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WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


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One day, while your character and his/her team are minding your own business, *fwoosh*.


You find yourself teleported into a weird wilderness area, on the *inside* of a spherical hollow. Then, you notice beside you is a giant bear-humanoid wearing a crown. . .


Skarn: "I grant you all a great honor!! You shall now be the prey of Skarn!! I shall hunt you all, forsaking usage of my magic, and if you can escape this hunting grounds, I shall forswear bringing Earth into the perfection of the Congeries. Let the hunt begin!!"


Your team gets a ten minute head start before he starts pursuing.


What do you do??

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Ballistic would lead him into some sort of trap.


Black Cat (after me reading his write up) would go somewhere outside the Congeries (so he has no access to his pool) and then when he showed up proceed to beat the crap out of him. She beat the death dragon at the dragon tourney already (Watchers of the Dragon Version). She has a KS about villians and supernatural creatures, so the tactics are within character knowledge.


Terminal velocity would run as fast as he could. He's a speedster, that's pretty quick.


Meeb would look around and say "Who is this guy, and why should I fight him, I've only been on earth for a couple of months... oh.. he'd hurt me friends... okay" and then try and lead him into a trap.


Angelfire would play the dodge and fight game and rely on help from others who came with her.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Velocity-9 -- umm, lets see, 10 minute head start, at 500 some odd mph, gives me, how big is the hunting area again? :)





p.s. Thanks for all your help guys, still gotta add skills but V9 is just about finished and ready for perusal.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Uncle Slam would not run away. He'd remain and do combat with the beast. He's a very straightforward guy, and wouldn't run away anymore than Superman would run away.


Anthem would assume the creature is probably tough and make her attempt to escape. She'd have to count on agility and durability because it's unlikely she could take him down straight up. She'd look for ways to mask her smell, and play keep away. Anything else would be based on what she finds in the area.


Audra Blue would go into a catatonic state for being removed from her safehaven and either be eaten or sent home because she posed no sport at all.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Flesh Gordon would charge Skarn while the rest of the Beach Watch fled. He would be defeated after putting up a surprisingly good fight, and Skarn would choose to ritually sacrifice this exceptional foe. Chained spread eagle, semi-nude and oiled, Flesh would be approached by Skarn's beautiful daughter. She would free both Flesh and any captured companions, and reluctantly participate in a temporarily successful rebellion against her father. Flesh would almost certainly defeat Skarn by crashing the Amazing Strato Ship into him, after which the injured Skarn would be held in a dimensional prison.


Much later, after the crew returns to Earth, Skarn's daughter would visit Flesh, and catch him in a compromising position with another woman. Swearing revenge, she would free her father and personally lead the invasion of Earth, deermined to be the one who killed Flesh. Flesh would once again flee.


So, just another Thursday.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Soulbarb: My, this could be interesting. A 250-point street level light brick and (possibly) one other NPC 250 point hero versus Skarn... and Soulbarb, while not exceptionally slow, is also not exceptionally quick-moving nor does she have any funky movement abilities. Fortunately, she does have knowledge of mystic threats, so she at least probably has some idea of what Skarn is. Enough to know she's in deep caca. Possibly enough to be able to figure a way out of this hollow sphere, given time. Still, Soulbarb's most likely play is... to consult Camuranima. Skarn must be weakening some kind of dimensional barriers here, enough that Camuranima might well be able to appear in person. Moreover, Hell is probably not really interested in Earth joining Skarn's domain, that would cause far too many complications.


"Skarn, you agreed no magic, yes? Oddly enough, my pal the Demon Prince here didn't agree to any such restriction. Have a nice day."


Soulbarb will then proceed to try to figure her way out of the place while Camuranima keeps Skarn busy, assuming Skarn doesn't call the whole thing off right then and there.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Dolphin Excuse me, but I really don't think you've done your homework. How much do you know about Earth? Are you aware that we resisted at least two invasions by the Skrulls before we even set a boot on our own natural satelite? We've also beaten back the Kree and the Bandoon. Galactus has been here more than three times, as have the Celestials. You are aware that this is the adopted world of the Phoenix? That the Royal Consort of the Shi'ar Empire lives here? You've mentioned magic, so of course you know the Sorcerer Supreme of this reality calls that big blue marbel home. Oh, that reminds me, the dread Dormammu, you've heard of him? Chased him out of town. Twice. But don't take my word for it. Review the recent history of the area called the Middle East. There people strap explosives to their bodies, mingle with crowds of innocent bystanders, and blow themselves, and other people, up, just because they don't like the current government! What are you going to do with SIX BILLION PEOPLE like that?


Meanwhile, Iron Will puts together an ID teleport to get out, ending the hunt and invasion.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Dolphin Excuse me, but I really don't think you've done your homework. How much do you know about Earth? Are you aware that we resisted at least two invasions by the Skrulls before we even set a boot on our own natural satelite? We've also beaten back the Kree and the Bandoon. Galactus has been here more than three times, as have the Celestials. You are aware that this is the adopted world of the Phoenix? That the Royal Consort of the Shi'ar Empire lives here? You've mentioned magic, so of course you know the Sorcerer Supreme of this reality calls that big blue marbel home. Oh, that reminds me, the dread Dormammu, you've heard of him? Chased him out of town. Twice. But don't take my word for it. Review the recent history of the area called the Middle East. There people strap explosives to their bodies, mingle with crowds of innocent bystanders, and blow themselves, and other people, up, just because they don't like the current government! What are you going to do with SIX BILLION PEOPLE like that?




And don't forget Lumbering Ox who just woke up with 250 000 charater points including all powers and enough defences to be untouchable. ;)



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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Badger is going to have the time of his life. It is gonna be difficult to catch him. He'll likely bring the fight ti him after he can get a good idea of his abilities. He'll pull traps. And besides he has lived a great part of his life in various secluded forests. He will be at home.


Former PC (other player from a past game long time ago) that I am currently fleshing out/editing/redoing


Frosty Bob- He is a soldier who is immortal. He has fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and 1st Gulf War. And served as a mercenary in many places between wars (He got bored, you know). He is gonna be happy at this too. AND at home. And if it is a fight to death......well he can be killed, but it'll take a lot of doing and DEATH may grant him a new life again. After all that is how he became immortal. And he didnt get the nickname "Death's Salesman" for nothing. He is gonna do the set traps, lay low, and attack idea too.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Fighting Skarn? With him using no magic?


Starguard -- well, she /could/ go over there and kick his butt, but that's not her style. Instead, she'd merely 'escape the hunting grounds'... in about half a second, using MegaScale Flight. (And that's just one of the very many things she could do with her "archangel power" -themed 90 point Cosmic VPP)


Dr. Pain -- start running, hope to find a narrow ravine or something he could set up to collapse on Skarn using his own superstrength, and then pound the guy flat while he's trying to get out from under a multi-ton deadfall trap, aka "man-made landslide". If Skarn isn't using his magic, and Leon can get in a good booby trap and some cheap shots, he's got a chance.


Baron von Darien: -- has a wide range of options. For one, he could follow the same strategy as Dr. Pain (and execute it /far/ more skillfully and stealthily). For another, he could simply laugh at the idea of Skarn trying to track or capture a cloud of vampiric mist without recourse to his magic. (/With/ his magic, Skarn could do it easily, but...) Or third, if Skarn's not using any of his magic, the Baron could conceivably just walk over there and start beating him senseless. :)

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Queen of Spades doesn't have enough power (ATM) to take His Royal Bruin down, like any monarch would. (Not that she is royalty--she isn't, but it's the principle that counts.)


So she'll do her best to find ways to slow him down while making a direct beeline out. Besides, he doesn't need to know about the Champions team back home... yet.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


One day, while your character and his/her team are minding your own business, *fwoosh*.


You find yourself teleported into a weird wilderness area, on the *inside* of a spherical hollow. Then, you notice beside you is a giant bear-humanoid wearing a crown. . .


What do you do??


Scheister sets out booby trapped Pic-a-nic baskets. (This is definitely not your average bear). Then he runs liked a scared schoolgirl and hopes someone else stops him.


Ranger starts planning what room of his house needs a bear rug. Surveys the terrain for the most advantageous position, then ambushes this creature, striking to kill. Ranger doesn't like mystic stuff, or having his morning coffee/doughnut run interfered with.


Hornet consults with the teams mystic expert, then prepares AKA Heroes for running this creep through "the mill", their patented team setpiece bring down the master villain coordinated attack.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Snapdragon Will make full use of the fact she can breathe in water and shapeshift to make her escape, she's not the most powerful combatant on the team and knows it.


Quantum turns to face him and opens a pinpoint gravity well in his chest and responds "you leave the Earth alone and I won't compress your chest down into something I can hide between my fingers."


Heaven's Sword "You have insulted myself and my ancestors, you shall face me on the field of honor, now, to the death" and demonstrate why he had the rep "most dangerous martial artist in the world, 14-, Extreme reaction"

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


One day, while your character and his/her team are minding your own business, *fwoosh*.


You find yourself teleported into a weird wilderness area, on the *inside* of a spherical hollow. Then, you notice beside you is a giant bear-humanoid wearing a crown. . .


Skarn: "I grant you all a great honor!! You shall now be the prey of Skarn!! I shall hunt you all, forsaking usage of my magic, and if you can escape this hunting grounds, I shall forswear bringing Earth into the perfection of the Congeries. Let the hunt begin!!"


Your team gets a ten minute head start before he starts pursuing.


What do you do??


Astro Knight: "I'm not sure I've got authorization to agree to this..." Would likely try to get a call through to the Authorties, then be surprised when it didn't get through. He'd also be fascinated by the idea of being INSIDe a seemingly 'hollowed' world. However, with the flight speeds he can get, poor Skarn might just be in for a lot of running to 'catch' him. If AK finds a hole out of here, then color him gone. He doesn't have a team per se, though some NPCs in the past have been his friends and might be there by that logic. THOSE might get him to hang around. He doesn't desert friends.


Gaze: would vanish and see if his veil of the mind worked on Skarn. (It probably wouldn't), but he's still a good stealther. The Saints would probably just attack Skarn. More than one of them are overconfident, and once one decided to go for it, the others would back him up. On the flip side, if they played the patience game, they could probably do pretty darn well. They can be really resourceful. Gaze might even try to use his mind control to influence Skarn to lose track of time.


Max Thunder: Try to reason with Skarn. Explain to Skarn this is bad, wrong... ten minutes are up. Suddenly in a fight. Max is a loner most times, so color this quick either way.


Recluse: "Why me?" Also a loner, but a shrinking loner with web tricks, clinging, and other movement powers. I hope Skarn has a GOOD perception roll or this one goes to Recluse. *insert smug emoticon here*


D'ĕthStürm: "I've gone through this fight a (tries to think of a REALLY big number, shrugs) lots of times, and I've already won it...." *Continue bragging, posturing, and patting the Compensator until the time runs out and the game is over*

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


For those who don't have Mystic World. . .


The arena in question resembles a sphere 3 miles in diameter, 30 square miles area. Gravity points outward, so you can walk all the way around it. The terrain is moderately forested and rugged. In particular, there are crevices in the ground which "open" one mile up in the air on the opposite side of the sphere.


There is aggressive native fauna and flora, but lets assume for this hunt that its all in the "nuisance" range ( able to kill a normal human, but not a significant threat to even a 350 point superhero ).


There is one ( usable ) exit, hidden somewhere in the foresting.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Ubermech- Is a 2 ton, 8 foot tall mechaniod. He's not outrunning anyone.

He'd merely turn and say "Battle requested. Battle does not violate any of my parameters. Agreed.' and then charge for a move-through.


Amy Amazing- She'd be surprised, and reluctant to run, but she probably would, hiting the sky as fast as she can and keep moving so she can't be found easily.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


The Destined: Five minutes in the team is looking at Fore Eyes as he works out the quickest and safest route using his precognician. The He shouts "Follow Me" and the group sets off. Skarn takes off after them only to discover that they have avoided all traps and pitfalls and have made it out sucessfully.


Hardball: Would make a valient attempt to escape and be killed (we're talking Skarn here).


Caress: Would attempt to ambush and mind control Skarn and die in the attempt.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


So the rest of the sphere has been constructed so that it is impenetrable to any powers of escape that the characters in question might have...The one usable exit is the only way out? So even if I have octuple AP Teleportation (go go Teleportation VPP!) it wont get me out of the sphere? Same goes for EDM, Desolid, Tunnelling thru 50 DEF, and so on?

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Manchine, would scan him and see that he could take him without breaking a sweat. He knows what magical energy looks like and knows it can hurt him. If he has any magical weapons.


Sonic Soldier, not sure of the situation would take off running and double back and watch him. Since he is super fast there is no way he would catch him. He would learn everything there is about his capturer and know enough that he will know he is being watched. So he will be ready for the "I got YOU".


Animal Teen, the cocky person he is will jsut walk right up to him and knock him out.


White Knight, who uses a magic sword and is possible one of the best fighters in the world. Would consider it a dishonor to run away. Will challange him to a one on one fight. Since he is immortal he doesnt have that much to worry about.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Faye would try to make her own exit, or failing that she'd trying to reason out the location of the exit. It's very hard to imprison a 695 point telekinetic/teleporter with loads of vocational skills and plans to go into super-contracting. "Aw, your mini-Dyson sphere done sprung a leak! So sad." As she heads home, "Man, what was that guy smoking?"

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


Cyrande would likely be having a difficult time, simply because her own powers would be acting wierd(unstatted limitation, but given her powers are based off of controlling the full quantum field and it changes in different universes), but she'd likely try just confronting him at first, and if that fails, retreating to regroup.


Nox runs. She might be able to find the exit quickly, but I'm not sure how resistant to scrying it is. Other then that, she's in trouble. High defenses for her level, but she doesn't really have much to turn the tables on him.

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Re: WWYCD: Let the Hunt Begin!!


So the rest of the sphere has been constructed so that it is impenetrable to any powers of escape that the characters in question might have...The one usable exit is the only way out? So even if I have octuple AP Teleportation (go go Teleportation VPP!) it wont get me out of the sphere? Same goes for EDM' date=' Desolid, Tunnelling thru 50 DEF, and so on?[/quote']


Well, extradimensional travel would work, though it'd probably need a level of AP. The problem with using the others to escape, is that there *is* no "outside." The arena is effectively a pocket dimension.


My best guess is, trying to tunnel or teleport "out" would land you in the appropriate position above the opposite side of the sphere, just like jumping through one of the natural crevasses.

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