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I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)

SSgt Baloo

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Epic dream is epic...


One thousand years into the future, the human race was dying. Though we had spread to all corners of the galaxy, something had overtaken our race. Each generation was less fertile than the last. Soon, there would be no more children, no more humans. But the Empress of the human race, herself barely a grown woman, had a plan.


I was a thief, and a good one. I had a reputation in certain circles of being able to pull off impossible crimes. It was because of this that one of my contacts called me to meet him in his bar. He had a job that no one else could do. My contact was named Varys; a big man. A eunich, well-known as a fixer and a finder of lost things. "A rare opportunity has come up," he said. "A young thief of my acquaintence has been exploring the tunnels, and he found an secret entrance into the Empress' treasure room. Apparently, a recent earthquake opened up a crack in the wall, just big enough to slip through. They aren't aware of it yet, but they soon will be. Imagine, a mountain of gold, there for the taking!"


"Then why didn't your friend take it?" I asked.


"Do you think he didn't try? But the police-bots found him out and chased him. He's a wanted man; his picture is on every tele-screen in the city. I have him here, hiding at my place."


"I'm not interested in gold," I scoffed. I was more than wealthy from my many previous jobs.


"No, but you're interested in this. It's called the Empress' Egg, a gold sphere about the size of an ostrich egg. It is said to have magical powers; it is said to grant invulnerability to its owner, among other things."


Now I was interested. "Let me meet your thief friend so he can tell me how to get to the vault."


In a secret room behind the bar, I met with the thief, a young black man, very tall and lanky. He was terrified that the police would find him, and was happy to share his information with me, just to get the heat off. I set out immediately.


First I had to prepare. I went back to my house and got into my work clothes. I spoke with my partner, a dog-man, who worked as a bounty hunter. It was his job to go into the underground tunnels and chase out/capture anyone he found down there. The cops were stretched too thin to patrol underground, so they hired mercenaries to do this dirty, thankless work. This was to my advantage -- my buddy knew the underground like the back of his hand, and if we were caught, he could just say he was patrolling the area.


We headed out to the sewer entrance that would lead us underground. Unfortunately, someone was there first, and they had attracted the attention of the police. There were two patrol cars and a combat medic on the scene, and they were chasing these people around. "This could be a good thing," I told my partner. "While the cops are busy with these guys, we should be able to sneak past."



Meanwhile, 1000 years ago, in the present time, a young man had discovered a crashed UFO. He repaired it, learned to pilot it, and was now working as a courier in space, delivering small packages and messages across the galaxy.


On a routine mission, he acquired an interesting object -- a small gold sphere that seemed to glow with its own inner light. Of course, finding it and keeping it are two different things entirely, and it seemed like the mafia would stop at nothing to get hold of it.


He couldn't let that happen. He had to get it to a certain bar on a certain planet in time, or things would be very, very bad.



Meanwhile, I had dodged cops and found my way through the maze of tunnels into the Empress' treasure room. It was as the legends said -- filled with more gold than you could imagine. Humanity was dying off, but we were still very rich. It was the only reason we were still players in the galactic game.


Still, I had a goal and I would not be distracted. I skirted past the mountain of gold and into a side room, where the Empress' Egg was supposed to be. Unfortunately, there was not one egg, but dozens! Which was the real one? It didn't matter to me. I had a briefcase that opened into a small extra-dimensional space. I could easily carry all the eggs. There was also a strange device in the room, that looked like a large, gold hooka. I decided to take that too, despite not knowing what it was exactly.


As I placed it into my briefcase, I heard gunfire outside, so I fled. I didn't want to get seen here; it would ruin my reputation as the galaxy's greatest sneak-thief!


It seemed that the police-robs had come by and ran into a group of aliens trying to sneak into the treasure room. They were having a gunbattle outside. I ran through the battle, dodging bullets and explosions, and taking out a few enemies on both sides. But now they were after me! These goons wanted the treasure that I had rightfully stolen!


I was in for a hard time. It seemed that everyone wanted what I had, and they were willing to do anything to obtain it. But how did they know I had it? I went back to my contact Varys at his bar. I waited until he was alone, then I popped up from behind a piece of furniture. He was scared. I grabbed him and demanded to know what was going on. At first, he wouldn't say, so I punched him in the nose.


That loosened his tongue! "The Empress' Egg has something to do with the fate of humanity," he said. "There are a lot of people out there that want humanity gone, and even more that won't mourn its loss. They want the Egg. But I don't know what they will do with it, or how to use it."


"Who does?" I asked.


"The Empress might," he told me. "But you'll never get in to see her. She's surrounded by hostiles at all times."


"Just watch me," I said.


So now I had to get in to see the Empress. It wouldn't be easy, but I was the greatest thief in the galaxy. If anyone could do it, it was me. I had to sneak through a busy castle, climb up a tower, and get past dozens of guards, all without being spotted. And I did it, until finally I was face to face with the Empress herself.


She was just a girl, maybe 16 years old. Dressed in a flowing red dress with a long train, and a red turban-like hat covering her hair. She seemed sad, but when I told her what I had done, she smiled.


"My plan worked," she said. "I knew I could never get the Egg out of the treasure room without our enemies knowing about it. So I went through many secret channels to get you to do it. You've done well, keeping it out of everyone else's hands, and bringing it here."


It was then that I noticed that her advisor was my contact Varys! He had known about this all along!


"So what does the Egg do?" I asked. "I heard that it grants immortality."


"Of a sort," the Empress agreed. "Humanity is dying. The Egg will bring us back from the brink. Our fertility rates will once again rise, children will be born again, and mankind will once more have a future."


"Then let's activate it," I told her.


She took the Egg and slowly opened it. It shone with a bright blue light that spread out over everything. It expanded and grew, covering the whole planet, then the solar system, then across the whole galaxy. She smiled at me. "I would've been the last Empress. Now, many more will follow. Thank you."


And the story was ended.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Great, I come here to write about my little dream, and have to follow THAT? *grumble*


Anyway, I was in a bar with my wife and some friends, when I spot an old high school friend. I didn't know he was in town, so I go over to catch up. Turns out, he has just been hopping on random Greyhound buses to experience the U.S., and doesn't have a cell phone, so when he ended up in my town he couldn't give me a call. We catch up, but edge away from everyone else so we can *really* catch up, and we don't want everyone to know that we are actually immortal Egyptian mummies, both about three thousand years old, so we had centuries to catch up on. Most mummies were just nearly brainless, undead guardians, but we had both been embalmed with a special process that left our brains intact and had wandered the Earth since gathering knowledge. In my dream, all my real-life close high school friends were actually info gathering mummies gathering knowledge and monitoring humanity for some purpose.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


We were in a war, somewhere in southeast Asia. It wasn't a simple affair, though, with two sides in a clearly-defined conflict. It was more of a free-for-all, with everyone fighting everyone else. To add to the chaos, there were also zombies prowling the streets and jungles, attacking indescriminately anyone who they encountered.


Our helicoptor had run out of fuel, and the pilot had to ditch it. We had a relatively soft landing on one side of a canal, away from most of the fighting. But things were getting worse, and we couldn't stay where we were. "My parents live near here," I told my crew. "If we can get to their house, we can be safe there -- for a while at least."


But how to get there? The house was close, but not that close, and the streets were a battle zone. Not to mention the zombies. "There's a marina nearby," I said. "We'll steal a boat and pilot it up this canal. That will get us within a block of their house. After that, we'll have to move quickly and quietly down the street."


There was no better plan offered, so we collected our weapons and supplies, and took a large boat from the marina. Quietly, in the dark, we drifted down the canal. We passed into the territory of a minor warlord who had claimed part of the canal as his territory. We couldn't afford to get into a firefight -- our ammunition was low. But I was an expert sniper. So as we approached their territory, I sighted the guard in my crosshairs and took him out with one shot. Then I took out another guard. So far, no one was the wiser.


Unfortunately, the rifle I was using had only two bullets, so I tossed it down and grabbed another rifle from one of my compadres. I took careful aim and pulled the trigger. Nothing. The rifle wasn't loaded. "Give me the bullets!" I hissed. He handed them over, and I feverishly loaded the gun -- only four bullets. I shot a guard just as he was reporting in; it was too late! Several others rushed out of the compound and began shooting.


I had only 3 shots; I had to make each of them count. I shot one, two guards... then I was faced with a difficult decision. There was an old man, and a young woman. Which to shoot? Which was more dangerous to our mission? I saw the girl hurl a grenade at us, so I shot her. Then I scooped up the grenade and threw it back, diving under the gunwales of the boat for cover. The grenade exploded and killed the old man. We were in the clear... for now.


We moved quietly through the night, worried that our supplies would run out before we reached safety. The streets were alive with the walking dead, who luckily couldn't get us in the boat. But we would have to get out of the boat sooner or later.


The entire city had become infested. Some of the warlords had blockaded off their own sections of the city, where they dared not leave. The rest of the city was filled with the zombies. We were moving through what used to be a town square, an open-air market. It was deserted but for the dead. Trash filled the gutters, and it was all quiet. We had to find shelter, and quickly.


There was a building that had housed a resturant/bar. The only way into the building was a narrow, steep walkway. I thought that we might be able to barricade ourselves in (with the added bonus that there might still be food inside). But it was filled with zombies, former customers who had been stuck inside when the plague hit. We managed to get inside, where the staff was hiding. I jumped over the bar hoping to find a weapon of some sort, and found a shotgun. Paydirt. I began marching through the building, blowing zombie heads off one by one.


A zombie was stuck in a doorway. I leveled my gun and shot him point-blank in the head. His brains splattered across the doorjam, and the zombie staggered backwards, out of the doorway, and fell. I laughed, and that's what woke me up.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I have had a couple of zombie shooting dreams the last few nights. (nothing special just being trapped in a building and shooting them till they started piling up with the help of several other generic people)


I just remembered a dream I had a long while ago (dont know if I mentioned it) where I had a revolver except the bullets couldnt hurt living people but it could injure ghosts.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I can't quite recall the whole dream, but I was part of the staff at a High School for superpowered teens. One seven-foot tall Samoan "kid" with super strength and durability was harassing some other kids. The principle intervened and somehow thought punching him in the stomach would get his attention off his victims (now I'm awake, this seems rather excessive given the circumstances ;)). I realized then that I would have to intervene. I hoped I could avoid harming him in the process. That's when I awoke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I dreamt of her last night. I held her close in my arms, overwhelmed by wonder, trepidation, hope, happiness, and the sheer impossibility of it all. I swore to her that I would always be there for her and that I would do whatever it took for her to be happy.


Then I awoke, and she never was.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I was helping construct a headquarters for a new super-team (I've been doing a lot of construction playing the Sims3, and whatever my daytime activities are tend to bleed into my dreams). In addition, I was helping to train them train (was I a "retired" superhero in the dream?) I remember being very enthusiastic about the whole thing, and hoping the superheroines' moms might show up so I could see if they were good-looking too. Some villains showed up but instead of fighting them I put them to work on the HQ, too.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I seemed to have had a dream last night where the alien brains from Star Trek: TOS "The Gamesters of Triskelion" were kidnapping people like in the episode. Except they were doing to build an army. And they werent just doing it with Star Trek characters.


Other universes who had characters based from seemed to include: classic Planet of the Apes, classic Forbidden Planet, Disney's The Black Hole. ancient Greece and/or Greek mythology, as well as a Star Wars (alien species only in this case), 30s gangsters (though possibly they were just from "A Piece of the Action") Dungeons&Dragons, and dinosaurs in general.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I graduated from high school in 1994 from a town in Oklahoma. This is important to the following.


I dreamed last night that it was 1997 and I was a senior in high school in Indianola, Iowa (which is where I work). I was also chapter FFA president (this is true to life). However, I knew I was in the wrong timeline, but I had mixed memories. I remembered my past in Calera. Moreover, I remembered my life from high school on (college, seminary, marriage, jobs, bivocational pastor). But I knew people in Indianola, too. I knew my class schedule and the people from Indianola that I don't know in the real timeline. It was the day of an FFA speech contest, so those of us who were going were in our official dress: blue and gold jackets, white shirts with ties (men) or scarfs (ladies), and black slacks (men) or skirts (ladies).


As I said, I was chapter president, so that was stitched on my jacket right under my name. Walking to my first class of the day (Ag), I spotted someone else in the jacket. Someone I know in real life because we work together (she is actually from Indianola). Her jacket said she was chapter vice-president. I stopped her in the hallway and explained the situation of dual memories and being from the future.


"Why are you telling me this?" she asked.


"Because in that timeline, we are also friends, and I need someone I can trust."

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I was having one of those dreams where somehow I was assisting with some secret government project at a sprawling base/city. It had something to do with superpowers. One recruit had been having some unspecified emotional trouble and I was sent to speak with her about it. When I got to her dorm room, she was hiding in a closet, and someone else was trying to talk her into coming out. I started negotiating with her, but then her mom walked into the room and told her to give up this superpowers nonsense and come back home to live with her parents. I was about to say something when my cellphone rang and woke me up (wrong number).

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


We had set up a "Cabin in the Woods" thing, in which a handful of young men and women would be sacrificed in gruesome ways to appease the elder gods. But during the night, the young folks had scattered into the woods and we had lost track of them. When morning came, we found one of the women who had apparently tried to hide in a hollow tree. She was dead. We sent a team of soldiers and helicopters in to retrieve the body, but it was a trap!


The girl was not dead, and her friends were lying in ambush around the area. One of them shot down our chopper. The others attacked our troops. One of the girls had managed to catch one of our monsters (a dinosaur) and was riding it around, crunching our vehicles and soldiers. One of our tanks fled from the chaos, chased by the dinosaur. I was running along with the tank, fleeing the destruction of our forces. Part of me felt proud that these kids had managed to subvert the whole thing, and I was thinking that the Elder Gods would be pleased by the carnage, even if it wasn't what we had planned.


The tank and I, still chased by the dinosaur, fled up into the mountains along a narrow, rutted trail. I was getting tired, and the tank was running low on gas. I was thinking, "There's no way the dinosaur could still be chasing us, it must be exhausted as well!" But it was still there on our tail, and gaining! The dino made a heroic leap and landed on the ridge ahead of us. I immediately turned around and ran the other way, hoping that destroying the tank would slow it down enough that I could get away. I ran back down the mountain until I found a place to hide. I crawled up under a boulder and hoped when the dino came back it would continue along the path and miss me.


I didn't count on the girl's other friends though, who had been following us up the mountain more slowly. They spotted me, pointed their weapons, and told me to come out. I had no other choice, so I raised my hands and came out. I said that I would tell them everything about what was going on...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


His name was Miles Mason. He was a big kid, huge, in fact, 7 feet if he was an inch, and built like a tractor. Strong enough to bend metal in his bare hands. And since he was only 16, he was still growing. But that wasn't all of it. Mason couldn't be hurt. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. You could hurt him alright. He could be cut, or broken, just like any man. But unlike any other man, he healed up any injury he sustained within minutes, even seconds. Mason (no one called him by his first name) couldn't die.


But his mama could. She died in the cold of winter a few years ago, leaving him on his own. A neighbor couple brought him into their home and cared for him as best as they could. He was a good boy, generally speaking, but sullen and withdrawn. Then one day, one of the couple's other children turned up dead, and Scully and I were called in to investigate.


The investigation immediately turned to Mason. He wasn't part of the family. He had been having troubles lately -- what teenaged boy doesn't have more than his share? -- and he was developing a mean streak from it. And he was strong enough to kill someone, on purpose or by accident, easily enough.


But when we went to question him, Mason was having none of it. He went berserk. I guess at some point he decided that since he couldn't be hurt, and since he was stronger than anybody else, the rules no longer applied to him. He backhanded the woman who had adopted him, sending her to the ground like a crumpled rag doll. Scully ran to see if she could help the woman, and Mason kicked her; she flew through the air like a football. I drew my sidearm and ordered him to stand down, and he charged me. I emptied my revolver into him, six shots from a .45, and he didn't even slow down.


It became a game of chase, of hide-and-seek. Scully and I tried everything we could think of to take him down -- shots to the head, the neck, the body, we even tried shooting out his eyes. Nothing stopped him for long. Scully's sidearm, a 9mm, was even more useless than mine; he didn't even hardly feel her shots. At least my gun made him angry. But it was terrifying. He knew the farm well, so anywhere we tried to hide from him, he could root us out. It was only a matter of time before he killed us, too.


Then I came on a solution. We couldn't kill him, but maybe we could trap him. But how do you trap someone strong enough to bend metal? They were doing some construction on the farm, pouring concrete for a new foundation. If we could lure him to the site, maybe we could bury him in wet concrete? It was risky, but it was the only way.


I was to distract him. As he came at me, I put my gun up under his chin; it would at least slow him down. But before I could pull the trigger, he grabbed the gun and squeezed, turning it into useless metal. I ran for the construction site, hoping that Scully was in place, and hoping that Mason wouldn't see what we were up to. She was there, in the concrete truck, ready to pour as soon as I got Mason into the hole. But Mason was no dummy. He saw what we were up to, and went to the truck. He pulled off the truck's door and grabbed Scully. He started to squeeze, to crush her. I had no way to distract him. He was going to kill my partner.


"Hey Miles!" I yelled. He looked at me, anger lighting his eyes. "Nobody calls me that but my mama!" he snarled. "What's that, Miles?" I asked. "Nobody calls you Miles?" He grew enraged, throwing Scully to the ground and charging me. He grabbed me, and both of us tumbled into the pit. Scully, bless her, had enough strength to crawl back into the concrete truck and hit the lever. Thousands of pounds of wet concrete poured over us, burying us. I managed to kick free and climb out of the pit, and the threat of Miles Mason was ended.


Did he die in that concrete, suffocated or crushed? I don't know. I don't know if he can die at all. But one question that bothered me. If he can heal any wound almost instantly, what would happen if you cut off a part of him, like one of his hands? He would grow a new hand, obviously... but what would happen to the old hand? Would it grow a new body? The question disturbed me, because we had used a combine to cut him to pieces, and though it diced him up pretty good it hadn't stopped him...


The End (?)

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


We had set up a "Cabin in the Woods" thing, in which a handful of young men and women would be sacrificed in gruesome ways to appease the elder gods. But during the night, the young folks had scattered into the woods and we had lost track of them. When morning came, we found one of the women who had apparently tried to hide in a hollow tree. She was dead. We sent a team of soldiers and helicopters in to retrieve the body, but it was a trap!


The girl was not dead, and her friends were lying in ambush around the area. One of them shot down our chopper. The others attacked our troops. One of the girls had managed to catch one of our monsters (a dinosaur) and was riding it around, crunching our vehicles and soldiers. One of our tanks fled from the chaos, chased by the dinosaur. I was running along with the tank, fleeing the destruction of our forces. Part of me felt proud that these kids had managed to subvert the whole thing, and I was thinking that the Elder Gods would be pleased by the carnage, even if it wasn't what we had planned.


The tank and I, still chased by the dinosaur, fled up into the mountains along a narrow, rutted trail. I was getting tired, and the tank was running low on gas. I was thinking, "There's no way the dinosaur could still be chasing us, it must be exhausted as well!" But it was still there on our tail, and gaining! The dino made a heroic leap and landed on the ridge ahead of us. I immediately turned around and ran the other way, hoping that destroying the tank would slow it down enough that I could get away. I ran back down the mountain until I found a place to hide. I crawled up under a boulder and hoped when the dino came back it would continue along the path and miss me.


I didn't count on the girl's other friends though, who had been following us up the mountain more slowly. They spotted me, pointed their weapons, and told me to come out. I had no other choice, so I raised my hands and came out. I said that I would tell them everything about what was going on...


So, you are evil in your dreams, too?


Note: And in my dreams, I dont surrender, I go down shooting. :eg:

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I was in my patio with a bunch of people (nobody I actually know; they were just random folks). Someone had a radio on, and it announced a Pegasus was flying overhead. So everyone looked up at the sky. Soon enough, we saw it. At that distance, it looked almost like a box, except for the tail, which was easily 2-3 times longer than the body. I first mistook it for its wings until I saw its position in the body, and it there was nothing on the other side. I couldn't see the head, but I was able to make out its legs and hooves, which were quite still. It didn't have any wings. The strangest part was that it was flying sideways. Rather than flying in the direction it was facing, it was moving in the direction of its right flank.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


A young woman asks me to look at her tablet which seems to have been hacked. I look at it and say "Oh, here's your problem. It's turning into a portal to Hell" and shut it down. But there's a gigantic display screen nearby which also turns into a portal to Hell. An amazing number of people seem to have been prepared for an invasion from Hell and pull out some kind of energy blaster to shoot them while I and a companion find a Naga, which is a biotechnological chimera of armoured fighting vehicle and snake with several serpentine heads.


We take our Naga and smash it in through the wall of a government center in order to talk to the ruling council demanding they give us access to the secret weapons archive. When we get there, we shoo away all the bureaucrats who were frantically shredding stuff and start looking through the records. I find the records for a Lamda Cell, which is an asteroid-sized living factory which would spawn an endless stream of fighters to attack the demons. However it has the slight drawback that nobody knows how to control one if we grow it. So, I figure I'll look for another option, but a human-appearing demon comes into the room and attacks me. I quckly stab it in the neck and the eyes, but it regenerates the damage. Then my companion returns and flicks what looks like a little tangle of noodles or roots at the demon's mouth. The roots grow and consume the demon in the process of growing into a rather pretty tree covered in bell-shaped blossoms.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


In surprisingly near future, faster-than-light travel is developed and nations of earth are given parts of the Galaxy to develop. Canada gets four decent stars, but also a large nebula filled with dying and just born stars. We call it the Hudson Nebula. One ship goes into the Hudson Nebula in pursuit of a Russian space probe, planning to salvage and sell it, but discover that there's an alien artificial intelligence in the nebula that claims it as its territory and is angry. It agrees to play a baseball game in order settle whether it will tolerate humans coming into its kingdom, but each of it's players is from a different alien species and one is a giant bipedal dinosaur. Perhaps an Albertasaurus. I figure we'll have to walk it because its too hard to reach its strike zone.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I cruised comfortably in the cockpit of my Corsair, casually looking for enemy aircraft among the puffy white clouds. Far below, the brilliant blue sea rippled in the bright summer sun. It was a beautiful sunny day that fit my mood. The war was almost over, and we knew it.


A flash of white caught my eye off to the right--an enemy Zero. I turned to attack, but then I saw that one of my patrolmates, some eager young kid, had already jumped in. I'd already shot down more than my share of planes over the course of the war. I just circled lazily overhead as I watched them swoop and flip in their duel, ready to intervene if the kid got into trouble. He didn't, and close to the surface he managed to get a good shot off. The Zero sprouted a bright orange ribbon of flame and plunged into the sea. But the kid had overpursued, and a small white splash showed where he'd followed his kill into the water.


That would have been the last of the enemy planes. I turned my Corsair, still bristling with weapons, for home, thinking that I might as well complete my patrol at home base. Before long I was back over the base. The weather here was less pleasant, with a dull gray overcast, and so was the base itself, strewn with twisted scrap metal and other detritus of a long war. I entertained myself by flying my plane at appallingly low altitudes among the scrap and over the greenish-brown still water of the harbor. I was an ace pilot many times over, and we'd won the war. Soon it would be time to go home.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I watched as the scientists hurriedly offloaded the last of their supplies from the truck. I didn't envy them--the island was barren, just fine gravel and larger stones, and the oncoming storm had already blackened the sky. The wind whipped at their clothes as they struggled to set up their tents. One of them asked if I wanted to shelter with them, but I said I'd take my chances with the truck.


I fired up the truck, wheeled around, and floored it back down the road. Almost immediately the rain came, and as I watched the road began to flood. Before long I was struggling to keep track of where the road was under 2-3 feet of water, and not long after that the waves swept the truck off the road.


With the truck afloat in 10-foot seas, and water flooding in through the windows, I realized that I should probably have stayed with the scientists. My choices were not good--I could stay with the truck, and drown, or I could abandon the truck, and drown. Then I realized that the large cargo compartment was watertight and would probably keep the truck afloat. I braced myself in the cab so that I could reach the pocket of air trapped against the roof, and waited.


After a while the truck ran aground as the storm subsided. I was right back at the island with the scientists, so I got what little equipment I had out of the truck and walked over to join them.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I pulled the car off onto the grass at the freeway interchange and got out to wait for the others to catch up. The weather was crummy, with a thin overcast that created a lot of glare. Still, we were making good time, or we would have been except for the stragglers. I watched as small breakers rolled in onto the shore nearby.


Most of the others had arrived when the earthquake hit. We struggled to maintain our footing as the cars rocked back and forth and a low pitched rumble shook the air. The shaking only lasted a minute, but it was enough.


As soon as the shaking stopped I sprang into action. The ocean was only a few hundred feet away, and even if we got back into the cars, the freeway ran parallel to the shore. We were going to have to move uphill behind the freeway, on foot, right away. Naturally the others were slow on the uptake despite my shouting and pushing, and they'd only just started moving in the direction we needed to go when the tsunami appeared.


The first breaker crashed against the stone seawall. The second did too, raising the sea level to the very top of the seawall--and there were more breakers behind that one. Finally the others got the picture and began to run. As did I, but having been pushing the others to get moving, I was bringing up the rear. The third breaker caught me, trapping me against a fence. Fortunately the whitewater was very bubbly and I was able to breathe in it with some difficulty. I waited for the water to recede slightly and was able to get free, around the fence, and up the embankment before the next breaker came.


I stood, along with the idiots, atop the embankment, watching as breaker after breaker rolled in. Each one raised the sea level and before long it was clear that they were going to top the thirty foot embankment as well. Behind us there was no more high ground, but we were among a stand of trees, so we started to climb.


The rushing water wasn't violent, but it rose relentlessly, and we kept climbing. Eventually the water stopped rising, but now there were about a dozen of us up in these large trees. That was when it occurred to me that the sun was going down, and we were going to have to spend the night. I started shouting at the others again, to take stock of what we had and how we were going to get everyone a secure position among the branches so we could stay up here safely overnight.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I had a (rare) dream where I was at work and watching these two guys play around before driving back to the store. While on the main road (a combination of two very different streets in real life) this guy passes me and almost hits a station wagon head on before he gets back in my lane ahead of me. We drive down the road. He hits a sudden patch of snow on the ground and barrel rolls his car into the shoulder of the road. I drive by and wake up.


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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I dreamt that I was working on a new sourcebook. It was going to be a Cyberpunk sourcebook for the Hero system. I was working on something similar to netrunning. Except the whole "connect your brain straight to the computer" thing was way too 80s, so I came up with a new concept.


A couple of friends in college created a new video game, called RaceNet. It was a simple race game, where you created a souped-up cyber-car and raced around these elaborate tracks. What was unique about the game was that the game was a sort of worm, where when you loaded it on a computer it linked up to whatever networks the computer was attached to, and built the racetrack based on the network configuration. You were essentially racing around your school/company/whatever's network. The game became hugely popular, with college kids hooking it up to their school networks all over the place, and office workers playing it on their office network after hours.


But it wasn't long before someone discovered a hack to the game. You could use the game to connect to other networks; networks that were only peripherally connected to your network. People were building these huge, elaborate racetracks by linking up computers all around the world. The game itself didn't care what network it was tunnelling through; it was just programmed to build bigger and better racetracks using any resources available to it.


Soon people learned that, by using the game, they could get into otherwise secure computer networks. The game built backdoors everywhere. Supposedly, these backdoors could only be used to play the game, but that didn't stop hackers and crackers from using it to break into just about anywhere they wanted to go. There were limitations on what you could do, but it was still a powerful tool.


In the game I was creating, this system was used to make things more interesting for all the gamers around the table, not just the netrunner/hacker character. Although in the light of day I can't recall exactly how it was supposed to do that...


I was also creating character sheets for sample characters, who were PCs in a Cyber Hero game that I had run years ago (although I never ran a Cyber Hero game in real life).


Dang. Now I want to submit a proposal to BlackWyrm... :think:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that gave several of you faces. I am sure that the faces are not correct, but I was sitting at a table discussing gaming, writing, and stories with DrHoz, Lucius, and McGinty's player. We were talking about ways to put the screws to characters and just keep turning up the heat.


It's probably true to life that when I told McGinty's player, "You are simply evil minded," that he took it as a compliment.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I had a dream last night that I would love to experience. I was at an orchestra concert and the entire orchestra was deaf. They played beautifully, and there was a coordinated laser-light show so that deaf people could experience it. There were flashing bulbs for drum beats where the brightness indicated the volume (same for tubas). Whenever the violins played, there was a laser that moved along with the artists. It was awesome!

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