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2022-23 NFL Thread


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I don't have a problem that the Raiders don't get flagged for slinging Mahomes down just now, right before Kelce gives the Chiefs the lead.  Mahomes was thrown laterally rather than down.  STILL, the problem is, if that's the boundary, it's awfully fine.


And the Raiders are losing their composure as they've just blown the lead.  The personal foul post-TD is penalty #10, 94 yards so far.

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12 minutes ago, Old Man said:

Someone is going to have to explain to me how defensive holding can occur on a field goal attempt. 


Holding can happen if defender A grabs a blocker, using that to move him out of the way for another defender to pass through the gap created.  IIRC that's what John Perry ticked off, I believe.  I was in the other room when that one happened.

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No, the 3rd down play was a Adams catch that was overturned. They had no timeouts, the clock was under a minute and they weren't in field goal range.. The outside corner managed to get a good jam on Adams and he didn't get the proper depth in his route and he ran into Renfroas they were trying to pick for each other.


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I stated that wrong. I meant that is a play you call on 3rd and 1 knowing you will go for it on 4th. On 4th, you do something that gets you the first down, run up and down the ball. to me, too high a risk play. I also think, if Waller doesn't hurt hamstring, Raiders probably win that game.

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Raiders win that game if Jacobs gets two centimeters farther on his 2-point rush attempt, or if Adams had slightly more control over the ball on the second-to-last play, or if Carr hadn't overthrown Adams on the walk-in TD attempt two series prior.  Raiders make it to OT if McDaniels just kicks the extra point.


The Derps really had to actively lose that game, and in true Raiders fashion, just managed to pull it off.


Also, Adams has been charged with misdemeanor assault for shoving a photographer to the ground on the way to the locker room.  Suspension?

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1 hour ago, Logan.1179 said:

Probably not. The law is already on it, so I see a fine coming. 


I disagree.  You've got criminal charges filed, and the push resulted in injuries.  I suspect a maximum fine...that's only $1000 for the charge involved...a suspended sentence and community service.  Possibly anger management classes.  But that's the legal system.  The league can't float this.  Guessing the length of the league's suspension is like throwing a dart blindfolded, but I'll toss out 8 games...because it resulted in criminal charges.

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Reading power rankings this week from NFL.com.  For the Broncos...dropped from #16 to #23, the lead sentence:  It's not too early to panic.




Hmm...Yankees game, scheduled for tonight, already postponed, rain.  Well ok, what's TNF?




This bodes to be only slightly less ugly than Colts-Broncos...and by power ranking, it's the Toilet Bowl Game of the Year so far.  They're 29th and 30th this week.  It might get superseded later on;  Carolina has Denver, Pittsburgh, and Detroit later on.

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I have scrupulously avoided watching...only checked the score twice.


Yeah, while one would love to rail and fume "THIS IS THE WORST PERFORMANCE"....you kind of run out of steam if you can only say, ".....since last week...."


Oh, I see.  Bears borrowed from the Bronco playbook.  Throw a pick at 2nd and goal on the 5;  fail to score from 1st and goal at the 3.  And a special teams muffed punt, giving the ball to Washington at the 6.


My gosh.  Just how many teams deserve the McKay Treatment?  You know the line.

“What did you think of your team’s execution, Coach?” The answer: “I’m in favor of it.”


The league has to be worried they're putting out this much AWFUL football on the national stage.

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Oh my gosh....

Figured what the hey, watch the tail end.

Commanders miss a 48 yard FG that would've made it 8.  Happens.  Bears get the ball.  Commanders rush 3 and drop deep...against a QB whose greatest asset is running.  He cuts up, jukes, dodges, open field, down to the 5, with LOTS of time left.  What the Bears do BADLY is pass, you don't need to run that kind of defense.  


Fields can't get the rest of em but there were 2 fairly close calls for Washington. 


EDIT:  3rd game this season where the winning team scored 12 or less.



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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

So Thursday Night Football just went almost two complete games without an offensive touchdown.


Maybe this is a sign from the Powers That Be that NFL players should not be playing on three days' rest.


That's precisely the comment made in the Pulse this morning from The Athletic.  But Amazon's got a long-term deal for some pretty serious bucks, so I don't see it going away. 


That said...it's probably not quantifiable, but I think we have to say, games like those damage the NFL brand.  This is 3 *horrifically* bad TNFs in a row...counting the Tua injury that became the biggest PR nightmare in quite a while.  And it's repeated "body blows" in rapid succession.  And let's not forget the 2 horrible roughing calls...one of which was an MNF.  More blows.


The NFL is having a very bad year so far.

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3 minutes ago, Pariah said:


Yeah, they're probably crying all the way to the bank. 


Well, we know that the NFL was deeply concerned by Tua's concussion since it suddenly became illegal to touch a quarterback.  And I'm sure the awful TNF games are a concern but that's mostly down to luck--from the vantage point of the preseason, Cin-Mia and Den-Ind would have looked like decent football games.


That said, I can't think of a better way to print money than an NFL franchise.  You have to seriously f__k up to lose money as an NFL owner, and I'm proud to say that my Raiders are way ahead of any other franchise in this regard.

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:


Yeah, they're probably crying all the way to the bank. 


Yeah, A look at the recent ratings shows NFL is actually having a pretty good year -




Really all they care about.  TNF has generally had below average play since its inception - so what...it's not gonna go away.

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