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World Creation Superdraft 6: May 2022

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2 hours ago, Logan.1179 said:

As the Sun God, I have no direct knowledge of the night side of the planet, and I am curious. First I note the use of the plural. How many moons are there? How large, how reflective, do they wax and wane? Are there visible stars? Does it ever get bright enough to read? There are a lot of conditions involved in the word night, I look forward to hearing them develop.

I do not know if anyone else is going to do the Sky and I will cover the Moons in my Geography pick which I will make tomorrow.

I will say this now. There is one moon that is permanently on the day side and one on the night side and one that people dispute the existence of that is on the twilight strip. There are moons that go from day to night and there is The Killing Moon

The moons do not have normal orbits and are not geo-stationary.

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3 hours ago, L. Marcus said:

Secondary Domain: Reincarnation! 



Actually it's caused me a lot of problems. Even worse than the tidally locked planet.

So much for the storks. :(


I'm awake now, so I'll make my next pick.

Secondary Domain: Lost Children.

In her manifestation as Hundred-Breasted Ma, Mania serves as a mother for dead children. Her priestesses play a similar role for orphans in the world of the Living.

An obscure point of dogma in the Cult of Mania: Since all mortals come to Hekk in the end, there is no need to expedite the process.

A side-effect of this is: Mania has no problem with healing. It just postpones the inevitable.

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Chroma creates some geography....


A large, city-sized meteor that is in orbit around the planet.  The meteor orbits the planet in a period of 15 hours and changes trajectory slightly every pass.  Glistening fireworks explode from the meteor every so often, lighting the sky in a blaze of colors.


Chroma wants to bring color to the dark...

He might be a problem.

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Love binds mortals to each other in families; and beyond that to clans, tribes and countries. But love binds all things, not just mortals. Nothing can exist by itself alone, and We tell you, O mortals, that that need for connection and interaction partakes of Love. The roots of the tree love the soil, and its leaves love the Sun’s light; and by those loves does the tree live. What greater love is there but Cadel’s, who gives light to half the world? If not, perhaps, the love of Mania, who accepts all souls into Her house and always has room for more? The moons of Olandria circle the world for love. The world holds you to itself for love of thee. Even the minutest particulars of all things adhere one to another by bonds of love, without which naught would exist but drifting dust.


Secondary Domain: Connection.


Well… perhaps We should clarify. Perhaps some things can exist by themselves alone. But if they have no connection to anything else, how would anyone know they exist? Listen, O mortals, to a fable:


Imagine there was once a person much like you. Perhaps this person was Alfar, perhaps Human, perhaps Twilighter or Faun. It no longer matters. Nor does it matter if this person was male, female, or something else. We shall simply call this person “It.”


It was angry with someone else for leaving it. “Fine,” it cried. “Leave! I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!”


The Lovers heard these words, for gods hear blasphemies against their essential natures. They thought, Have We been denied? Xarn Tarsus replied, They authority has been denied. Punishment should follow. Olandria added, For every blessing there is a curse. And the Lovers decreed, Then We give what is desired: No need for anyone. They took out Their shears by which connections are cut, and snipped.


The mortal walked alone for a time. It returned to its community and found everyone gone. “Where is everyone,” it asked.


Gone, the Lovers said. You said you did not need anyone, so those connections are gone. They live; you live; but you shall never see them again.


It ran to its home, but snip, its home was not there, either. “Where is my house?” it demanded.


Gone, the Lovers said. You said you did not need anyone. “Anyone” includes Ammonia, keeper of all houses. The house exists, but it is no longer your house. You shall never see it again. Or any other. A few more snips, and the whole village was gone.


It ran, seeking anyone, finding no one. It closed its eyes in exhaustion. Snip. When it opened its eyes again, the world was all gone gray. You do not need anyone, whispered the Lovers, So you do not need Chroma. Then snip, the world went dark. You do not need Cadel or Olandria either, so they too are denied thee.


For a time, it blundered in darkness, running into rocks and trees, but snip, snip, the rocks and trees were gone. After a long or short time, even the ground underfoot was gone.


“Mercy!” it cried. “Give me back the world!”


You did not say you needed Thrum.


“Then let me die!”


You did not say you needed Mania. And you did not say you needed Us, so We too are gone.




Perhaps the mortal still exists, somewhere, in a state beyond even the knowing of gods. Or perhaps at the last G’Brill took pity, for surely to be cursed by a god is a cause as lost as lost can be. Or perhaps it never happened at all, for even to be remembered as a fable is a connection of sorts.


But why take that chance? Deny not the gods, or each other. Remember that you are connected, never truly alone. And by this you are loved, and owe love in return.


Dean Shomshak

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The Great Meteor seethed and spat overhead, casting the Union Hall in bloody reds and bruised purples. City guards were already trying to force their way in, trying to shut the meeting down. It was too late.

"Just a day now and then!", they were saying, "one day day every now and then NOT spent in that blasted metalworks."

"Yeah, one day for my blisters to heal before I have to go get a new one feeding the furnace!"

"One day without those fumes, and I'd be whole new man!"

The Union Boss jumped on a table. "So what do we want?"



Gift to Civilization: Weekends and Holidays.

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2 hours ago, csyphrett said:

Secondary Domain: Healing



2 hours ago, Hermit said:

Already taken by Astrasia, Goddess of Healing.

This is an interesting point and one covered in ancient mythology as well.

You can have more than one War God like Athena and Ares and in D+D you can have more than one God that is Evil or Chaotic.

So as it is a secondary domain and fits with Cleanliness I will allow it. However I would like csyphrett to agree with L Marcus how it came to pass as Astrasia is the Goddess of Healing.

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Geography: The Moons


How many moons are there ? Olandria will always smile when asked about this and never give a straight answer.

The most well known moons are as follows:-

Bala the day moon. This is one of the largest moons and always appears in the day but it follows an eccentric orbit an is not ever in one fixed location. It never appears in the twilight strip and never crosses into the dark side. It waxes and wanes  in a predictable cycle unless the Goddess wills otherwise. It usually appears as a dusky red colour. However if the Goddess is in a temper the Moon will appear as Blood Crimson and worse its sibling The Killing Moon will appear alongside it. That is taken as a bad sign indeed. This moon can support life. According to some this is where Cadel is entertained by Olandria.

Cifra the dark moon. Again this is a large moon and appears only on the dark side. As with Bala it follows an eccentric orbit waxing and waning in a predictable manner unless the Goddess wills otherwise. It usually appears as white and can grow exceptionally bright if the Goddess wills it. It is said that this is where the Goddess lives and thus it supports life. If The Killing Moon is beside it in the night sky then that is seen as a bad sign. Occasionally Cifra will turn blue which is seen as a good sign and a sign for lovers.

Supposedly there is a moon that orbits the twilight strip. If it does then its name is Relus. If you look for it you will not find it but if you are not then you might see it. It is small so that it is not seen from the day or night side. Olandria makes it invisible if she thinks or finds out that people are looking for it.

Marla is the travelling moon and is farther out than its siblings so it is not known just how big it is. Nor whether it supports life. It appears in the North sky of the day side and travels to the South side of the dark side. It waxes and wanes but very slowly so it is hard to tell what sort of phase it is in. It is the most predictable moon having a regular fixed rotation. It appears as yellow in the sky.

Rodne is the forest moon and supports life. It is a medium sized moon, green in colour as it supports lush vegetation. It orbits the equator and its orbit never takes it close to either the day or night moons. This moon does not wax or wane.

Arodnap is an ugly brown lump of a moon that stays in the northern sky going between the day and night side. It is on the small side and does not wax or wane. It is not known whether it can support life. It can turn a variety of other garish off putting colours particularly if Chroma's meteor comes by. Olandria is known to really like this and has been observed to watch this whether it occurs in the day or night sides.

Noomoxe is the black moon and follows what can be described as the opposite orbit of Marla. It starts in the south of the day side and climbs to the north of the dark side. It does not wax or wane and does not change colour. No-one believes that it supports life. It is a small moon and is some way out. What can concern other beings is that the Killing Moon will appear along side it.

The Killing Moon is purple and unlike the others is alive. It follows no known orbit and seems to go where it pleases. It can shrink becoming incredibly dense so that it can attack anyone or anything without causing too much havoc. When it is not at its mother's bidding it will stay close to Noomoxe. It does not wax or wane but can glow alarmingly. It also serves as Olandria's steed when going into battle. As it is alive it does not support life although it can serve as transport for a god.

The orange moon of Suehtemipe is another small moon and follows the opposite orbit to Arodnap but does wax and wane, When Arodnap is in the day then Suehtemipe is in the night and vice versa. It is unknown whether it supports life. Chroma's meteor never passes close to it.

Zazzles the sparkly moon. Thought to be a small moon it tends to wane into invisibility. when it does show up it sparkles in silver and gold. Because of the sparkles it is not thought to support life. This moon outrages some who believe that nothing should sparkle like that. Apparently Olandria and Chroma like it and it is the result of some sort of private agreement or joke between the two. The Killing Moon is never, and we mean NEVER, seen near Zazzles. It can orbit where it wills and when at rest is opposite Rodne. It is seen as a good omen or luck if the sparkly meteor and Zazzles are seen at the same time.


Other moons have been seen but Olandria has claimed that the observer is seeing an illusion or just flat out not answered. She can also make them invisible so that helps.

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2 hours ago, Pariah said:

Would Unrequited Love count as a Secondary Domain (of Lost Causes) or an Interference (to The Lovers)?


In either case,that's my pick for today.

It could work in either case bearing in mind your domain. However I will allow DShomshak the last word on this as it may conflict with his choices.

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2 hours ago, Pariah said:

Would Unrequited Love count as a Secondary Domain (of Lost Causes) or an Interference (to The Lovers)?


In either case,that's my pick for today.

It seems like an excellent Intetrference, but I'll accept it as a Secondary Domain if you come up with an Interference that affects multiple gods... as the Lovers will have.


Dean Shomshak

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As briefly alluded to in the fiction bit above...


Sentient Race: Fauns.


(The internet holds scads of better pictures of satyrs and fauns than this bit of clip art, but until I re-learn how to use DropBox I'm trying to conserve the memory space allotted by the Forum. Also, mindful not to post anything that might make the Esteemed Moderator remind me of forum rules on decency.)


Okay, let's deal first with what you all want to know about: The people of the Lovers can be male or female. Most fauns are promiscuous, and most of them are bisexual. They've heard of monogamy, but most of them think it's as strange to love only one person physically as to love only one person spiritually. Not into jealousy. Notably broad-minded about sentient species, too. All but a few criminal perverts understand that "No means no" and won't press further, but most fauns also think it's strange that other folk feel they have to say no.


Moving on: Fauns live in bands that seldom exceed 30 adults. Mothers raise their children with help from the rest of the band. Individuals move easily between bands. While fauns are most common in forested regions, some fauns live in other environments. While they live by hunting and gathering, they practice a subtle horticulture by propagating food plants. Though they kill to defend themselves or when hunting game, deliberate cruelty is anathema: Fauns never invented blood sports, and may become very angry at witnessing them. Slavery is likewise a concept foreign unto perversity. Leadership in a band is necessarily informal, as anyone who tried to assert rulership would simply find the rest of the band ignoring them and going elsewhere.


Music and dance are so important in faun culture that they receive a separate entry. For here, suffice to say they honor /thrum almost as much as the Lovers. Chroma is also honored for the colors of the natural world, and revels are often timed to appearances of the Great Meteor.


Dean Shomshak





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Beware for slighting the gods for they will hear and they may take action against anyone who does.


There once was a leader who looking into the sky said 'Look at all those things ! What do we need all those moons for anyway, or even just one ?'

Then Olandria and Xarn Tarsus appeared before him. The Moon Goddess looked at the Tyrant and said 'Teach me about Persecution. Use this one as the example'


A poet once despised Olandria and her grief.

He composed The Tears of the Moon

'Now they're some sad things known to man
But ain't too much sadder than
The tears of the a moon which can't be over too soon

He followed up with 'Moons ! What are they good for ? absolutely nothing ! Say it again'

He would possibly have done more but a large purple ball descended from the skies and carried him off.


Feel free to add in your own examples. 

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