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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yojimbo and Seven Samurai.


I can see where they set a standard for future movies, but honestly I was bored stiff watching both of them. I felt that I owed it to both myself and these classics to have a gander. Now that I have seen them, I can honestly say I like what evolved from them more than the source works themselves. I also like the Western movie versions (A Fistful of Dollars and The Magnificent Seven) better too. That's probably because I dislike sub-titles.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yojimbo and Seven Samurai.


I can see where they set a standard for future movies, but honestly I was bored stiff watching both of them. I felt that I owed it to both myself and these classics to have a gander. Now that I have seen them, I can honestly say I like what evolved from them more than the source works themselves. I also like the Western movie versions (A Fistful of Dollars and The Magnificent Seven) better too. That's probably because I dislike sub-titles.


I've tried watching Seven Samurai, but haven't gotten all the way through to the end. I haven't yet tried watching Yojimbo.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


'Pirates Of The Caribbean 4'. Loads of fun, greatly enjoyed it (as expected). You don't watch these movies for deep psychological study, historical insights or beautifully ceafted plots. You watch them for the kewl stuff and general fun involved. Great to see Cap'n Jack again. And Barbossa. And Gibbs. Ian McShane as Blackbeard was one seriously scary dude as well.


Three ARRRS out of Four, certainly.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Between the two' date=' Yojimbo was the better one in my opinion.[/quote']


Cool, thanks for your opinion. I might have to rent it (if I can) after I get through Seven Samurai (one of these days).


(and thanks for the tip about Bones)

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


disc 1 of batfink


Three words: "Wings of Steel".


I watched Gnomio and Juliet. It was fun, but if you can wait for the price to drop, do it. Especially if you intend to go Blu-Ray.


Also watched some episodes of The Flash TV series.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


The Event Season 1 Finale


They had me all the way up to the very end. After that, the bottom just dropped out.



The big back story is that the aliens' solar system's sun is about to supernova. Yet the poorly equipped, stranded explorers could cobble together a gateway capable of moving an entire planet light years. Am I expected to believe that the home planet couldn't have come up with some magictech that could reroute the energetic blow-off from a star. Maybe even absorb the energy to use. Now I ain't a physics or a math geek, but it seems to me that pulling a planet halfway across the galaxy would require a lot more energy.


Also, and again I do not have figures, but wouldn't an Earth-sized planet plopped between the moon and Earth cause the two main planets to collide?


Last, but certainly not least, I would just love the hell out of a show that had a romantic relationship between a man and woman, where the word "pregnant" never, ever entered the dialogue. It is not edgy, surprising and entertaining anymore.



And then I hear that NBC canceled season two. There goes any hope of plot resolution. I should have just played solitaire or mahjong. Would have been time better spent anyway. Well, okay, Taylor Cole (who plays Vicky), is very easy on the eyes. But still.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?



Also, and again I do not have figures, but wouldn't an Earth-sized planet plopped between the moon and Earth cause the two main planets to collide


Maybe not actually collide (at least in one piece), but I am certain the results wouldn't be pretty.


Also, I'm guessing that stuff like

would be a significant factor.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I saw a DVD flick called Black Death this morning. I originally only rented it becasue it had Sean Bean on the cover in armor. I thought, well this might pass 90 minutes mindlessly while I putter around the house working on my sculpture project for animation class.


It was a better movie than I was expecting. It was advertised a medieval gothic horror, so I thought Army of Darkness or Season of the Witch only maybe cheesier. Though it shared some plot elements with Season of the Witch, but it took a much different tack. And they did the whole thing pretty straight ahead, with no cheese factor. It was also a surprisingly low magic (or no magic) world, and people have it rough. It is stated that they are in England right after the Battle of Crecy. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone that might want to rent it, but the question of whether there is genuine magic or not is key to the plot at one point, and it's a little chilling when you get the answer.


The movie was more about drama and human interaction than special effects or shock horror tactics. Actually, I don't think there was one effect more complicated than makeup and blood squibs in the whole movie. It was really all about acting and setting up tense situations then resolvng them in ways that you didn't always expect. There are some clunky moments, but overall things move along well. The whole thing is little dour, but what do expect of a horror flick set during the Plague.


They didn't spend a lot money, but they still did a decent job all around. I give it a pretty solid B, but as I said I went in expecting something C- or so based on the lack of a theatrical release and the cover blurb on the box. Worth a rental, but not a classic. The evil group is very interetsing. The plot might make an interesting one-off scenario for Call of Cthulu Dark Ages, but I wouldn't want to base a game on it.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I also saw the most bizarrely funny trailer ever today. I kind of doubt that the movie can carry this hilarious conceit through its full running time, but the trailer made me pee a little from laughter. It's a movie about a killer tire. No, that was not a typo. Witness the insanity that is RUBBER!!!



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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Watched whole whole run of Six Feet Under in one big marathon (advantages of Funemployment).

Uh, Wow.

Great show. Glad I figured out it was a tragedy and prepared myself accordingly.

It packs quite a wallop taken in one big uninterrupted bite. I was a bit shell shocked.

Some of it felt strangely familiar. Turns out one of the writer's consultants is my ex-partner in malice who went showbiz.


I told y'all my life is like a David Lynch film...

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