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WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...

Mister Trent

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A non-superpowered female NPC from your campaign world (choose someone appropriate) ended up in the clutches of an interstellar warlord who has invaded Earth a couple of times recently. You and the rest of your party spent weeks travelling in space and battling your way through his henchmen to finally reach His Imperiousness's palace on his distant home planet. As you burst in and demand that he release her, she (much to your dismay) tells you straight out that she don't need nor want to be rescued! That's right, it appears life as the warlord's concubine agrees with her and she is absolutely refusing to go back to Earth with you. All the while, His Imperiousness is smiling mockingly at you.



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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Quickly pull out another girl's picture and make a big show of comparing it to the NPC. Apologize to the couple for barging in on them and gives the lady a cryptic message from the male that the two of us have in common. Then quickly leave the way I came in.

(My characters will have no qualms about supporting the lady's freedom to choose.)

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Rescue Team: The First Ladies :love:


Primadonna: (mad) Nooooo! All this galactic voyage for nothing? You little unthankful b****! I almost lost my sonic voice for you.


Primaballerina: (controlled) I do not understand you, yet I respect your choice. If it is your own free will, we will return to earth without you. But don't expect us to come for a second time. What are you gonna do after the defeat of Mr Big, which is about to happen inevitably? Bah, I just don't understand.


Diva: (angry) Just look at my clothes. They're all ruined and messy. I even got a drop of sweat on my face, uugh. Just for you! And now you don't wanna come with us? ...(change of voice, soft spoken) But on the other hand, I can understand you. He's a powerful man and that's sexy. He's ugly too, but who cares. And you look so good in your new underwear. Bye honey! ... (angry again) Hey, Big Cosmo, don't look at me like that and get the smile off your face.

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Badger- Well, he likely came for the fighting anyway. So he didnt leave disappointed. He never learned to even begin to figure out the thought processes of women. Point out, if this relationship doesnt work out for her to not even bother calling on us again. At least Mr. Warlord's army is totally wrecked.


Frosty Bob- "But, baby. What he got that I dont....."(makes a move on female) *WHAP* "so does this mean you'll call me later?" *WHAP* (he then wipes out a couple more regiments and goes home to his favorite bar)

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Mr. Nonsense: Really? You like it here? *to the warlord* What's your benefits package like?


Shift: *shrug* Suit yourself.


Emerald Dragon: Well that's anticlimatic. *sigh* By the way, dude... your guards SUCK.


October Raven: Try to figure out if she's being mind controlled. If not, well, it's her choice. If so, we're saving her.


My next, currently unnamed character: * to group* Next time, can we make sure the person we're saving wants to be saved?

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


The group bursts into the throne room.


'Mancer: "We're here to rescue the lady you abducted from earth."


Damsel: "I don't need to be rescued. I don't want to be rescued."




'Mancer: "We're here to overthrow the Warlord, capture him, and take him back to Earth."


After capturing the Warlord, 'Mancer turns to the damsel.


'Mancer: "We're returning to Earth and taking your boyfriend with us. You can either stay here or return with us; your choice."

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Wormhole: Make a smart@$$ comment along the lines of "Did I miss something? How the hell did I find my way into this sci-fi bodice-ripper?"


He would then tell her not to come crying to him if her relationship with the Evil Overlord went sour, and leave.

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Whichever character it was would think back and remember The Rape of Ms. Marvel. Then I'd walk out and find a new GM to game with.


Reading that article made my skin crawl . . . :mad:


(I get that most comic writers/artists are not feminists, but what Marvel did to Carol Danvers is offensive and it was done with the blessing of the Comics Code to boot.)

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Milkman Dan mentioned rape first.


The original scenario did not say the woman in question was raped - or for that matter, it did not specify that she was abducted against her will.


True, it's an easy assumption to make, but has anyone ever accused Hitler of having raped or coerced Eva Braun? Just because someone's a conquering warlord, or just a murderous jerk, doesn't mean they can't get a girlfriend.


I also find it interesting that people are quick to suspect brainwashing, psionic domination, alien mind control drugs, and who knows what else, but unless I missed it, no one has mentioned the possibility that what we have here is not the missing woman at all. It could be


A shapeshifting alien

A hologram

A robot

An android

A simple imposter in a clever disguise


Some of my smarter characters would begin by asking if this is even the woman we're looking for, before even addressing the possibility that this is really her but that she is not choosing of her own free will.



Lucius Alexander


A palindromedary in a clever disguise

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Possibly. Clearly, background on said NPC would be helpful. Having (A) just reread the particular issue where Ms. Marvel goes through that and (B) having been in a gaming session where someone insisted it was in-character to rape a hostage (which was, of course, the last time I gamed with said individual), it's on my mind.


Also, it's a "rescue", right? If she's a gold-digger who wants to be the mistress of an evil overlord, why rush across the universe to save her? This is clearly an important NPC of sorts.


I read this situation as a "mind control" thing.

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


Also' date=' it's a "rescue", right? If she's a gold-digger who wants to be the mistress of an evil overlord, why rush across the universe to save her? This is clearly an important NPC of sorts.[/quote']


True, Trent was pretty vague on such details. Perhaps our heroes were somehow misinformed about her being kidnapped. Maybe she really went with him willingly but her family/friends/whatever believed she was abducted. It'd be funny if it turned out he chatted her up in a bar one night and used Zephod's old "I'm from a different planet, wanna see my spaceship?" pick up line. :D

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


To me the whole idea of this scenario was to catch the heroes off-guard by saying she wanted to stay with the evil overlord. Now what would the reaction be?

To come up with serious stuff like rape is a totally other question. I would have never ever thought about it. Playing should be fun; though we have weapons and even murder from time to time, that is more in line with genre conventions than rape. Shame on the GM and the player for misbehaving in such a manner.:idjit:


Milkman, you were right to leave such a gaming environment!


Now on with it: did the evil overlord promise her a thousand suns as a wedding present? Now he has to conquer some more to fulfill his promises.

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Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued...


The original presentation of the scenario does include the [perhaps unintentional] implication that something is amiss beyond some earth-chick deciding to catch a discount red-eye to planet fiji to hook up with the evil intergalactic overlord. As such, discrete investigation to determine there is no coercion, mind-control, or impersonation shticks in play (all genre apropos) would be reasonable.


That said, barring something being amiss, its her choice. She can stay if she wants to. No problem. The evil overlord, however, gets the "dead or alive - you're coming with us" treatment. How she gets home is her problem. :sneaky:

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