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What would your character do #56?


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You have just been involved in a long and exhausting adventure and now that the day is saved again thanks to you you finally go to bed to get some sleep.

You wake up the next morning feeling rather strange. You then look down at yourself and realize you have been changed overnight into your opposite sex!


What do you do?!

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Checkmate would calmly wake his wife and see if she is still female, or if she, too, has changed genders. If the first, then it's likely his consciousness has been moved to another world, and he'll merely need to contact his other self and pool the two most awesome intellects on their respective planets to repair the situation. If the latter, then he'll have to check to see if he can find residue or energy trails that can be traced to the perpetrator, at which time he (even in a female body, Checkmate would have a very male self-image) would call in all the assistance he can to convince the perpetrator to reverse it.

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Kenneth would do what any 13 yr old boy would do if he suddenly had access to a female body that wouldn't scream in his "intimate" presence. After an embarrassingly long period of time Kenneth would sneak down to his lab avoiding his parents and try to fgure out what happened.

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Guest WhammeWhamme


Test his new reflexes and balance. See how it has affected his gymnastic ability. Then start wondering what happened.

He'd probably go to his doctor friend for some kind of checkup, and then play it by ear...



[] then [], then [].

Ask ghostly observers WTF happened to him that night.

Call in sick for a few days, if it doesn't go away (this is MAJOR 'joke at his expense' territory), ask his superiors for advice.

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Armando--Figures this is major payback for the way he has lived his life and is down at church as soon as he is dressed to talk to a priest (Armando is a very lax Catholic, but probably not after this).


Crimson Tide--Probably can't get much angrier than he already is most of the time. He buckles down and endures (though he is probably darkly amused at the idea of a woman being as ugly as he is) and when he finds out who is responsible he will eliminate that person quickly and efficiently (and no, he won't try to force the person to change him back first, vengeance for giving him this sort of grief comes first; besides, he won't give the baddie the satisfaction of letting this bother him).


Gangway--Will wait it out. Nobody did this by accident, she's confident the other shoe will drop given enough time (but eternity for Gangway is probably just a moment for the rest of us).


Sword Dancer--Assumes this has something to do with an imbalance in her chi and will seek mystic advisors (also, since she does a complete transform when changing into her heroic identity she will check to see if she can do that and if the gender is switched there too).


Luna--Umm, major pyschotic fit. To a certain extent she will operate on the assumption that eventually one of the people she is frightening to death (or beating to death) will know how to reverse this and she won't worry about being too discriminating in these circumstances.

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Hmmmm, let's see....


Adrenaline would freak out and search for help from the local wizard's council while trying to hide from everyone he knows, especially his fiancee. He, ooops, she would create a new hero identity so no one asked too many questions until the matter was resolved.


Realm would still show up to work and do everything that he can to get the problem corrected. Lot's of people know his not so secret ID, and he is an officer of the law so he would expect to take lot's of grief and ribbing from his peers. He would probably make a few jokes of his own and then wonder off and take his agression out on some of the local mutant gangs.


Hecabus would be amused and would walk around in that form until he needed to shift to another form. He would track down the person that cast the spell and offer him a high ranking place in his church. Anyone with the "balls" to pull a prank on him of that magnitude deserves to be rewarded!

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Daniel Stone, multi-billionaire playboy who secretly is the dimensional manipulating super hero Warp, does what any man would do after awakening to find he's missing that vital bit of his anatomy. He'd freak out and scream in shock.


Which then sends the bodyguards his father Franklin Stone (yes, that Franklin Stone) insisted he borrow from him at least temporarily running into the room, guns drawn.


Upon seeing that their charge is no where in sight, they would of course attempt to subdue the beautiful woman in his bed, who they did not see come up.


By now Warp should have realized the fact that he's not suffering from a maiming but instead has transformed into a female. From there one of two things happen. Either he makes his ego roll and tries to explain the situation calmly, or he panics and ports the hell out of there.


If he panics and ports out, there's a chance that he might be mistaken for Tesserect or another metahuman. They would of course assume the worse case scenario that this female has kidnapped their charge.


This complicates Daniel's life greatly, as he has to figure out how to explain his whereabouts once he gets a hold of an image inducer and voice modulator to appear and sound like himself.


If he explains himself there's a good chance he could convince the bodyguards of the truth by giving them personal information about himself and them. Unless of course they assume the babe in front of him found all of it out by "pillow talk."


If they're convinced, he tells them to tell no one. The last thing he needs is the tabloids (Watched By The Media) to get a hold of this. He'll then contact anyone he can think of who could possibly reverse his transformation. Hopefully, he gets cured with the minimum disruption to his personal life.


If they don't buy it, he then tries to elude capture without usng his powers. If he makes it, once out of sight of them he teleports to his gadget storage place and picks up an image inducer and voice modulator set to portray himself. Then he ports back to the panic room and emerges looking like his normal self, claiming to have gone in there to avoid the potentially dangerous female stalker that was in his bed.


From there he tries to keep his condition secret while trying to find a way to reverse it. Hopefully, he can be cured before it hampers his social life too much.

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Hummingbird has a Cosmetic Transform Gun that does this, a trophy he took from one of his earlier victories over Captain Quicksand and the Secret Seven. They were eliminating all the women in Rhode Island by various means, in order to build a man-only state. Yep, it was as stupid as it sounds, but he could so totally bust this doozy out of it's VPP slumber and get back to reading the latest science journals, or whatever.


It wouldn't freak him out too badly I don't think since he'd already been a woman and (according to another thread) a dog.

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Scales: How could one tell? 8' 2" metallic monstrousity. He started out male, but I think we've never crossed that subject. Then he doesn't sleep either, so N/A.


Road Runner: Apparently Bucky was contagious. (One of team members who wound up swapping sexes due to a pissed off god)


Everyone else will try to figure out what the hell happened and get it fixed.

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Boy-type Lin-Si would shriek like a little girl, then try hot and cold water (natch). If that failed, he'd track down that Moroboshi's punk kid and beat him till he talked. If that didn't work, at least it should shake loose a couple sessions worth of red herrings. Then he'd consult with some mystics.


Seraph would suspect mind tricks. His race is outrageously hard to transform, especially against their will, but only moderately hard to use mental illusions on. He'd use psionics to find out who's giving him the delusion he's a woman. If nothing else, psychometry should reveal a trace of the cause whether it's an illusion or an actual transformation.

If not, she'd explore what it's like to be female. It's not like gender swapping happens every day. This should be interesting!


Plasma doesn't sleep.

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  • 3 years later...

Re: What would your character do #56?


Zero would go catatonic. Mother issues.


Vitus would be considerably irked. If his species had been derived from spotted hyenas, than it might be difficult to even tell there had been a change, but investigation of his clothing for some disguised Girdle Of Gender-Reassignment would be in order. Then putting his students and himself into a crash-research program for same would be in order. (developing a method to reverse the effects would be simpler and eventually more profitable , than trying to find whoever is responsible)

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Re: What would your character do #56?


Mike the Demoness is already able to assume the forms of mortals of both genders, and has yet to gain complete mastery over that ability... so this is something that happens to her fairly regularly.


Rubber Mousie: It's hard to tell if gender even really /applies/ to her anymore, as she's made of a piece of sentient latex (goo or rubber, take your pick) that she can reform at will to have bumps or concavities in any given spot. She'd probably just jump in the jacuzzi, let the bubbles froth her around for a while, and pick whatever sort of shape or limbs she wants when she finally pulls herself back together and gets out.

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Re: What would your character do #56?


Dr O: Race to complete observations before his regeneration reverses the effect... although he doesn't sleep. Or get exhausted. Or tired. But playing along with the scenario. And if his regeneration doesn't reverse the effect, he's a scientist, he has a lab.. He doesn't need regeneration, he has Science.


CC: Would look back at the events that led up to this effect, and look forward to the conditions that would reverse it.. and in the meantime figure out what the most profitable use of the current situation would be.. No! Not _that_ use. He's a smuggler, not a ...


Vetra: Boy. Girl. Physical manifestation is hardly relevant to the elemental prince. Still, if this has happened, someone's done it. If someone has done this, then they should be caught. After all, what is a mystery, if not a challenge to his intellect?

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Re: What would your character do #56?


Volt Would look for someone to reverse it, If Olorin is nearby, thats the way out. It would not disturb him too much, but it is not his correct form.


Olorin "Again? How many times is this? Ok, who did this? Hmm.. Not a bad job; good craftmanship. Ok, now I really want to know who did this, I'd like to compliment them on their work. If spontanious, what caused this?" He'd then cast a spell and turn himself back.


Black Tiger I'm not sure he'd even care if he had the same abilities. In fact, he'd probably consider it one heck of a disguise that could help him find out what happened to him in his memory loss period. ("I'm his sister, and I demand to know what happened!)


Futurian "Oh, man, am I gonna have fun with this! I always thought about doing this as a lark, but never got around to it. I'm seeing just how long it is till I get a date and have the food paid for!" Where he is from, people can switch back with bout the equivalent of current minor cosmetic surgery, you can go back forth. He really never wanted to do this, but with it already done, he's gonna enjoy it. - until he finds out that the switch back is not easy and won't put him back exactly as he was. To a mage he would go after a while.

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Re: What would your character do #56?


Tao: Not sure the “opposite” gender applies to her…


Ivy: Would be shocked, appalled but somewhat fascinated at the same time. She’d immediately see if the change applied to her reformed bodies when she shifted her consciousness and proceed, but the temptation to try “things” would definitely be there; she might even give into them…


Velocity: Hmm, being an exceptionally but 13 yr old girl… she’d probably curl up in a ball, muttering “therapy, therapy” for a few hours… thinking that she having some really weird dream then go looking for her dad’s help… She would find peeing standing up to be conveniently quick.


Valkyrie: Much the same as Velocity, except with more fierce blushing and trying not to look down while taking a shower.

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Re: What would your character do #56?


Since my answer years ago was as a joke, I'll answer serious now.



Badger- well he would be a bit freaked out. But, as long as his powers are the same, he could probably adjust. Though, that would be one ugly woman and going to the bathroom will be inconvienient. Though, he would definitely want to go back ASAP.


Frosty Bob- Well given the # of one night stands in his past. This might be called karma. ;) In the short term, a lot of fun by himself.

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