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WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


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You're patrolling the streets late at night, looking for a villain's new hide-out. (Even group leaders do grunt work on occasion, just to keep in practice.)


The night seems misty. No moon, total darkness---or that peculiar light pollution characteristic, when the night sky seems to hold a coppery light. Visibility is low, and even with super-senses, you're less than sure about small details.


In the misty night, you think you hear something: strong arms then seize you from the back, and even if your vision is 360 degrees, you still have a blind spot somewhere. If you're in a suit, the creature's torn a jagged hole where the attack occurs. You see an animalistic shape, smell rank breath, and needle-sharp incisors pierce your jugular. You black out as he drains you.


You wake later, on the street, feeling depleted.


This is no normal bite, however. Spells will not immediately throw it off. You are now dependent on blood to survive. You are now a vampire. (You are also quite undead.) What would your character do?


Blade: "Merde! I'd best avoid L'homme loup. [His former mentor.] He'd kill me." Then he'd go back to the base, start researching how to end this fix, and line his

windows with black material to block the sunlight---to give him more protection against daylight. He'd feed on small-time criminals, esp. killers.


Gem: "I've always been a night owl, but this is ridiculous." She realizes she can't go home until she is cured, for she would surely attack her family. She'd set up a lab, and start researching, compiling a list of the best experts on blood chemistry, and the like. Her approach: vampirism is a disease.


Raptorian: "Great. Not only do I turn into a raptor, I turn into a blood-sucking raptor. And there is no way Father Markland will let me into Mass. Olorin? OLORIN?? I'm in trouble!"

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Fallout: A self contained ball of radiation with an intellect I'm not sure if this would effect him.


Apollyon: As an occultist he would look through what materials were available to him to reverse the process. Should he be unable to locate a solution Apollyon would attempt to make contact with the entity Abbadon for council. Should no possible cure he would seek to test the limits of his changed nature, entering hollowed grounds, consumption of foods (garlic), entering the sun, etc. If he must drink blood he would look to alternatives such as hemoglobin supplements, blood from a butchers shop or a blood bank if human blood is required. Regardless of if he is able to find some way to reverse the transformation Apollyon is quite likely to begin searching for the creature who turned him to try and find out it's intentions and why he was turned. Should the creature turn out to be mindless or simply a killer there is a strong likelihood Apollyon will try to destroy him.


Also, there will be much bad 80's movie watching today for I now have a theme song stuck in my head. Apollyon would also like the buttons back to his shirt.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Volt would try to find out if there are any cures, while avoiding killing if at all possible. He'd try animal blood, and willpower, and if that did not do it, get a lot of bloody meat, etc.


Olorin would go "Oh crud. I hate undead, and now I am one. Back home I could fix this in minutes; I have just the thing. I'll have to research a spell to reverse this, or find another way to reverse this. I think I'll start by putting to rest the vamp that did this to me. Some myths say that should do it, but if not, at least I will have gotten rid of a baddie." He'd try to avoid killing, but just might kill those who deserved it anyway. He'd probably never get caught, he's clever and resourseful.


Black Tiger. May do like Volt, may revel in it, but keep the deaths to those who deserve it. Knowing him, he'd probably kill a couple "on his list" then seek a cure.


Futurian "I'm a vampire now? Coooool. OK, I'll see if I can fix this. Can't I suck at least one person dry? Aw come on. Ok, I'm just joking. Give me a break."

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Hmm, only have one character this could really happen to.



Seer. "Crap." Knows a little about the Vampire community. (Very little.) He knows some claim not to be evil, but sort of doubts that himself. Goes to one team-mate, a half demon, to seek help for a cure. Avoids the evil magic creature slaying teammate for a bit. Also, he hunts down whoever did it, (via retrocognition) and kills them slowly and painfully. If he has to feed, well, time to take out more PSI agents. He makes sure he burns the bodies so as not to make more Vampires.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Nova: I'm somewhat doubtful that a vanilla vampiric bite would overcome his strong defense powers, and that a simple application of his psychokinetic Transform anything into anything power on himself could not reverse the disease. It is the contagion biological or magical ?

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Funny one for me, as I have made some intentional character design choices for this eventuality.

Meeb and Angelfire would not be affected (one is an Alien Amoeba, no blood. The other is a half Angel, Half Demon and is immune to vampirism).

Black Cat and Ballistic both have bought powers to make themselves immune to vampirism, so they are out.


Sift would use her 10 pt cosmic pool to reverse the affects, the pool's SFX is that she is actually a godling but doesn't know it, so it would work.


The rest....


Terminal Velocity would freak out. But he'd fit in with the team better now (he's the bright shiny one in a group of darkish heroes). I'm sure Deadboy the Goth Super would love to hang out with him now. :) He'd also spend every waking moment looking for a cure. If there was no cure whatsoever, and he had to drink only human blood he'd spend one night meditating and watch a really beautiful last sunrise. He would die before he became a monster.


Smokeater would be in trouble. A vampire that has fire powers. He'd not give up, but look for a cure. And like Terminal Velocity, if he ever lost it and killed someone feeding, he'd immolate himself. Better dead than monster.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


"Cool. I bet I get to meet Buffy, next.


But first things first.. where's the nearest abattoir..

I'll need to be at full strength to find the creep who did this to me and .. 'thank' them properly.

Best find some nice sharp sticks on the way..

Crossbow, maybe..

Something to behead them..

Gasoline and a lighter..

A portable vacuum cleaner in case they try that mist trick..

Who knew undeath would be such a shopping opportunity?

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Darkfire: Would not apply! she is already somewhat living impaired and has a daemon partially bound to her soul. She'll Drain Tak'Mal'Ra dry one day and take great pleasure in snuffing out his essence for ever. she would hunt and and destroy the Vampire who dared to attack her.


Ironhide: Also would not apply he is permanently solid neutronium. i.e. he has no blood. Additionally Ironhide has power defense against transforms and double hardened resistant defenses. I can see it now. the Vampire attempts bite him

Vamp: *crack* my fangs!

Ironhide: umm... what are you doing?

Vamp: trying to drink your blood.

Ironhide: ok then (punches vamp, repeatedly)


JOhn O'Malley II: If a Vampire could even approach him (blessed catholic priest) and if it could turn him O'Malley would track the Vamp down and destroy it. Then after receiving absolution for his sins he would greet the Dawn.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


JOhn O'Malley II: If a Vampire could even approach him (blessed catholic priest) and if it could turn him O'Malley would track the Vamp down and destroy it. Then after receiving absolution for his sins he would greet the Dawn.


Or the Confessor would have a new origin story. (Check out Astro City: Confessions for more on that.)

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Confessions is good. Astro City is good. Read more Astro City.


Now, to the question.


Msgr. Jean-Claude des Champs is hard for vampires to look at straight on. If this did happen, he'd consult with the Brothers of St. Ignatius the Defender (the monster hunters) and follow their lead, which probably would be that they'll finish him off properly.


Eiko Takashima, the Gadget Queen, would proceed to set up the microcloner to make blood, then start doing tests. Eventually, it would probably undo it self, as it's a genetic change and her body resists those and reverts back to the 'current' state.


Outback (the wandering Australian mage) would go talk to a contact of his, a vampire who's a deputy sheriff of a town in Iowa... and has been for one hundred fifteen years. Everyone in town knows, and they dont mind having a deputy sherriff who's super-strong, can fly his patrols, and doesn't have to worry about bullets. Outback saved him from a wandering loonie a few years ago, and if he needed help dealing, and his powers couldn't purge it from him, he's got someone to talk to.


Steel Thunder would kill herself. It would mean she would fail her honor to be a vampire, because a vampire cannot bear a child to carry on the family name.


The Night... would arrange for herself to be declared dead, practice until she had control of the vampiric abilities, and add them to her crimefighting techniques. She'd also have to use her grandmother's old-money-and-people contacts to get the blood she needed, because she's got a 20 point CVK.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Jake the Troll - "Dude, I'm sentient dirt." Probably wouldn't apply, for a couple of SFX reasons; his blood is highly toxic and eats through stuff, plus the whole 'trolls can come back from the dead' thing.


Icon - is currently undergoing a slow (decades-long) transformation into a sentient blob of cosmic energy; as a consequence, she regenerates from all Drains, Suppresses, and Transforms. She probably wouldn't even notice.


Shinji Miromoto - "Oh, great. Way to be stereotypical, people." Shinji is a dark daoist sorcerer with some martial arts. Now he's a VAMPIRE dark daoist sorcerer with martial arts. He'd contact the Dark Congress and inform them of the change to his metaphysical nature, and read up on the literature they have on it. He'd also inform his team of his change in nature, and ask if the health insurance the City of Denver provides their group covers stuff like this. In all, he'd be relatively relaxed about the whole thing, except for the minor irritation of having to play towards an Asian literary cliche.


Widower - "Well, at least I'm not a zombie." Would be irritated, but not agnst-ridden, as he knows there is a cure: he's got the life of a superhero, and as such knows that he won't stay a vampire for more than a couple of "issues".

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Most of my characters, this scenario isn't applicable. They are either mechanical, too well armored, or too fast ( barring this being some Marvel Dracula megavampire, which if not specified as such, I assume to not be the case ).


For Diomedes, it would mostly depend on how vampirism works, which he'd immediately start asking Athena about. Response could be anything from "stake himself" to "start arranging food supplies and adjusting own schedule."

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


the Rook Would be absolutely horrified as one of his few failures was to save a young girl from dying at the hands of vampires. Cursing the (Gm)fates he would use his psionic powers to Post Cog the event and hunt down the critter for reversion experiments till it died or a cure was found.....


Fir Bolg would be utterly stunned for the short term and begin looking into mystical cures. If nothing forthcoming occurs he likely would eventually impale himself on his own wooden weapon if no cure could be found in say a year or two....

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Avatar: Hmm, an avatar of the sun turned into a vampire? I think would be theoretically impossible. But if it was there would be two options. 1 the next day when he rises above the earth's atmosphere like he needs to he would die. 2 I belive in the call of Cthulu game there was a monster called a star vampire? Either way he would do some research first starting with vampire movies.


Orca: So I am now a vampiric mutant, thats just too much. Would ask his team for help. Drinking blood is not so much of a problem for him as he already can only eat raw meat, so it is just a further restriction. After that would hunt down a vampire who could sneak past 360 degree Sonar, Enhanced smell (with tracking) and 360 degree vison climbing into the infra red and ultraviolet spectrums. If no cure is available he would then swim off into the sunrise.:weep:

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Enigma - would be horrified, and very very angry. Once she tracked down the toothy target there would be a reckoning.


Jessica - already and undead vampire. scenario doesn't apply. Assuming it happened to a friend of hers... bloodbath. As another player once put it "She's like a mobile armageddon!"

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Riptide in fear of losing his self-control in combat and draining some poor super-villain dry, would retire from active superheroics and cash in on his celebrity by becoming the drummer in a major rock and roll band while secretly buying blood for himself. I know that because that's what he did when he was infected with vampirism.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Dead Head laughs during the initial attack as the vampire chokes on his congealed blood.


Dr Archeville revisits his research into "Vampirism as Exotic Virus" (not my vid, but exceedingly cool; .pdf script here) and tries to find a scientific cure. He might or might not tell any teammates, depending on how in-control of his hungers he is.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Admittedly, not sure if it would affect my characters.



Badger is part alien, so vampirism might not affect him per se. ANd Frosty Bob is already immortal.




In any case I prefer vampirism is caused by drinking vampire blood. Never liked the whole get bitten to turn you thing.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Daedalus: Has an implant that transfers his conciousness to a waiting computer upon the event of his death, where it can then be downloaded into a new body once it's assembled. He wouldn't become a vampire.


His corpse, on the other hand, could potentially rise as a vampire sans mind, running only on instinct and residual memories. Daedalus would track it down and eliminate it, using his gadgeteering skill to create potent anti-vampire weapons. After dispatching that thing he'd go after his would-be sire next.


Quetzalcoatl: Would use retrocognition to find out who did this to them, and then hunt him down with his friends to either make him undo this transformation or just slay him for vengence if that's not possible.


The vampire in question would have earned Quetzalcoat's eternal enmity, being that he transformed him into the very thing he hates and loathes, a being like his traitorous brother Tezcatlipoca and the gods who followed him into corruption.


If a cure is not possible after dispatching the vampire he'd work to overthrow and kill Tezcatlipoca and his followers, and then end his own existence.


Warp: Would ask his teammate Starguard if she could cure him. When you have someone with the power of an Archangel on your side, you don't have to remain a vampire for long. :)


Spectrum: Having been transformed into a partial energy being by a Progenitor probe, it's likely vampirism would not take. He could remain as he's always been, or possibly shed his human body entirely and become an entity totally of energy.


Either way, the one who attacked him is screwed once he finds him. If you're a vampire the last person you want as an enemy is someone who can shoot sunlight and works with a master-vampire who's had centuries of practice hunting down his own kind.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Anthem might be immune to this. Her skin would be difficult to pierce. The bite would have to be something special (an obscure NND or something). Anyway, assuming it happens, she'd go to church, confess her desire for blood, and beg the priest help her. If he can't she'd have him bring the local supers while she stay there. A stake through the heart or head seperation would not be an easy task on her. But she'd never let herself become some kind of predator, and she'd never pass it on.

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Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


Iron Alloy can't be turned...this directly from my GM's mouth.


Darkness, on the other hand, very much could. A shadow controlling host of a demonic symbiot who is now a vampire too? Oh the ANGST! Luckily she's got a team-mate who is a vampire - or at least half vampire - to turn to.

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