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Justify this


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Two suggestions.


1. Link mental powers to shrinking, must shift mass to the astral plane before using powers. Less mass left on physical plane, more power on the psychic/astral plane.


2. The mind is the only reality, size is an illusion, a sufficently developed mind can change the illusion. That could justify growth as well as srinking.

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Well, they are constantly trying to find ways to miniaturize components for use in space (less weight, less fuel to boost to orbit...) Could be the victim of an accident during experiments in that direction. Then there's the old "Fantastic Voyage" route, where they are experimenting to try to miniaturize people for use in medical procedures. As far as the mental abilities go, it could either be a side effect of the accident/experiment, or the accident/experiment could have awakened latent psionic abilities in the character.

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The smaller the brain, the closer the neurons are and the less distance needed to travel for a thought. Just like the shrinking die size in current CPU technology.


Having a brain with 1/256 the volume but the same number of cells means that you can think 256 times faster and have 256 times the ego. Hmmm, 45 Int, 45 Ego. This was a villan right?

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Um, one exists in the CU -- Hummingbird of GRAB. I don't think she can get quite that small and her psionics are second-tier powerwise (AKA the "only vs normals" level).


As to "justifying" such a concept -- um, versus what standard? Heck, in terms of the genre add tunneling to what you already have and call him/her the Mind Mole...

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When the character shrinks they compact their nueral tissue allowing access to regions of the brain untapped by normal humans. So the psychic powers are a side effect of the first shrinking experience and maybe the character has to shrink every so often just to keep the powers accesible.

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One of the earlier facetious suggestions actually has some merit -- the mental powers are the character's own, while the Shrinking comes from a gadget. I had a supervillain once (never used, unfortunately) with just such a power combo.


The given justifications that the ability to shrink enables the character to use his mental powers aren't bad, either.

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Originally posted by farik

When the character shrinks they compact their nueral tissue allowing access to regions of the brain untapped by normal humans. So the psychic powers are a side effect of the first shrinking experience and maybe the character has to shrink every so often just to keep the powers accesible.


I like that one. You could make the mental powers OIHID, and the HID would be shrinking.

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Re: Justify this


Originally posted by JmOz

A mentalist who can shink to about 2" tall


That is funny... I used to have a gaming friend here in town by the name of Mike Romine... one time the gaming group I was in at the time were making up joke characters about each other and mine for Mike was a shrinking mentalist named... Micro Mind.

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Re: Re: Justify this


Originally posted by bcholmes

Villains and Vigilantes: Marionette


Villains and Vigilantes was not known for its consistent character generation system, you know... ;)


Anyway, I think it's easier to justify mental powers as an added effect of shrinking that the other way around.

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Originally posted by TheEmerged

RE: Shrinking gives the character mental powers because their brain is more compact. Um, that's Hummingbird again. No really, read her listing in CKC.


Sorry did not clarify, I am rewriting Hummingbird of GRAB...


See I try to keep powers around a center theme, and I do not allow mutants other than mental powers...


So How can shinking be a mental power?

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