    0 votes
    1 answer
  2. Variable Limitations and ....

    0 votes
    1 answer
  3. Clairsentience questions

    0 votes
    1 answer
  4. Spell Resistance ... in what book?

    0 votes
    1 answer
  5. Adjusting pools?

    0 votes
    1 answer
  6. Does a target's successful initial Breakout Roll against Mind Scan still reveal to the attacker the target's more precise location information?

    0 votes
    1 answer
  7. Can I Martial Throw a vehicle?

    0 votes
    1 answer
  8. "Taking a Recovery" and MDCV

    0 votes
    1 answer
  9. Senses and Sense Elements: Dis/Advantaging and Adjusting

    0 votes
    1 answer
  10. Teleport passing strike

    0 votes
    1 answer
  11. Star HERO Warship Propulsion

    0 votes
    1 answer
  12. Clarification on Two Weapon fighting: Will two weapon fighting allow for a character to use martial block for one "attack" and counterstrike all in one phase?

    0 votes
    1 answer
  13. Allocation of VPP and MP Framework points

    0 votes
    3 answers
  14. Takes No Damage From Attacks for Mental Paralysis build

    0 votes
    1 answer
  15. Regenerating other stats than Body

    0 votes
    1 answer
  16. Armadillo's Palm Blasters

    0 votes
    1 answer
  17. Resistant Protection? My brain hurt

    0 votes
    1 answer
  18. Effect on CVs of Fully Invisible

    0 votes
    1 answer
  19. Mental Powers & Desolidification

    0 votes
    1 answer
  20. Resistant Defense with Charges

    0 votes
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  21. Multiple attacks with multipower

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    1 answer
  22. Building weapons with +1 OCV

    0 votes
    1 answer
  23. Damage Over Time with additional damage

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  24. Summon or Duplication in a Multipower

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  25. Cones

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