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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Josh and I watched Ratatouille last night (and the short animation that came with it, about the alien abduction). Really cute. Liked it more than I thought I would, which is about par for Pixar films, for me. I'll wonder about the concept, then settle down to watch the execution, and get sucked in at some point. Then I wind up either choked up, cheering or laughing (or some combination) by the end of the movie.


It's kinda weird. But not a criticism.


I'm the same exact way, didn't really want to see it in theaters, but then started cracking up bout 30 minutes in and loving it. Brad Bird knows his stuff though.


Just finished watching the... 17th episode of Twin Peaks, just started the episode that is apparently guest starring David Duchovny. Should be good.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Watched Outland last night. High Noon in space, with Sean Connery as the marshal. A favorite of mine, even if they did do the exposed to vacuum=explode thing (2001 handles exposure to space properly). I didn't realize that John Ratzenberger was the first one to be "blowed up" until I watched the credits at the end.



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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Planet Terror. Lots of gore for grossness' sake, which I could've done without. But it was amusing. Josh and I laughed quite a bit over the "missing reel."


Then we tried to watch the ComicCon appearance by Tarantino and Rodriguez (and two of the stars of the film), and Josh had to turn it off, because Tarantino made him twitchy.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Planet Terror. Lots of gore for grossness' sake, which I could've done without. But it was amusing. Josh and I laughed quite a bit over the "missing reel."


Then we tried to watch the ComicCon appearance by Tarantino and Rodriguez (and two of the stars of the film), and Josh had to turn it off, because Tarantino made him twitchy.


Well, I think in Planet Terror the gore was so over the top I couldn't take it seriously after a while. But yeah, it was icky at times. On the other hand, I als thought it was pretty hilarious as a send up/homage of 70s exploitation films.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Just got done with the "Back to the Future" trilogy. I'd never watched it back to back to back before. It was interesting to catch the cameos and little bits in the background (like the Roger Rabbit stuffed animal in the '80s Cafe window, and Charles Fleischer--the voice or Roger Rabbit--as the mechanic in 1955 that repairs Biff's car). But it's a series that my wife hates*, so I tend to watch it alone.



*She feels that they are all bad movies, and compares them to a Marx brothers movie with obsessive attention to details (like the timing in the Dance scenes in 1 and 2). Then again, I don't really care for "It's a Wonderful Life" (though I don't consider it a bad movie), which is one of her favorites.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Fight Quest, episodes 1-5.


Well, I don't like it as much as Human Weapon.


Much more time spent looking at the training itself, which I do like. OTOH, the hosts lack charisma, the writing is even worse than Human Weapon's (and that wasn't exactly sparkling), and the number of minor and semi-serious injuries the hosts suffer make you wonder if they really should be doing this in the first place.


I'll keep watching, but I'd rather have another season of HW.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


The Kingdom I thought it was pretty good and avoided the pitfall of making every Muslim seem like one of the wacko terrorist nutjobs. I despise seeing one of the good guys getting knocked off, but overall a good thriller. I'm sure the ending "message" was supposed to be poignant or something, but it just struck me as a sad fact that didn't really need to be pointed out.


3:10 to Yuma I was hoping for something different. Maybe I wanted to see the 'one-legged rancher" turn out to be some ex-gunslinger or something. I was almost disappointed in the movie. Almost. And then I got to see a great character drama that could have been used in almost any genre to the same great effect. I think that is the hallmark of an outstanding movie. If you can change all the trappings and still have a good story, you've got a keeper. That is what happened here. See above, however, regarding unpleasant fate's of good guys.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


House M.D. Season 2


Event Horizon -- Alien and Doom 3 did it better.

By Doom 3 I hope you mean the video game and not the craptastic movie with the Rock and the guy from Rohan.





P.S. I know his name is Karl, Keith or something "K" Urban, but I haven't liked him in anything other than his Lord of the Ring's role. I hope to see him in a movie where he does more than spout platitudes about how evil vikings are or grunt a lot in coached Russian and shoot at Jason Bourne. He might be a good actor.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


3:10 to Yuma I was hoping for something different. Maybe I wanted to see the 'one-legged rancher" turn out to be some ex-gunslinger or something. I was almost disappointed in the movie. Almost. And then I got to see a great character drama that could have been used in almost any genre to the same great effect. I think that is the hallmark of an outstanding movie. If you can change all the trappings and still have a good story, you've got a keeper. That is what happened here. See above, however, regarding unpleasant fate's of good guys.


My favorite movie of the year, I think, or maybe tied with No Country for Old Men. Damn good stuff.


It really was something I didn't expect, but that turned out to be a very good thing for me. I loved the fact that the rancher was nothing more than that, a rancher that got his leg blown off while on guard duty in the Civil War. Nothing heroic, just some guy that's a pretty good shot. What I was most pleasantly surprised by was the fact that the kid, which I groaned every time he would whine about being old enough to go shoot the bad guys, actually became a likeable character. For one of the first time's I can remember in a movie, the annoying brat that sneaks out in the night to take on more than he can chew doesn't just end up getting kidnapped and being more trouble than he's worth.


Fantastic movie, bought it on Blu-Ray, can't wait to watch it once more.


Not to mention Wash was pretty great in it.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


By Doom 3 I hope you mean the video game and not the craptastic movie with the Rock and the guy from Rohan.





P.S. I know his name is Karl, Keith or something "K" Urban, but I haven't liked him in anything other than his Lord of the Ring's role. I hope to see him in a movie where he does more than spout platitudes about how evil vikings are or grunt a lot in coached Russian and shoot at Jason Bourne. He might be a good actor.


Yes. Doom 3 is the game. Doom is the failure of a movie.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yes. Doom 3 is the game. Doom is the failure of a movie.
Yeah. Agree wholeheartedly. While I had problems with Doom 3 it was overall a fantastic game. It was the one of the first person shooters that really went for the realistic physics and all. Had some downright creepy moments in it. Became predictable after a while. Dark room? Where's the magically disguised and unmarked cabinet for the imp to jump out of? Still....:thumbup:.


As to Event Horizon I liked the Sci-Fi bits much more than the scary horror bits. Many movies and books have done that part better.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


SUNSHINE -- An interesting though highly unlikely scenario about trying to refire the core of our fading sun with a nuclear weapon the size of Manhattan. The first three-quarters of this movie was intriguing, but I guess they just had to have an antagonist to distract us from the fact that everyone dies in the end. Still, it's worth a rent if you happen to see it on the shelf somewhere.


BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY (TV series) -- Yeah, this is some serious Glen Larson cheese, but seeing Erin Gray (and several other actresses at the beginning of their careers) caper around in revealing and/or form-hugging polyester and spandex costumes does keep me interested when things get too schmaltzy. (I bought this one partially to see the look of disgust on the face of one of my friends when I suggested we watch an episode.) Seriously, though, if Glen hadn't introduced the whole Seeker thing in season two, it would have been a (barely) tolerable action/adventure series.


Matt "You-asked-me" Frisbee

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