HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
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Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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6,905 questions in this forum
Plasma Rifle Area
In Star Hero 6e p.190 (and 6e Equipment Guide p.194), a plasma rifle is defined as 12d6 NX. The key describes X as "Area Of Effect (Radius Explosion, assumed to be of a size to give the Advantage a final value of +½)." The Area of Effect table (6e1 319) says 17-32m radius is +1, and explosion is -½, so a "final value of +½" is anywhere between a 17 and 32m radius. That can't be right... Explosions lose one DC every 2m after the target point +2m, so a 12d6 N blast will do damage out to a 25m radius. Granted only 1d6 N, but a 25m radius none the less. To put things into perspective, that 25m radius is roughly 10x larger than the floorplan of an aver…
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Questions about Mind Control's damage option.
If I achieve the Ego + 30 option on a mind control roll and give the command "Perish." Does the target take the d6 normal damage per 5 points rolled on each of their phases until they make their breakout roll, or only on the first phase after they fail their breakout roll? Also, Is the target allowed to take any other actions on their turn? What if the command was instead to "Just die." or "Lie down and die."?
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Telekinetic Throw
If a character grabs a target with telekinesis and throws them, is that a standing throw? Very related: As telekinesis is indirect by nature, would a character have to run to get a running throw or is it done differently with TK?
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Is the default PD/ED of a breakable focus normal or resistant?
If the PD/ED of the focus is normal, then that would mean that any killing attack that connects with a focus would disable a power unless you also purchased resistant protection for the focus separately.
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Question about aborting actions as a mental power user
Hello. I'm a little confused about how this is supposed to work. If someone with EGO 25 and DEX 12 attacks on their phase at EGO/DEX 25 but get attacked, let's say on DEX 15, does the mental power user just abort the rest of their current phase or do they give up the rest of the current phase and the next one as well? Also, are they still allowed to move on DEX 12 at all after attacking? I vaguely recall reading somewhere that once you attack your turn is over. An I recalling that correctly? Does that mean that if the character using the mental power wants to move and attack on the same segment they have to wait until their DEX came up to do so? Al…
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Autofire on HtH Attack. Is Autofire on STR needed?
In case special effects and/or concept is required to answer this question: Man of Hammers has a variety of hammers to fight with. One option is (are?) his dual claw hammers. Since they are small and lighter than his other hammers, I wanted them to have a flurry attack effect. I decided to simulate that with Hand-to-Hand Attack, which gives a bonus to his natural STR in a melee attack, with the Autofire advantage. Would I need to also buy an Autofire advantage for Man of Hammer's personal STR to be able to use his STR dice in that attack?
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Perceivability clarification
6e1, 124 "Perceivability does not depend on a Power’s duration, whether it costs END, or other factors, unless special rules apply." 6e1, 374 "A power with Costs Endurance turns off when a character is Stunned or Knocked Out, and is perceivable by three Sense Groups throughout the duration of its use." 6e1, 124 "Powers that directly affect another character, including all attacks, are Obvious (see below). This means they can be perceived by at least two Sense Groups when in use." My question is if all of those are correct? Not saying any of them are not, just making sure that adding Costs Endurance increases the number of sense groups i…
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Inside or through only an AoE?
So if I have a Change Environment, do the modifiers it applies affect only those inside the AoE or those whose line of fire passes through the area? So quick example power: Focal variance: Change Environment (-5 Range Modifier), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4) (22 Active Points); No Range (-1/2); Only versus attacks based on sight group (-1/2) So, if the AoE is the green circle. (Assuming that 1 hex above is 1 meter between facing sides, and forgiving that my drawing is not exact) 1. Would Y attacking X be affected? 2. Would Y attacking A be affected? (the intent here is a tangential or touching at o…
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does not cross intervening space, how to reach through walls
I see I missunderstood the meaning of this advantage....does this mean i still need indirect to reach through walls? If so, what level?
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Is streaching inherently indirect?
I'm building a martial artist with 2M of streaching, does not cross intervening space. Can I face someone, and punch them in the back of the head? Or do I need indirect for that option?
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Duplication question
I know this sounds straightforward but I wanted to make certain. Must duplicates created from the duplication power need to take the duplication power? Thanks.
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How much endurance is used when using passing strike?
Would it just be the endurance cost from the strength in my hand-to-hand attack as well as the cost of movement? I'm making a character that has very high running with the advantage of 0 endurance cost, so for this character am I interpreting it correctly that they would only spend 2 endurance when executing a passing strike with a base 10 str and 12m running?
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Move by on a vehicle(Such as a motorcycle or Hover board)
I understand that the pilot/Driver takes penalties if he is the one attacking while driving but does the pilot use the vehicles OCV or his own? If he is punching with his hand, or with a weapon like a bat or sword would you still use the vehicles ocv? Looks as if the character is suppose to use the lowest of the OCV's from either the vehicle of the individual but it just doesn't seem logical if the attack is actually from the individual and the vehicle is just being used as a movement power. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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Can a Martial Art technique involve Shove and Grab
So in an attempt to define a technique where someone grabs and individual and then shoves him backward Grabbing Push Grab Opponent (3 pts) -1 OCV (-1 pt) -1 DCV (-1 pt) exert +10 STR to Grab (2 pts) + 10 STR to Shove (2 pts) Total Cost of Maneuver 5 pts This is using two exerts Shove and Grab and the Grab Opponent Maneuver all non exclusive bases. By the book in putting together the items this is allowed as Shove is just an exert. I can't find anything that would allow or disallow combining this. Is there a rule I am missing?
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Are there rules for changing the BODY damage to damaging EGO instead of using a Drain
Is there a rule that would let you change the damage from BODY to let's say EGO. So that an attack that is a Mental Blast Does Body +1A has another advantage that makes the BOD damage affect the EGO stat instead. I know I can mirror this with a drain but I would like attacks that aff3ect the spirit and advantages that change Does Body attacks, or HTHKA through a magic knife as a focus for instance which affects the soul not the body. I have reviewed the Hero System Manual I, and both APG I and II and see nothing regarding that. I thought there was something in the old Ghost or SPirit book not sure the name but it was about creating spirits and en…
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Variable Limitations - Followup
I think you answered my question, but the wording left me one small doubt. You said if it could not be applied in its current state. So let's take a simpler example and make sure I am getting this right. 3 PD 3 ED Resistant Defenses, Time Limit: 1 Minute (-2), Variable Limitations (requires -1/4 worth of Limitations; -0) Okay, the query I have here is can the caster take Non-persistent (-1/4) as their variable limitation? If so, does that potentially increase the END cost since time limit is an advantage on Constant powers. Or are there other impacts I am not thinking about? I think it is just not allowed because powers cannot change cost after cre…
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Variable Limitations and ....
So I have a power that has variable limitations. What happens if that variable limitation at the point of application interferes with a power build? This is particularly applicable to spells where the user can change which limitations they take. Example 1: Persistent Power (does not matter which) Advantages: 0 End Limitations: Time Limit: 5 minutes, Limited Range: 30m, Variable Limitations (at least -1/4) So what happens if the spell caster chooses Costs End only to Start (-1/4)? Or if they choose Nonpersistent (-1/4)? Both of these would appear to violate the constraints of Time Limit as a limitation. …
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Clairsentience questions
1. Say I'm buying it for Sight Group and Normal Hearing. What's the range...200m or 250m? Adders don't improve the range, but an extra sense or sense group is NOT listed as an adder in that section (6E1 page 180). 2. MegaScale obviously applies to the range of the power. If I purchase Mobile Perception Point, does it apply to the perception point movement rate?
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Spell Resistance ... in what book?
Hi, getting back into the Hero System after more than 25 years. I'm trying to build a Fantasy Hero campaign, read the main books, browsed many of the Fantasy Hero books, here's my question: In what book does it cover Spell Resistance as a Skill vs Skill contest? I know I saw it. 5th or 6th? I understand the Magic Skill part; I'm interested in the section explaining how to build characters with Spell Resistance. Thanks.
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Adjusting pools?
On 6e1, 142: "Any level of Expanded Effect allows a character can use an Adjustment Power to Adjust both the reserve/Pool and one or more slots in a Power Framework at once". This contradicts the text on 6e1, 140 and I think it is a cut and paste left over from Variable Effect in 5er on page 112 when it still was possible to apply such things to Elemental Controls? If so, should it be updated in the errata? - E
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Does a target's successful initial Breakout Roll against Mind Scan still reveal to the attacker the target's more precise location information?
After a mentalist succeeds on the Mind Scan Attack Roll and succeeds on the Effect Roll sufficient to achieve the desired result against the target, does the target make a Breakout Roll to end the Mind Scan effect before or after the mentalist gets a more precise indication of the target's location? Example: Cat takes a Half Phase Action to make an MOCV Attack Roll (at an appropriate penalty due to the size of the search area) against Freudroid's MDCV, desiring an EGO +20 result. She succeeds on the Attack Roll and learns Freudroid's general location and presence. Cat's Effect Roll equals Freudroid's EGO +20. Does Freudroid make a Breakout Roll before Cat can …
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Can I Martial Throw a vehicle?
There's a question with this same title, but it's for fifth edition, and while I don't think the rules on Martial Throw have meaningfully changed, there is one line of the text that makes me pause, namely 'that applies only to characters'. Now, this seems to be, contextually, about disallowing throwing things at characters, but I just want to make sure. I guess this is part of a broader question- are vehicles characters, or do they at least count as characters?
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"Taking a Recovery" and MDCV
A character taking a recovery as an action is at 1/2 DCV. Is her MDCV affected?
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Senses and Sense Elements: Dis/Advantaging and Adjusting
Given: 6e1 p.212: Sense Modifiers do not belong to any Sense Group — they improve Senses, either individually or by Sense Group. ... Sense Modifiers are not Adders. This series of questions functionally ignores the extras granted by Sense Groups; please do not bring them into the discussion. Part 1: Advantages and Disadvantages. When purchasing advantages -- Megascale comes to mind -- would the baseline detect/sense ('Detect Object', 10 pts) act as the base point value of the power, immaterial of Sense Modifiers that might be capable of enhancing the detect/sense? Or, perhaps, would the character only be able to use the Sense Modifier(s)…
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Teleport passing strike
Can you combine Teleport with passing strike? Allowing yourself to make a full move and to strike at a target somewhere along the path?
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