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Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


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Hi All,


In the past I've posted all kinds of polls on all kinds of things, all comics related. we've covered the best, the strongest, etc. in all of their myriad forms. This, on the other hand, isn't reallly a poll in any organized sense. What it is, is just a question. Of all the charcters you've read and enjoyed, which one is it that you thought was underutilized or underrated? Which character did you feel never got their due? And why? Just curious.




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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


I loved Bill foster, also. I thought his original Black Goliath costume was one of the best ever in comics. For me, though, there's one character who I think has been more mailgned and mistreated and mauled than any other in comics ever....Wonder Man. For 30 years, I've watched every writer but Steve Englehart maul him, and for no readily explained reason. Here's a character who is , literally, the total package and he gets short shrift every time. I just don't get it. In his origin, he's almsot as smart as Tony Stark and when powered up, is as strong as Giant Man, hits as hard as Thor's hammer and is as good a figher and as dextrous as Cap! Say what! He rules! So why isn't he treated that way?

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Yeah, Wondy got crapped on, except for his own book (well, the first few issues he got crapped on, but he very quickly righted himself).


For my money, though, Speedball was Da Man. His power could be SO MUCH ... if only writers would work with the power; instead, all he did was bounce around and plow into things. Then, along came Fabian Nicieza and New Warriors, where Speedy started figuring out how to use his powers, at one point punching Terrax across the East River. :)

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


I never read the New Warriors but that sounds cool.


Beyond poor ol' Wondy, my other favorite charity case is none other than Mon-El. I men how can a guy so powerful get no notice. I could never understand how it was that every one fawned over Superboy and ignored Mon, who was easily as powerful. I mean here's a guy who has no true weaknesses (once cured of the lead and red sun thing) and yet he gets one punched by Darkseid and his servitors. About the only time Mon-El lived up to his potential was his last true appearance, Giffen's LOSH #4 wwhere he kills off the Time Trapper. But talk about a waste of potential. Yeesh!

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Well, Dr. Strange seems to have been rediscovered recently, but for about the last decade he's been pretty underused.

The Silver Surfer probably deserves to be back on a major team title, assuming they could work out the power balance issue.

Is Shang-Chi busing tables somewhere?

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


The Surfer's great, too. I liked his first and second series. The last 2 i'm not crazy about. he was always at his best with the other original Defenders. Talk about a tough team. Yikes!



Speaking of power balance, just how powerful Champs wise do you think old Surfy is? I've seen write ups and they're all over the map. I'm thinking 90 STR base and probably 200 -300 active points in his powers...which are hard enough to figure out.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


The Surfer's great, too. I liked his first and second series. The last 2 i'm not crazy about. he was always at his best with the other original Defenders. Talk about a tough team. Yikes!



Speaking of power balance, just how powerful Champs wise do you think old Surfy is? I've seen write ups and they're all over the map. I'm thinking 90 STR base and probably 200 -300 active points in his powers...which are hard enough to figure out.


In combat he's probably mostly operating at 120-180 AP, and out of combat, or with extra prep time, he might be capable of twice that(i.e., he's supposed to be able to destroy a city or even a planet--and he's constructed elaborate buildings before using nothing but the power cosmic).

It's a rare occurence in the comics for him to be seriously injured--he's pretty much invulnerable to almost all conventional weapons. Plus he can dodge autofire lightspeed weapons.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Although technically not a comic, the Justice League animated series likes to undercut Superman a LOT, imho. Especially in the first season, the Big Blue Boy Scout is every major villian's punching bag...although a twisted, sadistic side of me doesn't mind seeing the Super-God pounded about by a bunch of galactic lowlifes...you would think that he's called Super man for a reason, would you not?


And Doomsday...ugh. The being who supposedly kills Superman ends up being lobotomized by him...er...a transdimensional parallel version of him...in the span of about five minutes.


Don't get me wrong; I love Justice League. Its just that their treatment of some people don't completely jive with mine.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


I recall an old com,ment on the golden age Immortal Man noting that the fact a guy with a power level equivalent to Superman getting killed every adventure leaves one with the impression that super-intelligence isn't exactly part of his powers repertoire.


On that theme, I liked the Ressurection Man concept. "kill me and I come back with different powers". A bit too easy to slide into deus ex machina, though.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


I think Zatana gets less credit than she's due, or at leats she did until the early 90s when I stopped reading comics. A legacy character (her father Zatara showed up in Action Comics #1) with power equal to or greater than any JLAer, and she's mostly been "the girl". I think they downpowered her in continuity as well. Powergirl got similarly gimped, and her origin turned into an absurd mess.


Doctor Occult was a great, weird character, his power going up and down the scales and that whole "Mystic Hermaphrodite Private Eye" thing. He was the prototype for a certain type of street-supermage, but he rarely got used to anything close to his full potential.


I always liked the original Atom. He was modled on Joeseph Greenstein, one of the great stongmen. If the character had been written to be as strange and quirky as the strongman he was based on ... well, probably he still wouldn't have been a hit, but he'd have been a much more interesting background character.

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I really liked Raven from the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans. One of my favourite characters in comics. Is she still around? She had very poorly defined powers though' date=' even by comic book standards.[/quote']

Yes, she's in the Teen Titans. She and Cyborg are the "old" ones (although Gar is probably pretty old -- but who knows what his origin story is these days...).


Powergirl got similarly gimped, and her origin turned into an absurd mess.




I always liked the original Atom. He was modled on Joeseph Greenstein, one of the great stongmen. If the character had been written to be as strange and quirky as the strongman he was based on ... well, probably he still wouldn't have been a hit, but he'd have been a much more interesting background character.

Read JSA! (and now Strange Tales). No character in the JSA is underrated or underused.



I'm going to vote for Alpha Flight. The real Alpha Flight. Snowbird, Box, Shaman, Dimond Lil, etc. are an interesting group of established characters, being totally ignored in favor of the goofy new characters in the current book.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Blue Beetle. He should be the Reed Richards of DC but instead he's often designated as "fat guy." That's just crap, it's the only problem I have with Kieth Giffen. It was a funny subplot, for maybe a year, but he should have cleaned it up quicker. Beetle was the fat kid of DC for two decades and I'm sure some writer who loved the idea is going to make him fat again. I don't mind Beetle being the comic relief as long as he's the smart half of him and Booster Gold. But being comic relief doesn't mean you lose your technical genius, in fact, many technical genius types double as comic relief in fiction. Chuck Dixon gave Beetle respect and then Giffen wrote another Justice League series. I like Giffen's league so I picked it up, hoping he wouldn't undue all the good work Dixon had done. I was pleased, he was very respectful of Beetle's new outlook on life, but I got a bad feeling about any future Formerly Known as the Justice League series. Identity crisis kind of screwed up the current FKJL team since Elongated Man isn't going to be very big on adventuring for a little while.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Although technically not a comic' date=' the Justice League animated series likes to undercut Superman a LOT, imho. Especially in the first season, the Big Blue Boy Scout is every major villian's punching bag...[/quote']



Due to his popularity and near-universal knowledge of his power level, Superman has the crappiest job in the series.


He's the guy that has to get stomped so that the writers can establish the villains' credibility.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


E-Man and Nova


If you know WHO I mean, you know WHAT I mean... :-D

E-Man rocked!


I am going to go out on a limb here and not name a character with superpowers. Nope, IMO, the most underused character is Snapper Carr of old time JLA fame. Rick Jones, his Marvel comics counterpart, has had scads of different spotlight moments (Hulk's origin, Captain Mar'vell, etc..) in that universe but ol' Snapp is just an afterthought these days (i think.. i haven't been a regular collecter in 10 years).



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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Due to his popularity and near-universal knowledge of his power level, Superman has the crappiest job in the series.


He's the guy that has to get stomped so that the writers can establish the villains' credibility.


Yup, he's their Worf. :)


IMO: (double negatives aside)


Most underrated: Hank Pym


Most underused: Wolverine! Um, no. Hmm....well, I am kind of sorry that the Beetle is a hero now - I always enjoyed him as a villain. I'd like for him to take that ID up again now that he's established his bona-fides as a hero, and it would be better than ending up as "Mach-38" in a few years.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


I really liked Raven from the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans. One of my favourite characters in comics. Is she still around? She had very poorly defined powers though' date=' even by comic book standards.[/quote']


Raven is still currently appearing in comics, yes. She just rejoined the latest incarnation of the Teen Titans, and even had her origin story linked to the Brother Blood 'religion'. She also got slightly de-aged.


As far as her powers go, they were simple. She had 4 powers. She could teleport, She was an empath, and she could heal (previously by taking on the wounds herself then expunging them). It was her fourth power that's always been a bit hard to define. Her soul-self. It's.. well... her soul, kinda, but it can wrap people up (Darkness, 1 hex AE), hurt people, tie them up (entangle), and be used as a doorway to focus her teleportation with.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


My mentions:


Justice, Vance Astrovick did great in New Warriors, showed signs of being Cap's heir apparent, and then somehow never seemed to really get past the 'Oh wow, I'm in the Avengers' gawking. I'm sure it was meant to be cute or show just how imposing being on the big team can be for a hero, but it ended up sort of shoving him to the sidelines.


Photon-formerly Captain Marvel- Monica can turn to ANY form of energy. She can project energy. She was a part of a harbor patrol, and thus a moderate detective with potential to get better at it. We're talking power AND Versitility and a personality just waiting for some development. She had a good one at the start, but then... well, no one seemed to know what to do with her. A true waste.

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Depending on the writers, the Green Lanterns have often been used far, far below their potential. The green light can do almost anything the Lantern wants, subject to the limits of imagination and strength of will, but 90+% of the time, they seem to be just run of the mill flying blasters. This has improved since Kyle Rayner became the Green Lantern, but still...

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Iyo:  The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics

LOL! After reading the title, I spent 5 minutes on Google trying to figure out who this underutilized "Iyo" character was, and why everyone knew about him but me. Time for a nap. ;)

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Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


Iyo:  The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics

LOL! After reading the title' date=' I spent 5 minutes on Google trying to figure out who this underutilized "Iyo" character was, and why everyone knew about him but me. Time for a nap. ;)[/quote']


I first thought it was about evil Professor Ivo :)

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