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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


WARNING: If you are an arachnophobe' date=' do not read past this point.[/b']


When I was five, one of the places we lived in was infested with black widows. I was prohibited from going into the garage without an adult. And once I poked my head into the doghouse in the back yard (it came with the place, a rental duplex) and looked up; there were at least a dozen of the things.


That said, they aren't aggressive, just too venomous for their own good.

Where I grew up, we had an infested attic & basement.


And we did not toss the spider into the canyon, we let it go under a tree root.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


A friend told me once of a story about his sadistic dad. When he was seven or so' date=' his dad let him stay up late and watch something called [i']The Tingler[/i], where (if I'm remembering the description correctly; I haven't seen it myself) the monster was a 3-foot-long slug-oid thing that strangled people with the tentacles it had where a slug has eyestalks, in the dark.


After the movie was over, his dad put him to bed. About a minute after the light was turned off, an arm-size slug-type thing fell on him, which began an episode of hysterical screaming.


His dad had stuffed a sweatsock full of dirty laundry, and pitched it on him in the dark, and laughed....

I've heard about parents like those.


I always secretly pray the kids grow up to boil their parents in a stew.


Hmm. Does that make me twisted? *shrugs*

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Once upon a time, I couldn't say that I had enough self-respect to stop being friends with people who had no respect for me.


Now, I've realized that I CAN say that. In a way, it's liberating, but it's also terrifying.


I recall once seeing a rather goofy-looking postcard that said "Myron had reached a position in life where he no longer had to associate with mobile home owners." I bought it, sent it to my folks, who live in a mobile home. :rolleyes:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ah, ignore list, how do I love thee . . .


Whose idea was that, anyway?

Well, I don't know who the father (or mother) of the automated "Ignore" list is, but it's been around for quite some time. The first place I ever saw one was in an old dos-based text-only newsgroup reader. :)


"Ignore List, how I love thee; let me count the ways:


* Plonk! *


* Plonk! *


* Plonk! *


* Plonk! *


* Plonk! *





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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I used to think that Spam tasted like dog food' date=' but I now realise that it's pretty good when fried and used as a sushi filler. :yes:[/quote']


Huh. Never would have thought of that...


Do you use the Alpo Complete, Lamb Meal, Rice & Barley Flavor or KIBBLES 'N BITS?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


wrote this a while ago...just thought of it again and typed up real quickly. :)



So you walk into a room full of people there are big booths all around the room where these people come to congregate. Not unlike a convention, but it lasts much longer than any convention would.

There are smaller booths with a members name on each that are connected to each other but locked from people that do not bear the persons name. These booths seem only for private communication between members and general appearance upkeep for the member.

Everyone in the room is wearing a name tag with usual and unusual names. All their faces are boxes with strange images in them, sometime bright and vibrant other dark and mystical, others just plain goofy.

I step hesitantly in the room, my face the image of an upside down Nightcrawler.

I cautiously make my past the booths glances at the large signs above them that allude to the conversations within.

Random Musings, Compliment the Person Above, Why is Bush Still in Office… all sorts of topics.

Some of the booths are larger than the others, filled with life and vibrance, others nearly empty.

I make my way into the Quick Apology to the Boards both. It had started as a general I’m sorry to the convention goers, but it seemed to have transformed into a bawdy joke fest.

I see my opportunity and say hello, making a joke. The words appear in front of my head, before they are plastered to the extensive booth wall.

A person steps in, his boxy face the image of a crazed clown.

Sheep’s…lewdness…general mayhem

His tag says his name is Mightybec and even when my bland body that all the convention goers have morphs into that of a fifteen year old girl, he shrugs. A couple others back off quickly, but I laugh and continue joking.

The convention continues even as the some of the booths are lit on fire. The yelling and screaming echo out faintly as the babysitters quickly come in with fire extinguisher and begin throwing members out of the convention.

A female duo morphs into one member and their body morphs from two sexy woman to one creepy man. The whole convention takes notice, but eventually the members calm again.

The convention continues to go on, as it most likely will for years to come. It is the convention of the NGD. :celebrate


The End

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Guest kawaii gin neko

Re: Musings on Random Musings


wrote this a while go...just thought of it again and typed up real quickly. :)



So you walk into a room full of people there are big booths all around the room where these people come to congregate. Not unlike a convention, but it lasts much longer than any convention would.

There are smaller booths with a members name on each that are connected to each other but locked from people that do not bear the persons name. These booths seem only for private communication between members and general appearance upkeep for the member.

Everyone in the room is wearing a name tag with usual and unusual names. All their faces are boxes with strange images in them, sometime bright and vibrant other dark and mystical, others just plain goofy.

I step hesitantly in the room, my face the image of an upside down Nightcrawler.

I cautiously make my past the booths glances at the large signs above them that allude to the conversations within.

Random Musings, Compliment the Person Above, Why is Bush Still in Office… all sorts of topics.

Some of the booths are larger than the others, filled with life and vibrance, others nearly empty.

I make my way into the Quick Apology to the Boards both. It had started as a general I’m sorry to the convention goers, but it seemed to have transformed into a bawdy joke fest.

I see my opportunity and say hello, making a joke. The words appear in front of my head, before they are plastered to the extensive booth wall.

A person steps in, his boxy face the image of a crazed clown.

Sheep’s…lewdness…general mayhem

His tag says his name is Mightybec and even when my bland body that all the convention goers have morphs into that of a fifteen year old girl, he shrugs. A couple others back off quickly, but I laugh and continue joking.

The convention continues even as the some of the booths are lit on fire. The yelling and screaming echo out faintly as the babysitters quickly come in with fire extinguisher and begin throwing members out of the convention.

A female duo morphs into one member and their body morphs from two sexy woman to one creepy man. The whole convention takes notice, but eventually the members calm again.

The convention continues to go on, as it most likely will for years to come. It is the convention of the NGD. :celebrate


The End





thats just...



that's just snoogins. ^^ *snuggles*

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Zorn: it was freezer versions of TGIFridays food. And, no I probably won't be buying them again.


Oddly enough, I felt reasonably okay yesterday, no vomiting, but still feverish. This morning I felt better, but as a precaution, right before heading off to work, I took some Pepto-Bismal. And promptly threw it back up. Then went to work and was fine. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Everything alright Hermit?


I'm just depressed and feeling down on myself.


Cruddy purple prose helps me see how ridiculous I am and cheers me up ... a bit. Thanks for asking though . Truthfully, I have a good life. However, some of my friends are in some dire straits and I can't help them much at all, which sucks both for them and my ego.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


wrote this a while go...just thought of it again and typed up real quickly. :)



So you walk into a room full of people there are big booths all around the room where these people come to congregate. Not unlike a convention, but it lasts much longer than any convention would.

There are smaller booths with a members name on each that are connected to each other but locked from people that do not bear the persons name. These booths seem only for private communication between members and general appearance upkeep for the member.

Everyone in the room is wearing a name tag with usual and unusual names. All their faces are boxes with strange images in them, sometime bright and vibrant other dark and mystical, others just plain goofy.

I step hesitantly in the room, my face the image of an upside down Nightcrawler.

I cautiously make my past the booths glances at the large signs above them that allude to the conversations within.

Random Musings, Compliment the Person Above, Why is Bush Still in Office… all sorts of topics.

Some of the booths are larger than the others, filled with life and vibrance, others nearly empty.

I make my way into the Quick Apology to the Boards both. It had started as a general I’m sorry to the convention goers, but it seemed to have transformed into a bawdy joke fest.

I see my opportunity and say hello, making a joke. The words appear in front of my head, before they are plastered to the extensive booth wall.

A person steps in, his boxy face the image of a crazed clown.

Sheep’s…lewdness…general mayhem

His tag says his name is Mightybec and even when my bland body that all the convention goers have morphs into that of a fifteen year old girl, he shrugs. A couple others back off quickly, but I laugh and continue joking.

The convention continues even as the some of the booths are lit on fire. The yelling and screaming echo out faintly as the babysitters quickly come in with fire extinguisher and begin throwing members out of the convention.

A female duo morphs into one member and their body morphs from two sexy woman to one creepy man. The whole convention takes notice, but eventually the members calm again.

The convention continues to go on, as it most likely will for years to come. It is the convention of the NGD. :celebrate


The End



Welcome back my friends

To the show that never ends

We're so glad you could attend

Come inside, come inside


Next behind the glass

Stands a real blade of grass

Be careful as you pass

Move along, move along


Come inside, the show's about to start

Guaranteed to blow your head apart

Rest assured you'll get your money's worth

Greatest Show in Heaven, Hell or Earth!


You gotta see the show

It's a dynamo

You gotta see the show

It's rock n' roll


Oh, right before your eyes

Hear the laugher from the skies

And he laughs until he cries

Then he dies, then he dies


Come inside, the show's about to start

Guaranteed to blow your head apart

You gotta see the show

It's a dynamo

You gotta see the show

It's rock n' roll


Soon a Gypsy Queen

In a glaze of Vaseline

Will perform on guillotine

What a scene, what a scene


Next behind the stand

Will you please extend a hand

To Alexander's Ragtime Band!

Dixieland, Dixieland


Roll up- Roll up- Roll up-

See the show!!


Performing on a stool

Here's a sight to make you drool

Seven virgins out on Yule

Dig it cool, dig it cool


We'd like it to be known

The exhibits that were shown

Were exclusively our own

All our own, all our own


Come on see the show

Come on see the show

Come on see the show....



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Re: Musings on Random Musings



Performing on a stool

Here's a sight to make you drool

Seven virgins out on Yule

Dig it cool, dig it cool



Almost certain this is a transcription error from ELP's orginal. I think the last two lines in that stanza are


Seven virgins and a mule

Keep it cool, keep it cool

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now here is a thing. Gene Simmons of Kiss fame is doing a programme on TV over here where he is teaching kids at an English boarding school to be rock musicians.

It is getting good reviews.

I'm a proud member of the KISS Army, I had to watch.

I first tuned in because I was curious.

Then I was a bit embarrassed for him.

Then it got interesting.


The reaction of the kids at the school is rather entertaining. Watching preteens act like snotty adults is always good for a laugh, I guess. Gene's making one big mistake, though. Trying to use the lure of money to kids have never wanted for anything and never will is the wrong approach. And they're not quite old enough to use the lure of sex, but he hasn't really tried, which is to his credit.


Leading the hymn "God Gave Rock and Roll to You" in the school chapel was classic, though.

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