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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Hamilton's her creator. He's been lying to Kara from the word go.


As the Question pointed out, this all started when Darkseid brainwashed Superman and sicced him on Earth. At one point Lois Lane & Supergirl to stop him Supergirl on a physical level (only to get beat down badly), but that enabled Lois to try and reach him on an emotional level. That didn't work, but it set up Superman for a surprise attack from the military using an anti-kryptonian missile. After the battle, Supes and Kara were imprisoned by the military using red sunlight projectors, to keep them from recovering. This was bad for Kara, because she sustained massive internal injuries in the battle, and needed medical help (which the military didn't want to provide, since Supes punked them so easily). Lois managed to stage a breakout (in which Kara was hurt even more) and they went to the only facilities that had a clue about Kryptonian physiology: S.T.A.R. Labs in Metropolis.


Only they didn't want to help, claiming that saving the life of a girl who tried to stop an out-of-control Superman would be an act of treason.


Superman wasn't having their mealy-mouthed excuses, picked up Hamilton by the lab coat, and demanded that they save her. Hamilton agreed (as he should have done without needing Supes to threaten him). I'm sure you can now figure out where they could've gotten the genetic material neccesary to make Galatea.


As Hamilton slunk away like the whipped dog that he is, I suspected that the writers had planned out future stories where that one scene would come back to haunt Supes. Fearful Symmetry confirmed those suspicions.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


A cool character. I have just one question:

I cannot see what is in her left hand. Have you masked the chainsaw gun to the hand? And why did you use the same colours for her glove and the weapon?


The masking feature isn't 100% perfect. It works better with the back of the hand facing the viewer.


I'll most likely change the weapon's color in the next version. Something about the proportion/positioning of the arms doesn't look quite right.


And possibly change the pose so the hand/weapon masking looks better!

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


This just some guy I thought up late one night, completely original and not based on any existing character whatsoever:







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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


PeaCOCKs are male and they are the ones with the tail. PeaHens are the females and have no fancy coloration :)


Ants, like most colony insects, are almost exclusively female. Their colonies are made up of the daughters of the queen ant -- the worker or soldier ants, which are all sterile females and all genetically identical sisters -- and the much larger fertile female queen ant. The tiny winged male ants -- drones -- appear in the colony only briefly and only when the colony is preparing to divide, requiring new queens. The drones die on their single mating flight.


So Ant-Man has to be "Drone-Man" instead, because fighter and worker ants are all female and he's male? Shall we tell Dr. Henry Pym he has to "feminize" his costume because all the tough ants are girls?


Dr. Pym chooses to dress up and fight crime in a costume based on the form and features of the female ant.


The Peacock chooses to dress up and fight crime in a costume based on the plumage of the male peacock.


And real hawks are raptors with talons, not huge bludgeoning maces à la Hawkman & Hawkwoman.


So your point is?

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