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Rebuilding yourself


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Re: Rebuilding yourself


But if you buy her as a slavishly loyal follower' date=' she'll do anything you ask, and it'll only cost a fraction what it would cost her. Then, under the old rules, she could give her points back to you to spend on a nice house.[/quote']


I'm not sure what game you are playing, but can I play too?

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


I am a 350 point character' date=' so I just assumed that I got to add 50 additional points to my character sheet. I didn't need any more disads nor do I want to swap any out, so those are static.[/quote']


Well, I'd been thinking in terms of Normals in setting the bar at 50+50. :rolleyes:


The suggestion to buy Luck is interesting. I must have a blind spot to forget that.


And some "powers" can still be had by Normals.


I'd take a lifespan of 200 years, a heightened immune system and better healing ability, 4d6 Luck, and maybe fill up my 50 points of Disads with Psych Lims and Social Lims, taking a Fanatically Loyal Follower for my wife instead of making her a DNPC. :)

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


I guess I'd buy off the Overweight disadvantage (I'd keep the Nearsighted, since glasses add to the COM and PER and can add dramatic effect).


I'd buy up a little more STR and DEX; improve TF: Surfing and SCUBA; add a few AK/CK for different places (expand on my AK: Australia).


While I'm at it, a level of Speed Reading. Eiditic Memory sounds tempting, but I already have too many stupid things filling up the brain pan...


As tempting as Wealth would be, I think that I might pass on it. Say I'm crazy, but I like to work. OK, maybe just one level (with an adder Prenup if it goes beyond that ;) ). I already have all the Luck I need. A DNPC: Wife would be OK, but I'll stick with that.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Honestly, I'd up my COM to 18, give myself the Seduction Skill @ 15-, 10-points of Wealth, and the following:


Mojo: +15 PRE; Only For Making Seductive Presence Attacks (-1), Only Versus Women (-1). cost: 5-points


Technically,the above would count as more of a Talent than a power, so I should be able to add it to my sheet without violating the no superpowers rule.


I'd then take DNPC: Supermodel girlfriend of the week, and Distinctive Features: Handsome if sinister countenance.


As for the rest of the points I'd have to spend, I'll have to get back to you later.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Points into wealth.


I like my wife so I won't bother with anything different there.


Probably place points into more INT, you can never be too smart.


Buy artistic talent (freehand drawing).


Buy off a medical condition.


Buy off the unluck.


The rest goes into a cool home base and vehicle.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Honestly, I'd up my COM to 18, give myself the Seduction Skill @ 15-, 10-points of Wealth, and the following:


Mojo: +15 PRE; Only For Making Seductive Presence Attacks (-1), Only Versus Women (-1). cost: 5-points


Technically,the above would count as more of a Talent than a power, so I should be able to add it to my sheet without violating the no superpowers rule.


I'd then take DNPC: Supermodel girlfriend of the week, and Distinctive Features: Handsome if sinister countenance.


As for the rest of the points I'd have to spend, I'll have to get back to you later.


Are you also going to take Hunted by Sociopathic Obsessed Ex-Girldfriend That Won't Leave You Alone?

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Are you also going to take Hunted by Sociopathic Obsessed Ex-Girldfriend That Won't Leave You Alone?


Perhaps he's so skilled with women at that point that he can break it off, and they'll agree it's for the best. :sneaky:


Actually, a more scary Hunted would be if the Ex-GFs formed a group. :eek:

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


I'd then take DNPC: Supermodel girlfriend of the week' date=' and Distinctive Features: Handsome if sinister countenance.[/quote']


Handsome if sinister countenance? Well, many women love the bad boy types.


I'd also suggest the PS: Breaking Off Relationships Without Them Becoming Angry or Sociopathic About it 17- :eg:

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Inspired by Susano's comment on this thread. If Real Life was a points-based game like Hero' date=' what would you spend points on if given the opportunity to rebuild yourself as a 50+50 character?[/quote']


Hmm... Sounds like a build-from-scratch rather than an start-from-where-you-are scenario.


In that case: most stats can stay at 10, but INT, PRE, COM and SPD should go up (INT a good deal, the others just a bit); REC and END could also be raised a bit. A number of Skills should be bought; I'd have to think over which. Scholar, JoaT, Scientist, Traveler, and/or Well-Connected are all probabilities. Definitely try for a VPP for Skills (Skills only, Extra Time: 1 minute, etc) as a sort of Hyper-Cramming; if not, buy a few Crammings. Money (3 points on up to 10), a couple Contacts, and a really cool Vehicle and Base are definitely on the list. There are some Fringe Benefits I'd like, too: passport, international driver's license, concealed carry permit, maybe others. Danger Sense would be cool, but pricy. Eidetic Memory and Speed Reading look good; there may be other talents I'd want. Luck is a definite must-have. Mind Control done as a SuperSkill (Ultimate Persuation) would be quite useful; similarly for Telepathy as Really Understands People. :eg: A bit of extra Running and Swimming might come in useful.


Hm.... Keeping this down to 50+50 may be tougher than I thought.


BTW, if this is a build-from-scratch, I am sooo much going to be younger!

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Hmm... Sounds like a build-from-scratch rather than an start-from-where-you-are scenario.


Yep, this is a build-from-scratch scenario. It's been interesting that a few people who replied to this are leaving their current disads alone or making only minor changes, but being better off financially and more attractive to the opposite sex has been a fairly common response. :)

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Yep' date=' this is a build-from-scratch scenario. It's been interesting that a few people who replied to this are leaving their current disads alone or making only minor changes, but being better off financially and more attractive to the opposite sex has been a fairly common response. :)[/quote']


what eles do you need in life execpt money and sex appeal, with those two concerns satisfied imagine where you could focus your energy.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Faster...Stronger...Better Than Before


That reminds me of a joke from an old issue of either Mad Magazine or Cracked, parodying "The Six Million Dollar Man" intro.


Doctor: "We'll make him better, stronger, faster."

Nurse: "Faster isn't always better."

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Yep' date=' this is a build-from-scratch scenario. It's been interesting that a few people who replied to this are leaving their current disads alone or making only minor changes, but being better off financially and more attractive to the opposite sex has been a fairly common response. :)[/quote']


As to disads, I dont think I have any that are actually severe enough to rate points. And I don't want any that bad.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Lets see I would buy the maximun amount of wealth Increased Int to max human, along with scholar and jack of all trades and a ton of science, computer, & business skills Maybe to top it off the perk ruler of the world but with the special effect I just get what I want when I want it always more so than being bogged down with the beauracracy, so I'ld be the TRUE POWER behind the thrown.


My current Disads would be replaced with DNPC extreme beautiful wife, Secret ID (True ruler of the world)


In short the stars would be the minimum!

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


An interesting side note when I was daydreaming about this. How many points am I really built on? Although I can easily see myself as being the 0+25 point standard, perhaps I'm closer to 50+50. I mean, I certainly have those cheezy disads "In Love with X" and "Physical Limitation: Overweight" and possibly even "Age 40+" (it's a little early, but not by much).


But, since this is a daydream, I will take Eosin's advice and assume that this is basically 50 additional points.


1) 3 points of Wealth because, darn it, that is a superpower.

2) Buy off that Physical Limitation: Overweight ("I lost 100 pounds, just ask me how!") Also buy up my REC to about 8, because that is "incredible healthy".

3) Buy a skyscraper. Of course, this will work much better if I can split the cost with other people out in Southern California.

4) Buy the vehicle that transforms into a 20-foot mecha, a sports car, and an SUV. Argue that is only a prototype and qualifies as "real world" or at least "no powers". Complain that it runs on protoculture and that stuff is expensive.

5) Gain a Watched for having a 20-foot mecha.

6) Get a loyal follower who has all the skills to maintain my 20 foot mecha.

7) Pretend to be surprised when my loyal follower runs off with my 20 foot mecha but realize that it just frees up more points for other cool stuff.

8) Crack that whole AI problem thing.

9) Pretend to be surprised when I accidently create Mechanon. But, realize that I couldn't afford to have Mechanon as an ally anyway.

10) Complain when I discover I have Mechanon as a Hunted. "Hey, don't blame me. I tried to be a good father."

11) Skills. The two that I just want to already have is PS: Artist and PS: Writer. Add in Jack of All Trades (Skill Enhancer for Professional Skills). Maybe pickup Linguist and get American Sign Language, Latin, Spanish, Javascript (already have that one, and included in the whole Computer Programming skillset), and Klingon.

12) Buy up the whole "Computer Scientist" package.

13) Realize that sheer hubris and folly of #8.

14) Leave my megacorperation (sell off my part of the skyscraper).

15) Write books about the failure of technology that computer scientists do in their 40s.

16) Discover why this is a bad idea with Mechanon as a Hunted.

17) Be extremely heart-broken when I am forced to destroy Mechanon with a powerful virus designed to eliminate Artifical Intelligence.


Smile, as I realize how many unspent experience points I now have. :sneaky:

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


I already bought off one of my disadvantages: near sightedness. My DNPC wife's health insurance and laser surgery was the justification for the GM. He said that was okay.


I'm also closing in on Dan Grade karate so that must cost at least 10 points according to Steve.


I've just about got the deposit together for a nice wee base in the country and I'll need to add a vehicle and a transport familiarity:small ground vehicles,for that matter.


I see I'm getting through those points nicely already.


The new DNPC:son probably covers that expenditure unless Igot me a new hunted: boss at work and I have a few points to spend?

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