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"Neat" Pictures

Dr. Anomaly

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


The Fantasy Trip -- the descendent of Steve Jackson's Melee and Wizard and the ancestor of GURPS.


Home of the Prootwaddle. The single stupidest race in the history of fantasy RPGs. I ocne built a spell where you rigged a Prootwaddle to explode when struck. the Prootwaddle, of course, wouldn't know it was a bomb and acted just like a normal Prootwaddle 9if there is such a thing). I don't know how many TFT campaigns actually used the Prootwaddle.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Home of the Prootwaddle. The single stupidest race in the history of fantasy RPGs. I ocne built a spell where you rigged a Prootwaddle to explode when struck. the Prootwaddle' date=' of course, wouldn't know it was a bomb and acted just like a normal Prootwaddle 9if there is such a thing). I don't know how many TFT campaigns actually used the Prootwaddle.[/quote']


Someone I know wanted to play one.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


The following image is a combination image of satellite-imaged Earth surface morphed into a globe and showing various and sundry satellites, showing their coverage of the Earth. I presume its not to scale.




A similar image showing orbital debris.




Spoilered for size: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch






Imagery of TGPGP:




Those swirly-looking bits of ocean contain large mats of plastic waste, according to this site.

Never mind. Apparently there aren't any satellite pics of the garbage patch. when I tried to find a link I discovered that the above image is being used to "illustrate" what it might look like from space, but in my book, it's dishonest to use pictures of something unrelated to the subject to outrage people into backing your position.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures



It's strange how similar public transportation facilities appear. The tower shot in that one pic looks JUST like the blue-line CTA stop at Harlem here near Chicago. The platform pics look familiar also. I guess there is only so much differentiation you can expect, but I still find it startling.

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Guest Celt

Re: "Neat" Pictures


Eightfold_Path has improved on her initial her twilek costume for LI Jedi. :thumbup: This is after a long show where she was acting sentinel to guard the performance area against a bunch of highly enthusiastic kids, but it still looks great. The first is slightly photoshopped to add greater lightsaber effects.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


TYVM! It's actually my 'oh crud' date=' I need a costume like NOW!' costume. The regular costume (with earcones on the headwraps) is a pretty standard Jedi-robes thing. I'm sure Celt will post pics once the upcoming photoshoot is finished. [/quote']


And now, for a little topic necromancy! Here is the updated costume and prosthetic, lightsaber effects added to the stunt weapon. Pic taken at the end of the day, so my makeup was pretty sweaty and streaky. Much shii-cho (basic lightsaber form) was taught to many many small children. Eager little things.


PS - Nevermiiiiiind.



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