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Historical Nexus Points

Warpcore Breach

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I have an idea to take my Champions campaign time hopping and was wondering what points in history (factual or fictional) might be interesting for the team to change the outcome of. A couple that I have come up with were to stop the "sabotage" of the Hindenburg or to save or arrange to be captured a young Julius Caesar who was on the run at the age of 19 for not divorcing his wife when ordered by Sulla, a political rival of his father's. I know there are dozens of other pivotal moments that would be fun to participate in.


Any other ideas from the great fount of knowledge?

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


I have an idea to take my Champions campaign time hopping and was wondering what points in history (factual or fictional) might be interesting for the team to change the outcome of. A couple that I have come up with were to stop the "sabotage" of the Hindenburg or to save or arrange to be captured a young Julius Caesar who was on the run at the age of 19 for not divorcing his wife when ordered by Sulla, a political rival of his father's. I know there are dozens of other pivotal moments that would be fun to participate in.


Any other ideas from the great fount of knowledge?


The books are called What If? and they are collections of short essays by historians. Goldmine for this kind of thing. The first essay was the Moors winning in Spain... another is Lord Halifax becomming PM in UK 1940, he likely would have made peace with Hitler, the empire lasts until the 1980's... all kinds of what if's but very well researched.

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


Here is an idea I had for a nexus point a while back (Age of Sail, related to Cpt. William Kidd).


Steven Barnes has a couple of alt history books (Lion's Blood was the first) where the nexus point is Carthage defeating Rome, leading to Africa becoming the center of civilization instead of Europe. Africans trade guns to Norse raiders for barbarian slaves taken from Eire, Alba & Gaul, sent to the New World to work on plantations. It's a pretty groovy idea.

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


Stopping any assassination would be a good plot twist. Such as JFK mentioned above. Other stop the assassination plots could be



Robert Kennedy

Martin Luther King


Don't forget the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. That started World War One, fer rice cakes. :eek:

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


Mussolini's ill-considered, ill-planned, and ill-led invasion of Greece doesn't happen (supply your own reason); Germany does not have to send a third of the forces ear-marked for Russia into the Balkans nor does it have to delay the invasion for nearly two months; Germany stomps Russia into the dust; continue from there however you wish.


Columbus's ships disappear without a trace; Europe has no idea what happened to them. Before anyone else is ready to make a serious attempt, Portugal has a thriving trade around The Cape of Good Hope, and there's no sense following in Columbus's "footsteps." When and why the Atlantic is crossed is left to the GM.


The Persians break through the "rear-guard" of Leonidas and the Spartans at Thermopylae in under an hour, race after the retreating main Greek army, and slaughter them nearly to the last man. They then surge into Greece and subjagate it.


Roman Emperor Julian managed to hold onto the throne for more than 25 years; by the time he was succeeded by his grandson, jesusism's hold had slipped, and Mithraism was the official religion of the Empire.


William the Bastard got his behind handed to him at Hastings. As a variation, he was defeated by Harald Haardraade!

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


I want to say that is from Roadmarks, but I dont think he was running guns to the greeks. I think he wanted to supply the other side. Of course I may be wrong and I apologize if I am.



That's the one. Red was looking for OUR offramp, the one where he was from. Where the Greeks Won at Marathon. The Road Cops kept stopping his attempts to aid the Greeks to "reopen" our exit, as it were.

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


Stopping any assassination would be a good plot twist. Such as JFK mentioned above. Other stop the assassination plots could be



Robert Kennedy

Martin Luther King


Don't forget Arch-Duke Ferdinand, this assassination kicked off The Great War.


Also, how about making sure Hitler does better in art school!

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


A cowpox/smallpox related illness (or measles-relates, if you prefer) sweeps the Americas a couple of hundred years before European colonization gets going. As a result, the local population isn't decimated just as the expansionist push comes though.


Alternately, a group of diseases indigenous to the Americas carries a high fatality rate among Europeans (who'd had no previous exposure). Several of the first colonization attempts collapse and one or two small plague events sweep European ports as the diseases are carried back by traders or fleeing colonists.


The Bering Strait passage opens up one (or more) times after the original migration, allowing additional migration wave(s) to come through Alaska/Canada, bringing with them, among other things, gunpowder technology from China.


Also' date=' how about making sure Hitler does better in art school![/quote']


Or for that matter, making sure Castro got the job in American Pro Baseball (even if it does fail the Snopes test: http://www.snopes.com/sports/baseball/castro.asp )

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


Either of the Berlin standoffs or the Cuban Missile Crisis go hot.


A more French-friendly Czar comes to power, Napoleon doesn't invade Russia.


The post-WWI influenza epidemic is more deadly.


Martin Luther has an accident on his way to nail his protests.


The Bolsheviks suffer a series of serious reversals in 1917-1919. Russia devolves (continues) in chaos and fractures in the 1920s.


Turks take Vienna (either time).


Turks convert to Eastern Orthodox and merge with Byzantines.


Library of Alexandria doesn't burn.


Amelia Earhardt doesn't disappear. She goes on to form a volunteer force of women pilots that serve in China fighting the Japanese, the "Furies". Women's Lib and other social upheavals of the 1960's are advanced a few years.


Howard Hughes doesn't go bonkers.


Franklin Roosevelt doesn't get polio, political career takes off earlier. Becomes President in 1928, in time for the Great Depression to destroy his chances of re-election.


Huey Long not assassinated.


Chinese exploration fleets continue, China does not turn inward.

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


The Tunguska Event, instead of being an icy comet crashing to Earth, is actually a rocky and/or metallic meteor instead. Widespread destruction is accompanied by tons of dust and debris in the air, triggering climate changes.


Or, the Tunguska Event happens 50 years later, in 1958, and is mistaken by both the Soviets and the West as a nuclear blast. One thing leads to another.....


(Yes, I just watched the episode of Cosmos relating to the Tunguska Event.)

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Re: Historical Nexus Points


There is a book called The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson which takes as its start that the Black Death wiped out most of Europe. This leaves all sorts of discoveries to India, China and the Mongols. Including discovering America.


Hitler dies in World War 1. That would be easier to arrange. He was a soldier fighting there.


Edward VIII does not abdicate or never meets Wallis Simpson.


Bonnie Prince Charlie defeats the English and takes the throne.


Henry VIII has a son by his first wife Katherine of Aragon.


During the Civil War the European Powers get involved on one side or the other.


Communism does not fall and the Berlin Wall is still up.

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