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Dying to see Interstellar, but the kids were dying to see Big Hero 6, and, well, they whine louder.  Pretty solid superhero movie, though interestingly, it's also cyberpunk without the grimness.  Best parts for me were Gogo's superhero character concept and the setting of San Fransokyo, which I would move to instantly if it really existed.


I saw it, and enjoyed. There are some very endearing characters there. For me, the best scene, and in many ways, the most important part is when

When Hiro set Baymax to KILL the villain, and the other four stopped it. That's when I knew Go Go, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred 'had the stuff'. Hiro would come along, but that scene to me was the best in the movie.


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Black-ish is a funny ass show. Yes, it has 'what lesson did we learn today' syndrome, but it's lovingly meant. I also like that it's very even handed for the most part in who gets to hold the 'oops' ball. The dad makes mistakes. The mom makes mistakes. The actors playing the kids are pretty darn good for being so young as well.

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I tried to watch the El Rey series 'From Dusk till Dawn' but it basically lost me. The Seth character, rather than the charismatic Clooney, comes off as a bully - the "I've got the gun so I'm the alpha male" type, which I just don't care for. Once they get past the parts that were in the movie, it turns into a kind of crime fantasy. Still, a good source for Monster Hunters, and I like the stuff about the blood cult. It'd be interesting to play bad guys/criminals turn monster hunters.

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At this month's anime party it was virtually all retro. I always love the opportunity to show off Azumanga Daioh, which is one of the classic anime comedies against which all other school comedies are measured. But most of the other shows screened were also older. The one that took me back most was Here is Greenwood, a six-part direct-to-video series from the early nineties (based on a manga that ran much longer) about a dormitory at an all-boys boarding school.

Well, almost all boys it would appear, as the protagonist (who arrives late after a month-long hospital stay) is rooming with someone who he is told is actually a girl, and who actually looks the part. He is sworn to secrecy and warned not to "do anything strange" with her. Only three days later does he accidentally see "her" in the restroom using a certain piece of equipment and discover that he has been the victim of a hideous practical joke, the outcome of which had been the subject of a dorm-wide wagering pool. Gradually he adjusts to his new life (and his roommate's feminine appearance and mannerisms are genuine and apparently run in his family -- and for the record he does not seem to be gay) and his neighbors (particularly the smart, handsome and wickedly cunning senpais next door). The second episode resolves around one of those senpais -- it seems his wealthy and vaguely crime-lordish sister is nursing such a deep grudge against him that she is willing to resort to kidnapping anyone connected to him even mildly in order to get revenge. That episode has one of the best "Gotcha" lines I've ever seen: "Unlike yours, my gun is not an expensive replica." (Pulls the trigger.) "It's a cheap toy."

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The boy and I watched Big Hero 6. I liked the scenes with Heathcliff. Stoic butler being used as a testing dummy. We also liked Feast, a short cartoon before the movie. Stray puppy gets picked up off the street, enjoys food like its going out of style, has his diet changed by his master's girlfriend, hates it and throws a fit every time she tries to feed him, causes a breakup, and then reunites the two because his master is feeding him again but is moping around the house. He is stuck back on the dog food diet until a baby comes along. THen he is sharing a bowl with the kid at the end


Watched some episodes of A Certain Magical INdex on youtube. Toma is an unlucky student in a city of them. When he meets Index, his life changes as he must defend her from her own church, and from the forces loose in the city.


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Guardians of the Galaxy. I Am Groot is destined to become a lot of people's default answers. I knew Dave Bautista as Batista from WWE. It is when he is around other people you realise how big the guy is. It was interesting to see what they did with Thanos. And the backup actors apart from the main cast were a treat. They even had the voice of Darth Maul who died a heroic death.

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Watched Lucy then The Matrix. First time I've seen The Matrix. Both were okay, I think i like Lucy better. Also watched Planes 2 (Planes: Fire & Rescue) which was enjoyable. 



Just finished watching This is Spinal Tap. Instead of going to 11, it goes to about 4. Sorry Enforcer84, I just didn't enjoy it. 


I did find this interesting:

When asked by Director Rob Reiner to compose the score to 'The Princess Bride', Dire Straits' guitarist Mark Knopfler, a fan of 'This is Spinal Tap' agreed, under the condition that the cap worn by Reiner in 'This is Spinal Tap' appear in the movie. Reiner obtained a replica cap and placed it in the bedroom of the boy in the present day scenes.


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I recently watched seasons one and two of Vikings (historic drama) on blu-ray.   I'm hardly an expert on this period, but the look and feel they've put on screen is feature film quailty and seems very authentic.  Set in the late 8th century when viking raiders are just starting to explore then-unknown England, pagan vs. Christian culture clash is a principal theme.  Some episodes are difficult to watch - early on they raid an English monastery, stabbing, beating and enslaving a group of harmless, unarmed priests - no concept of chivalry here!  But in a way, that's a strength of the show - it tries to show a warrior culture warts and all, without sugar coating it.


The leading actor playing Ragnar definitely has screen presence and charisma, as do most of the rest of the cast.  Some of the storylines dip into soap opera territory - Ragnar gets involved in a love triangle with two strong but very different women - but overall I would highly recommend.

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Finished watching Godzilla (2014), too boring couldn't get interested in it. 


Also watched How To Steal A Million with Audrey Hepburn & Peter O'Toole which WAS much more enjoyable than Godzilla.


And third film today The Time Machine (1960). Mostly enjoyable. Has a Planet of the Apes vibe (although i haven't seen that film). Lovedthe upbeat ending; that he took three books and we the audience is left to ponder which three books. The lead actor is an Aussie as well, wahoo! 

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If you found the current Godzilla boring, stay far away from the 1998 version (it had plenty of action, but still managed to be utterly dull).


Time Machine is a good one, I often rewatch it and other George Pal classic flix such as War of the Worlds and When Worlds Collide.

Thanks for the recommendations. I have a copy of Things to Come which I've been meaning to watch. 

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The Hobbit part 3, Battle of the Five Armies.




They killed the dragon before the credits ! I was not expecting him to die so quickly.




They did come up with a better way to kill the Master of Laketown off.


They show the fight at Dol Guldur with Galadrial turning up and taking out the guard before the Nazgul appear as spirits, all nine of them. Then Saruman and Elrond turn up and wallop them. Radagast takes Gandalf away. Saruman hammers the Nazgul which is no mean feat considering Christopher Lee's age. Then Sauron brings them all back to square off against the three. Which is when Galadrial gets upset. This is worth seeing.


Back at the mountain, the armies square off with Billy Connelly playing Dain coming to the aid of Thorin. Bilbo has already given the Arkenstone to Bard and Tharanduil, been given the mithral coat by Thorin and been kicked out of the mountain. Gandalf has appeared and tried to get both sides to see reason. Then the orcs turn up. Tharanduil has a War Moose which is very effective as are the War Gioats that the dwarves use. In order to stop the orcs Thorin goes  after Azog with the best fighters in the company, Fili, Kili and Dwalin. Bilbo tries to warn them of another approaching army of orcs lead by Bolg.

The end makes the deaths poignant which the book did not. And both Azog and Bolg perish though again not as they did in the books.




There are links to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I honestly did not see that coming.



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