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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You're showing your age. The style nowadays is apparently to wear the hat crooked' date=' not backwards. And for chrissakes will you pull up your pants?![/quote']

Ya'know what? If I had to get into a fight with someone armed with a gun, I'd be happier if it was some idjit who was wearing his pants down around his thighs, who thinks that holding the gun sideways, pointed down at some extreme angle, and flicks his gun to look cool.

A real badguy who stays outside my reach and knows how to shoot is a lot scarier.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I have seen actual footage of gangbanger gunfights and it's pretty clear why innocent bystanders are usually the victims--they flail their weapons around while firing and never even attempt to use the sights or otherwise aim. I'm thinking that if we gave firearms instruction to imprisoned gangstas, then as they were released the innocent death toll would drop and the gangsta death toll would increase, which would be something of an improvement.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I have seen actual footage of gangbanger gunfights and it's pretty clear why innocent bystanders are usually the victims--they flail their weapons around while firing and never even attempt to use the sights or otherwise aim. I'm thinking that if we gave firearms instruction to imprisoned gangstas' date=' then as they were released the innocent death toll would drop and the gangsta death toll would increase, which would be something of an improvement.[/quote']


Can't be worse than letting them go to law school.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I have seen actual footage of gangbanger gunfights and it's pretty clear why innocent bystanders are usually the victims--they flail their weapons around while firing and never even attempt to use the sights or otherwise aim. I'm thinking that if we gave firearms instruction to imprisoned gangstas' date=' then as they were released the innocent death toll would drop and the gangsta death toll would increase, which would be something of an improvement.[/quote']

I had a very similar experience at one of the ranges I used to shoot at, which was the memory that prompted my statement. It was kinda funny in a scary sort of way, but there was a part of me that was kinda amused that I was putting 90% of my shots in the kill zone at twice the range they were shooting at...and they were getting MAYBE 20% of their shots on the paper.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm sick of all the paranoia. :sick:


Instead of publically scrutinizing someone, why not just ask the moderator for an IP check. But I guess that's just not as "fun".

Well, seriously, I would think that intrusive even if I seriously thought (as opposed to wildly speculated) someone might be RFK (which reminds, me, "Ben", I noticed that we never actually saw a picture of you and Fred together..hmmm...), because to me that's an invasion of their privacy unduly if it's just me "wondering". If there's some sort of cause or if you see fit as part of your regular duties, cool, all fair. But for you to do it just because I wonder (unless of course I presented something actually worthy of inspection) seems unfair.


By the same token, while I might admittedly wonder and even have the occasional back-channel to a "real" person, I don't want to taunt anyone publicly. I think VDM's post was just humorous, though. And my post was intended to poke fun at those of us who would treat newbies unduly susiciously, indirectly.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Oh' date=' please. You take yourself and the post too seriously. ...[/quote']


A cut-down version of that will become my sig line someday...


Real-world things are bothering me more than they should, or perhaps, more than I thought they would, and it was a bit of a start to see it pointed out here. You have my thanks; at least it got caught before I bit someone's head off ftf.


Seriously, I pretty much expect IP capturing to be done on more or less every site nowadays. I thought with most services you had to "opt out" of capturing the IP numbers, actually.


Anyway, time to go dark for a while.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Why? I hope it wasn't something we said' date=' seriously.[/quote']


Nope. Operationally, I have some road miles to put in over the next few days. For the real reason, all I'll do is obliquely refer to a post of mine from about a day and a half ago.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Yikes! I mean' date=' the usual arrangement is indeed one of the best reasons to be male. It's the second best, in fact, the best is having a penis.[/quote']

I'll just have to take your word for it that it's that wonderful.


Me, I think being able to pee standing up doesn't quite compare to the capacity for multiple orgasm, so obviously there's some appeal there I don't get.


^ v ^

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'll just have to take your word for it that it's that wonderful.


Me, I think being able to pee standing up doesn't quite compare to the capacity for multiple orgasm, so obviously there's some appeal there I don't get.


^ v ^

Well, guys can multi-orgasm, it's just a lot more difficult.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Yikes! I mean' date=' the usual arrangement is indeed one of the best reasons to be male. It's the second best, in fact, the best is having a penis.[/quote']


Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?

Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?

It's swell to have a stiffy,

It's devine to own a dick.

From the tiniest little tadger

To the world's biggest prick!

So three cheers for your willy or John Thomas.

Hooray for your one-eyed trousers snake.

Your piece of pork, your wife's best friend,

Your Percy or your cock.

You can wrap it up in ribbons,

You can slip it in your sock.

Just don't take it out in public,

Or they will put you in the dock

...And you won't come back.





Nobody else thought this...?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Doesn't it involve a few fingers in an uncomfortable place? :angst:

Or really good muscle control.


It's really anecdotal whether male multiple orgasm exists or not. Especially because it's a hazy science to begin with. Yeah, you can hook up electrodes and sensors and stuff, but who can perform at 100% under that kind of pressure?

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