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Liefeld's Titans

hooligan x

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


More Liefeldian Disproportions




I never noticed the mouths before. Check out this one. Frame 1, both characters heads turned same direction exactly, mouths in same position; Frame 3, everybody eyes front, same epxression; Frame 4, everbody mouths open.



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Re: Liefeld's Titans


I just picked up my overflowing file at Clockwork Comics and was slapped in the gob by the suckbomb called Tean Titans. Is anyone else upset by this mini-arc of blech?


Its funny you mention this, there was a huge thread on the DC Boards abou the "art" of the last issue. Liefeld (or someone pretending to be him) actually went on the boards to apologize to those who were upset and assure them it was only one more issue.



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Re: Liefeld's Titans


The story is as bad as the art. I am told it will only last one more issue' date=' which I will skip. I don't know who will take over after that.[/quote']


The story is bad? Dang it, I really like Gail Simone's writing. I was almost tempted to pick it up because of her.


It's kinda cool that Liefeld is doing a Hawk and Dove guest shot because before he got X-Force-funky he cut his teeth on H&D. He wasn't awful then.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


I dont know how much time passed between issues, but Raven's hair grew a foot at least. And why does Cyborg have an infant's head? AND THE TEETH! They all have the same mad dentist who gave Caine Marko all those extra teeth! Why, sweet Odin, why?




Yeah... uh, sorry about that... see what had happened was me an' Chuck Norris were out behind the local 7-11 with our Maddog, when Liefeld strolled up with an eightball right... we got to talking and stuff... well, slurring after all the booze and coke, and... you know... these things happen.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


The story is bad? Dang it, I really like Gail Simone's writing. I was almost tempted to pick it up because of her.



I personally don't see the story as bad - just reading the dialog and narration boxes are really pretty cool, but the art, and Liefeld's inabilty to create motion or cohesiveness between panels (just glorified poses) really detract from it. I think the story it fine, the art is just so bad that it detracts from the story.


All Hail Gail Simone.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


The story is bad? Dang it, I really like Gail Simone's writing. I was almost tempted to pick it up because of her.


It's kinda cool that Liefeld is doing a Hawk and Dove guest shot because before he got X-Force-funky he cut his teeth on H&D. He wasn't awful then.



You memory is being clouded by the veil of time. He was that bad then, but Karl Kesel was fixing much of his nastieness in the inking stage.



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Re: Liefeld's Titans


I kind of disliked the writing too, however I do normaly like the writer, so I blame Liefield for it as well...


I think the writer should have familirised herself with Hawk & Dove a little better (Hawk's powers come FROM Chaos, not 1/2 from, and hawk can take Kestrel with little effort in a strait up fight)

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


For all the things that people make fun of regarding Liefeld's work, upon reviewing the Titans panels, the thing that bugs me the most is his lack of dynamic flow.


What I mean is... well... There's no impact to anything. When I once deluded myself into thinking I could be a comic artist, I read "How to draw comics the Marvel way". There's a great example where a figure is standing in a doorway and while it's nicely drawn, it's utterly unremarkable; Then next to it they have the same figure from a ground-up view, the door and character receding away in perspective.


Everything Liefeld does is horizontal or vertical. Characters stand straight up or fly straight across. Their heads are at 90 degree angles to the page, even when punched, he just turns their face to that 3/4 view like the blow forced them to turn their head.


In one of the items I referenced above, there's a shot where a girl is kicking Robin in the first panel. I kept thinking "nice coloring job" but the fact is, a colorist would have a full time job trying to make a Liefeld panel look dynamic. He needed to have a bright spot at the point of impact between the girl's foot and robin. But honestly, if the artist had been any good, he wouldnt' have to compensate.


Since the days of "bif" "bam" "pow" are over, as almost no one includes punching or striking sound effects anymore, everyone has stopped drawing impact lines as well. Back when comics were black and white, they HAD to have motion lines. But since any artist can have his colorist carry him with digital effects, they often get lazy.


My honest opinion: This guy needs an art class. Same way that I need an art class. To bush up on fundamentals. Then he needs a few hours with Stan Lee pointing out to him how to use dynamic camera angles. I'd have Jack Kirby do it, but he's long gone; and Stan was a great editor.

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Awwww, Kestrel's in it too? Gail Simone is like the spiritual heir to Barbara Kesel (probably still recovering from the CrossGen War) and now she's riffing on Barbara's characters. That is almost tempting enough to overcome willingly subjecting myself to eyeball-searing Liefeld pencils.


Was I being too generous by saying Liefeld's pencils "weren't awful?"

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Re: Liefeld's Titans


Teen Titans #27. Grab your copy and read along!


Pg1. Does Tim have rickets? What is up with his legs?! Also, what the christing poo doodie is he doing on this page? Is trying to catch an enormous gummi worm?


pg2. Um, Cassie got implants off-panel in issue 26? Maybe they are swollen from mind-controled Superboy's beating. And Robin's head shrank between pages.


pg3. Cross Christina? Is that seriously the name they are gonna use for two issues? Let's just use CC for our purposes. Note the "Fat, stupid witch' CC is threatening is the same body type as all the other women in this comic.

BONUS: CC uses the word "pig" for the first time. And then the second.


pg4. Grouse? Your supervillian name is Grouse? Be careful lifting that "Fat witch". Lift with your knees, not your back!

Is that Asian dude with the yellow tie a super baddie? Where does he go?

Server Aja? Aaaahhh! Extreme closeup! I didn't know doc Johnson make cyberdolls!


pg5. Ad. Much better.


pg 6. MMMmmmm, Liefeldy. Cassie uses her super strength to haul tha fat cow to safety. Is that a business suit or a police uniform? Why is it made of shiney spandex?


pg7. Hey, Hubba Bubba! I like gum! Is that a Nick Park polar bear? Sweet. i wish this whole book was done by Nick Park. That'd rock out with it's sock out!


pg8. CC uses "Pig" again! Hey, she must have bought her gun from Robbie L's House of Unusually Large Firearms! Cable shops there. Good news: Cassie's breasts are shrinking. What are CC and Tim doing? Neither one of them is touching the ground and Tim's cape is growing.


pg9. That's cold! The Lords of Chaos are talking smack about him and HE IS RIGHT THERE! If that happened on my block, someone woulda got shot.


pg10. "PIG"! I guess "Sweet Christmas" and "Flame on" were taken, but PIG is not a good catchphrase. I am impressed that she managed to kick that teeny tiny head. What kinga OCV penalty is that, anyway?


P11. "Dear Rob,

Do you like me?

circle one:




Love, Gail"


Pg12. Love Robin's Cossack Dance of Doom. Antimatter grenades!


pg13. Everyone is safe and the bad guys are captured. Hey, What happened to Asian Yellow Tie Man? Did he escape? Or was he just Stockholm syndroming on page 4?

Daddy didn't love me!


pg14. Hey, a real comic book!


pg15. Has Liefeld never seen a bowling pin before? Those look like a combination cocktail shaker and sex toy. Hey, Raven bought a wig! That bowling alley must be old because everyone looks like they smell something stinky.


pg16. Robin picks up the ball, looks at it, sees there are no holes, and sits down without bowling. The kid like holes in is bowling ball, what can I say?


pg17-25 If I had Legos I'd build a robot monkey that could draw better than Liefeld.


pg26. Ohhh, blood! I guess this isn't still Bionicle. The stink of female? It must be all them scented candles she buys.


pg27. Hey kids! The Man won't let you buy chewing tobaccy? Practice with this stuff! You'll be 18 someday!


pg28. Is that Yellow Tie man again? How did he get the Fat Witch's glasses? Well, looks like we won't se him again. No wonder they never named him.


pg29. So when Hawk transforms, her hair parts on the other side? That's an odd superpower.


pg30. Oh no! Cassie's swollen breast disease is contagious! I think even Vic has caught it.


pg31. Nightmare Before Christmas 2, Electric Boogaloo!


pg32 & 33. Wristbands? Check! Lasso? Check! Huge man-junk package? Check and Check!


pg34. "Quick Robin! Do that jump-n-squat move you've been practicing!"


pg35. Look! Art school grads! Weird, huh?


pg36. I wish the JLA would mindwipe this comic from my memeory.


pg37. Holy crapsticks! CC knocked Cassie so hard her shoulders are at a 90 degree angle to her torso! That's gotta hurt!


pg38. Look at all the other comics you could have dropped your $2.50 on.


Pg39.The Teeth! The Teeth!


pg40. So, wait. What happened to Raven?


That's the book that out the "ick" in comic! Well, see you in 60, true believers!

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