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World Creation Superdraft 6: May 2022

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"Under Xarn Tarsus, all peoples are given their proper places. Your fellow believers from other species are thy kin far more than the siblings of thy birth. These that refuse to bend before the Tyrant God are the enemy that deny the paradise of order he would provide. But, of course, Xarn Tarsus has his favorites among his believers, such as THY people. Rejoice in your heart, but hide this secret from thy fellow believers wearing other skins. Here is then the sixth truth, of all the believers of the world, Xarn Tarsus prizes the ______* most." Excerpt from the Sacred Truths of the Tyrant

* and the believers of each race has their own race listed in their own holy script as most prized.


Sentient Species: Koutpa

The Koutpa know they are blessed above all other beings. Xarn Tarsus tells them so... the fact Xarn Tarsus tells his human worshipers, elves, faun, and Twilighters, and any even dragons that follow him the same matters not. It is not the Koutpa he hides within the skins of others? In their true forms, when their molt masques are shredded, Koutpa are serpentine humanoids with majestic hoods, scales as strong as chainmail, deadly venomous bites, and able to run down even a panicking mule at amazing slithering speed. But, they may mold their forms over time to mimic the appearances of others, even creatures with legs, compact and enfolded in the casing of altered skin. This makes them ideal infiltrators to go among others folks, and if they are discovered? What of it, such leads to paranoia and fear of the other that serves Xarn Tarsus well anyway. While skilled at bringing chaos to heretics who do not worship Xarn Tarsus, they are among themselves an orderly people, following ornate social customs meant to show caste, status, and yet giving some chances for ambitious rising in the ranks. Only a few Koutpa dare to worship other gods above Xarn Tarsus, or worse outright defy him! These traitors are hunted without mercy and are said to be 'flawed', so that all Koutpa know no TRUE Koutpa would act so. 


Some believe they are cold blooded but this is not the case. They are Ovoviviparous, allowing them a chance to protect the eggs within within during colder climes. While they are numerous enough to have an empire (Often built on the backs off other species they can enslave when their machinations triumph) they are not as fecund as some ,but there is one more source to Koutpa births besides the Koutpa themselves. Any member of any species who Trance Possessions  with Xarn Tarsus repeatedly will risk having new Koutpa form in them, and be clueless to the egg now inside them; until it breaks out killing the parent and filled with an innate understanding of its father's divine will. The only exception to this are the great iron dwarfs of Thrum!  Much to Xarn Tarsus fury, they seem to be immune and the spawn just die inside their iron cages, or maybe... maybe they can't form at all


Koutpa are strong, fast, intelligent, and cunning, but perhaps befitting the most loyal to a god of envy, they are not THE strongest people, nor THE most nimble, and horror of horrors, perhaps not even THE most intelligent. They are almost always second place to someone in one category or another, except save in ruthless treachery. 



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Mythic Monster or Guardian pick: Reaper, the Sword of Death.


More an artifact than a creature, Reaper is at best semi-sentient. So deadly is it, that it drains the life force of anything around it, excluding its wielder. Friends, enemies, family, mules... It doesn't care.

It is said that it can kill anything - monsters, moons or even the world itself. Possibly even gods.

An accident involving Reaper and a group of worshippers of 
Thrum, and the resulting journey into, and out of, Hekk, is believed to have given rise to the creation of Death Metal.

It has been speculated that Reaper is the guitar pick the Ferrous Colossus is looking for.

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The Dökkálfar are, like their kin on the other side of the world, known by many names: Frost Elves, Star Elves, Sneaks, Wolf Riders, and many more. Some epithets come from a grudging respect, some are purely derogatory, and they make it clear that the Dark Elves are far from popular. Their skin range from merely pale to almost a light blue, their hair is black, and their eyes go from steel grey to icy white. Rather shorter than Ljósálfar, they have the same slim build, and the same penchant for ... let's call it privacy; "isolationism" seems impolite. 


The dark side of the world is a great shallow ocean, studded with many islands, large and small. It is dark and cold, but not as cold as one might expect -- there is tremendous volcanism warming land and sea. Taking advantage of this warmth, lack of light, and very fertile soil is a forest of fungi. Some are no larger than ordinary mushrooms, but others can reach up to a thousand feet in height, with trunks three hundred feet around. In these fantastic fungi the Elves make their home, using skills that allow them to shape rooms and hallways out of the host's very tissue while leaving the host unharmed. The largest mushrooms can hold a small town's worth of people.


If there is one thing outsiders know about the Dökkálfar, it is that they ride great wolves. Not all do, because the Dire Wolves are still rather rare, but the Elves' elite warriors almost invariably have such a fanged steed that they have hand-raised from puppyhood. The size of a mother bear, a full-grown wolf can look an Elf in the face and take down a war-horse singlehandedly.

16 minutes ago, assault said:

Mythic Monster or Guardian pick: Reaper, the Sword of Death

An early accident involving a group of worshippers of Thrum

is believed to have given rise to the creation of Death Metal.

The opposite of Death Metal must of course be Live Music.

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Mania manifests in various forms. One, at least, "Hundred-Breasted Ma" probably can't be depicted here, especially since "Hundred" is probably a figure of speech and an understatement. Other manifestations, such as her in her judgement role, are rather mundane.

But here is something like what she can look like when she feels like it. (Assume more colours!):

Spoilered for Ancient Babylonian sculptural nudity.





That's actually an image of the Burney Relief of course.

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Much of what the Lovers do involves other gods: possibly their active cooperation, or at least crossing into their domains. But what else would you expect, Their devotees say, of the god of connection and partnership?


When the Gods shaped the World, the Lovers chose no special location within it. Love exists wherever lovers do. In partnership with Aportum, however, They made a place outside the World for the use of lovers. It's a door that can potentially lead anywhere, from the depths of Hekk to the outermost moon. But only lovers can pass through, to reach one they love more than life itself.


That last is no idle poetic figure of speech. Opening the Door of the Lovers requires stepping into a blazing fire. If your passion is not total, well, you just stepped into a blazing fire. But if your devotion is absolute, you vanish from the fire and appear in a network of fiery filaments. Let your heart guide you through the three-dimensional maze, and in time you will leap out from the flame nearest to your beloved -- and, Their devotees say, there always will be a flame somewhere nearby, though it be no larger than a candle.


Or so the story goes. Most who vanish into the fire never come back, and word never reaches the folk they left behind. The World is very large, after all, and if your love has gone far away, so have you. But it is possible that some people in fact never make it out of the maze.


It is also claimed that a person who yearns for love can step into the fire and be guided to the perfect mate who will love them, wherever that person may be. But this is even more difficult to confirm.


Geography: The Flame Labyrinth.





Dean Shomshak


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Oh hey, a couple more thoughts for G'Brill, if Pariah likes:


Geography: Dubious Lands of Fable. The World is large; who but the Gods can know all that it contains? Travelers tell stories of wondrous lands far, far away. The wonders of these countries are certainly not found hereabouts, but far away... Who knows?


Secondary Domain: The Horseshoe Nail. How do causes become lost? Sometimes the opposing force is just too great. But sometimes small gaps and failings cascade. Sometimes they cascade for generations, leaving shocked survivors to wonder what might have been, if only someone had done things a little differently...


Other gods create giant monsters. The God of the Unknown works great feats of destruction through the tiniest causes, unnoticed until it is far too late.


(I first thought of and posted this as a Monster/Guardian, but I am reminded you already defined one.)


Dean Shomshak

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Interference: Giant Mongooses (Mongeese?) They really love the taste of Koutpa, and frequently gather in large swarms to hunt them. They are often kept as patrol animals for the city and royal guards of the more civilized, less tyrannical peoples. Thrum keeps a pair of exceptionally large giant mongooses close by him at all times.


Giant Mongeese have a multi-layer coat, with a wiry undercoat (made of actual wire) that is capable of deflecting most weapons, and iron teeth capable of rending most armor. Giant Mongooses run with their tails erect, and the exposed wiry hairs rub against their neighbors, creating a resonating metal riff when they swarm.



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Mongeese to hunt the snakes ?


Nice !


I'm saving up likes to blitz to see if I can make individuals win the day. That is just my thing.


And finally ways to reach the moons. Flying ships and the Flame Labyrinth.


And as I said some of the moons can support life like Ronde. If it helps anyone I could do a recap which says which moons maybe support life and which maybe don't.

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9 hours ago, L. Marcus said:

The dark side of the world is a great shallow ocean, studded with many islands, large and small. It is dark and cold, but not as cold as one might expect -- there is tremendous volcanism warming land and sea. Taking advantage of this warmth, lack of light, and very fertile soil is a forest of fungi. Some are no larger than ordinary mushrooms, but others can reach up to a thousand feet in height, with trunks three hundred feet around. In these fantastic fungi the Elves make their home, using skills that allow them to shape rooms and hallways out of the host's very tissue while leaving the host unharmed. The largest mushrooms can hold a small town's worth of people.


I see no mention of Olandria's Moon Wheat


she will be

(dramatic pause)



I'll post an update sometime today.

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Player 1 Assault God Mania Goddess of Death

  • Geography. The Underworld, Hekk

  • Sentient Life. Ghouls

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Fauna. Storks

  • Interference.   

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Reaper the Sword of Death

  • Secondary Domain. Lost Children

  • Secondary Domain . Judgement

  • Secondary Domain: .

Player 2,csyphrett  God Amonia, Goddess of Cleanliness

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization: 

  • Fauna. Brownies

  • Interference: Healing can only be done in a clean environment

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Home and Hearth

  • Secondary Domain. Solvents

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player 3,Death Tribble  God Olandria, Goddess of the Moons

  • Geography. The Moons

  • Sentient Life: 

  • Gift to Civilization. Moon Wheat (food that grows in the dark)

  • Flora/Fauna: 

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Killing Moon

  • Secondary Domain. Revenge

  • Secondary Domain. Night and Shadow

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player 4,Dshomshak  God The Lovers

  • Geography. The Fire Labyrinth

  • Sentient Life. Fauns

  • Gift to Civilization. Fire

  • Fauna. 

  • Interference. Trance Possession

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Connection

  • Secondary Domain. Ecstatic Revelry

  • Secondary Domain:Grief

Player 5 Hermit God Xarn Tarsus God of Tyranny

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Koutpa, the Snake People

  • Gift to Civilization. Hierarchy

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian: 

  • Secondary Domain: Persecution

  • Secondary Domain  Envy

  • Secondary Domain .Censorship and Obfuscation 

Player 6  L Marcus God Astrasia, Goddess of Healing

  • Geography.  The high Sun desert

  • Sentient Life. The Alfar Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar, Light Elves and Dark Elves

  • Gift to Civilization. Flying Ships

  • Fauna: Tame Dire Wolves

  • Interference:  

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain.  Reincarnation

  • Secondary Domain: 

  • Secondary Option. Frozen Fungal Forest of Starside


Player 7 Log God Cadel, God of the Sun

  • Geography. A tidally locked planet

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. Agriculture

  • Fauna. Lion

  • Interference: .

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Griffin

  • Secondary Domain. Revelation

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain: 


Player 8 Old Man God Aporturn, Lord of Doors

  • Geography. .Portals of Ostance

  • Sentient Life: Cats

  • Gift to Civilization.

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain / Option. Opportunity

  • Secondary Domain: Interference: Discovery

  • Secondary Domain / Option. Progress

Player 9, Pariah God G’Brill, Goddess and Patron of Lost Causes

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Twilighters

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Fauna: The Druun

  • Interference. Unrequited Love

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Qowat Milat

  • Secondary Domain. The Unknown

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain. 


Player 10, Pattern Ghost God Thrum God of Metal

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Giant Dwarves

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora. 

  • Interference. Giant Mongeese

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Ferrous Colossus

  • Secondary Domain. Mercy

  • Secondary Domain. Freedom

  • Secondary Domain War


Player 11, Psybolt God Chroma the God of Colors

  • Geography. A city sized meteor

  • Sentient Life. Colourful Chinese Dragons

  • Gift to Civilization. Sugar Based foods like Cotton Candy

  • Flora. Roses

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Fireworks

  • Secondary Domain. Sight

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player 12, Sociotard God Egalitus, God of Laborers, Hirelings and Trade Unions

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Humans

  • Gift to Civilization. Weekends and holidays

  • Fauna. Mules

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian.  The Beast of Blair Mountain

  • Secondary Domain. Retirement and respect for the retired

  • Secondary Domain: 

  • Secondary Domain: 



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These magical doors dot the landscape
Step through one and you're miles away
All over they're strewn
Take one step to the moon
But be careful, they're only one way
Geography: The Portals of Ostance
Dating from the time of Creation, these stable rifts in spacetime occur randomly across the surfaces of the world and its moons. Many of these cause localized ecosystems in their vicinity, where light and heat stream through to the dark side of the planet, or where water flows to the otherwise scorched light side. Some portals even lead to the moons.
People can and do use these portals freely, though since they only allow passage in a single direction, doing so is a bit of a commitment. Still, they are common enough that another portal can usually be found within a reasonable distance of the last one.
There are even portals in and out of the underworld, though they tend to be jealously guarded...
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These hunters with keen sense and vision
Reflexively kill with precision
Out the doorway they'll pounce
And right back in they'll bounce
Fierce killers cursed with indecision
Sentient Life: Cats
Cats of all sizes find themselves drawn to doors for the ambush potential, and it is more common to see a doorway with a cat nearby than one without. Cats also have a irresistible desire to see what is on the other side of a door, especially if one is opened near them.  For their curiosity and wanderlust, they are the totem animal of the Lord of Doors.
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Revised the list.


And many thanks to Old Man for providing what I was expecting for a while.


The moon list


Bala (day side only) supports life. Supposedly Cadel and Olandria's love nest. Dusky red usually

Cifra (night side only) supports life. Olandria's home. Traditional white moon

Rodne. orbiting moon that goes around the equator. Forested and green. Lots of vegetation.

Marla. orbiting moon. Travels from North Hemisphere day side to south Hemisphere dark side. Yellow. Unknown if it has life. Further out than some moons.

Arodnap. Orbiting moon. North hemisphere only. Brown. Unknown if it supports life.

Noomoxe. Orbiting moon. Travels from South hemisphere light side to north hemisphere dark side. Black Moon. No life.

Suehtemipe. Orbiting moon. South hemisphere only. Opposite to Arodnap. When Arodnap is in the day side, Suehtemipe is in the dark side. Unknown if it supports life.

Zazzles. Orbits equator usually opposite to Rodne. Sparkles silver and Gold and thus not thought to support life. Can follow different orbits

Relus. The twilight strip moon. Orbits the strip. If you try to find it, you won't.

Killing Moon. Purple. Can go wherever it likes. Is sentient itself so does not support life. No portals can reach it.


And there is supposed to a pink moon and a gray moon.

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Got some catching up to do. So, let's start with the sentient race, the Prolyl. The prolyl are humanoids that resemble many of the other humanoid races, but they are hairless with smooth white alabaster skin. When standing still they can be mistaken for statuary. This happens a lot because they do not need to sleep. Rather, they are replenished by sunlight. They only sleep if visiting the twilight lands or the starside (which almost never happens). The sun also gives them strength making them among the strongest of races with full sun exposure. Even indoors or under trees they have a great deal of personal power. Again, this fades in the twilight lands and beyond. 


The prolyl are a proud, noble people dedicated to Cadel's doctrine of protection, a secondary domain for the god. The world is such a vast, dangerous place that Cadel felt he needed to have feet on the ground, so to speak. The prolyl are his eyes and ears. In DnD terms, there are many dedicated paladins of Cadel. 


And some color text unrelated to a selection, Cadel's primary temple is in the exact center of the hemisphere directly underneath the shining sun where no shadow is cast. It is a large spire that is so tall the top cannot be seen from the ground below. Part of the problem being if one is on the ground looking up the sun will be in the eyes directly obscuring the spire. Of course, the world has airships and griffins so it is possible to reach the top, but few do. 

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