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1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


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Hey there,


This is my first time on these boards, basically because I've only just discovered the HERO System, and indeed CHAMPIONS. This all brings me to my very first question.


I have yet to purchase any HERO Product, and would like to know, should I purchase CHAMPIONS, or should I purchase The HERO System 5th Edition?


My group will almost exclusively be playing Superhero styled games (we already get our Fantasy fix from D&D, and our modernesque type fix from Vampire the Masquerade and GAMMA World).


Any and All help will be greatly appreciated.




PS: I'm also very excited to see I've just come to HERO in time for Ultimate Speedster, since Speedsters is what got me looking for a Superhero Game in the first place.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


HERO System 5th Edition Revised - makes a good start, but might seem overwhelming to some.


HERO System Sidekick - is HERO Lite and an excellent introduction to Hero System.


Hero System 5th Edition Rules Questions - Answered by Steve Long

Post here for answers to your HERO System 5th Edition rules questions.


Killer Shrike's Hero System Resoures is a good introduction guide.




We are a fairly friendly and helpful bunch.




P.S.: "Make mine HERO by DOJ"

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


Welcome Valkyrie... er, NovaStorm!


Out of those two, go for HERO 5th Rev., the main rule book. There are no rules (really) in Champions, so you'll need the rule book no matter what.


I'd recommend you pick up Sidekick instead, however. It's got 90% of the rules, it's only $7 as a PDF, and you can download it NOW, and start using it right away. Plus you can loan it to players for their reference when you do get the main rule book.


Champions is a great resource if you've never played superheroes with HERO, or never played superheroes at all. You might also consider Champions Universe, which is a specific setting world that many of the genre books are set in.


Ok, that'll get you started. We are indeed a friendly bunch so feel free to ask questions.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


The Hero System 5th Edition Revised contains the core rules of the system. On these boards most people use the shorthand 5ER to refer to them.


Sidekick is a sort of light version of 5ER.


You will need one of these two books before you can do anything else. Once you have the core rules, with a little imagination, you can run any setting without having to buy anything else. But of course having the various genre and sourcebooks makes things easier.


Champions is a sourcebook for superhero games. It has all sorts of goodies that help you apply the core rules toward running or playing in a superhero game.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


I own 3 copies of the main ruleset: HERO System 5th ED, 5th ED revised, and Sidekick. The new players prefer to use Sidekick, as it pretty much covers everything they'll need. Sure, FREd (Fifth Revised Edition) has extended examples and covers the rules for a lot more situations, but if you're even asking those situations, you've moved beyond the need for Sidekick. And, as TheQuestionMan said, it's a lot less intimidating.


In contrast, Champions is a sourcebook for how to do superheroes. As HERO was originally designed to DO superheroes by default, it's not necessary to own. However, it's got some nice genre convention stuff in it. If you already know if you're going to play Teen Champions (Young Justice/Teen Titans adolescent superheroics) or Dark Champions: The Animated Series (Batman/Green Hornet street-level vigilantes), you may want to look at those books instead.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


My group will almost exclusively be playing Superhero styled games (we already get our Fantasy fix from D&D, and our modernesque type fix from Vampire the Masquerade and GAMMA World).


5th edition Hero is the core rulebook, that will allow you to build any type of character. You will find that if you like the system (it's not for everyone) you can build Supers, Fantasy (there's an existing supplement: Fantasy Hero), Vampire (you can build the disciplines as various powers) and Gamma World (I guess that would be a subset of STAR HERO).

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


The really great thing about hero is that once you get started you can run any genre of campaign (Supers, Fantasy, SF, Pulp, Modern, Horror, etc) with the same rules and mechanics. Once you get acclimated on these boards you can find conversions and advice for all kinds of games including D20 conversions, and there is even an official Traveller Hero in the works.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


Just saw this for the 1st time. Welcome to Hero Novastorm. Now that you know what you need to start. Here is a sample begining 350 point superhero. Enjoy.



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

15 CON 10 12-

14 BODY 8 12-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

14 COM 2 12-


3/23 PD 0 Total: 3/23 PD (0/20 rPD)

3/23 ED 0 Total: 3/23 ED (0/20 rED)

5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

12 REC 12

44 END 7

50 STUN 20 Total Characteristic Cost: 135


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 15"/120"

Leaping: 3"/6"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END


60 Tornado Zone: Multipower, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); all slots Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4)

6u 1) Tornado Blast: EB 15d6 (75 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4) 7

6u 2) Concentrated Tornado Blast: EB 8 1/2d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (75 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4) 7

6u 3) Having Trouble Breathing?: EB 7d6, NND (Self Contained Breathing; +1) (70 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4) 7

6u 4) Mini Tornado: EB 10d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4) 7

6u 5) Lifting Tornado: Telekinesis (50 STR) (75 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4) 7

6u 6) Going For A Spin: Drain DEX 5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4)

6u 7) Wind Wall: FW (10 PD/10 ED; 5" long and 2" tall), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4) 3


24 Wind Control: Elemental Control, 60-point powers, (30 Active Points); all slots Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4)

24 1) Wind Shield: FF (20 PD/20 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4)

24 2) Ride the Wind: Flight 15", x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4)

8 Wind Shield II: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel) (15 Active Points); Linked (Wind Shield; Lesser Instant Power can be used in any Phase in which greater Constant Power is in use; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -1/2), Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Water (-1/4)



10 Contact: Gary Folsworth, Reporter for the Chicago Tribune (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

2 Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers



5 +1 with DCV

6 +2 with Tornado Zone MP

3 Electronics 12-

Everyman Skills (Cost: 0 Points)

0 1) Native: Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

0 2) AK: Chicago 11-

0 3) Acting 8-

0 4) Climbing 8-

0 5) Computer Programming 8-

0 6) Concealment 8-

0 7) Conversation 8-

0 8) Deduction 8-

0 9) PS: Construction Worker 11-

0 10) Paramedics 8-

0 11) Persuasion 8-

0 12) Shadowing 8-

0 13) Stealth 8-

0 14) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

2 KS: Carpentry 11-

2 KS: Plumbing 11-

3 Mechanics 12-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 215

Total Cost: 350


200+ Disadvantages

20 DNPC: Jack & Harriet Carson (Parents) 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

15 Hunted: Chicago P.D. 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Watching)

20 Hunted: Viper 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Physical Limitation: Weird Bio Chemistry Requires Specialt Medical Attention (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Shameless Flirt (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Swashbuckler Attitude (Common, Strong)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Chad Carson) (Frequently, Major)

10 Social Limitation: Smoker (Frequently, Minor)

5 Unluck: 1d6


Total Disadvantage Points: 150


Background/History: Chad Carson sat on the top of the skeleton of the new hi-rise to join the Chicago sky line. His lunch box sat open next to him and he munched on a cold slice of pizza. His mind drifted back as he ate as to how much this build has changed his life. Two months ago Chad had been working on, what was at that time, the highest floor of the superstucture when a freak storm occured, he watched in horror as a tornado headed his way and he was unable to do anything but pray. The tornado had picked up a chemical truck that had been transpoting a newly created radioactive isotope.The truck slammed into the steel girders of the building, shattering the containment and bathing both the superstructure and Chad with the isotope. Chad's body began to glow as the isotope was absorbed into his skin it also seemed to absorb the very wind itself. Chad slowly rose into the air and as he opened his eyes he discovered that the tornado was gone and he was flying. Over the next few weeks he learned to use and control his power. Dubbing himself Tornado he soon beacme one of the more popular supers in the Windy city.


Quote: "Bad news Pal, you just stirred up an ill wind."


Powers/Tactics: Tornado possess the ability to create tornadoes to use in various ways, He can also manipulsate the air around him that it both protects him and allows him to fly.


Campaign Use: Wind Based Energy Blaster


Appearance: Chad Carson is in his mid 20's and is excellent physical shape. He has blond hair and blue eyes. As Tornado he wears a blue and white costume.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


The really great thing about hero is that once you get started you can run any genre of campaign (Supers' date=' Fantasy, SF, Pulp, Modern, Horror, etc) with the same rules and mechanics. Once you get acclimated on these boards you can find conversions and advice for all kinds of games including D20 conversions, and there is even an official Traveller Hero in the works.[/quote']


And if you ever need to see how different characters look in HERO, go here:



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  • 2 years later...

Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


As others have said, you need the core rules in either 5ER or Sidekick, what no one has said yet, and something I'm a HUGE fan of is Hero Designer. This is a software program to create characters. I know, I know it sounds like the lazy way out, but believe me, you will learn SO much about how to make characters with this.


The other thing it offers is when you purchase the service contract, which includes the software and all updates for 1 year, you also get access to the character database where board members have posted their characters created with the software.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


As others have said, you need the core rules in either 5ER or Sidekick, what no one has said yet, and something I'm a HUGE fan of is Hero Designer. This is a software program to create characters. I know, I know it sounds like the lazy way out, but believe me, you will learn SO much about how to make characters with this.


The other thing it offers is when you purchase the service contract, which includes the software and all updates for 1 year, you also get access to the character database where board members have posted their characters created with the software.


Actually, I think HD's service plan is good for two years.


Also, my site has a lot of HD files attached to many of the character sheets, so you can download them and use them as needed.

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Re: 1st Time Hero in need of Advice.


Hey guys, while I appreciate the replies, this thread is about 3 years old :P Checkmate revived it after it had been dead for 2 years.


I've collecting the books for ages now, and have been playing HERO System exclusively for over 3 months now. I have HDv3 and love it.


So yeah, thanks for the replies, even if they are a little late lol.

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