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How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


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I'm just wondering here... inspired by one of the better characters created in the current '50 heroes for 50 states' idea, Rushmore, who has 'the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson' among other powers, how exactly does one write up 'super-wisdom' in HERO terms as a power?


Would it consist of Danger Sense and Enhanced Perception, or possibly something a trifle more arcane? (Detect Proper Course of Action, Sense, Discriminatory, Analyze?)


I'd like to see what ideas my fellow forum members can come up with.

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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


Intelligence and wisdom are generally related concepts, RPG characteristic hair-splitting notwithstanding. A high INT and some good INT based skills are a good start. INT based super skills may be even better, like that Precognition Hermit mentioned in the other thread.


Jefferson was something of an inventor, too, so a little Inventor skill helps.

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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


My Mary Marvel tribute has a few KS defined as Super Wisdom; it seemed like a good way to simulate the extra knowledge she gains from being wise.


Analyze and Tactics are good choices as part of a Super Wisdom character. Danger Sense (all sorts), Find Weakness (you know where the best place to strike is), Missile Deflection (you can always step out of the way) and Reflection (trick the bad guy into hitting himself) at any target (or shooting his minions), Overall Levels, Combat Luck ... the world's Wisest Man could probably fill his sheet with Wisdom Powers.

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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


Psychological Limitation: Always Knows The Wisest Course Of Action (Very Common, Moderate)


This way the GM must force you to make an EGO Roll before doing anything stupid. Unfortunately, most stuff adventuring hero types do tends to be rather stupid ;)

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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


High PRE, and PRE-based skills.


Convince enough people of the wisdom of your ideas, and there's no real way to say you aren't wise.


Or, yeah, you could go with precognition, deduction, criminology and danger sense...

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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


please define some parameters:


how did we gain the wisdom ?

age, experience, mystic insight, bible study, cosmic awareness, freejacking ?


what type of wisdom do we have?


  • combat related - we are in the right place, doing right things
  • social - we have done good and smart things
  • religious - we have insight into the truths of life, what does matter in the long run
  • historical - we know what works, what doesnt, and whose on the best path.


how often is it obvious (to other PCs, NPCs, the public, etc)

that we are seen as, acknowledged, or deemed to be wise ?


In other words, if Joey Bagodonuts just walked into the conversation,

how long would it be until he blurted out: "Gosh you're the wisest dude I've ever met!"


Would we have to do something, say something to provoke this response,

or is our reputation just way way sagacious?




I see from the Thread Start that its based on presidents and founding fathers. Is the wisdom imparted mystically ? If so how often?

Does the player have to say "I activate my Wisdom slot" ?


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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


I'm not sure that wisdom should be as closely associated with combat as many of the posts have suggested. It seems to me that someone with super wisdom would be able to avoid things coming to blows.


Super wisdom would include

  • calmness,
  • the ability to distinguish between right and wrong,
  • the ability to say the right thing at the right time and be concise about it (clearly I'm excluded),
  • lack of fear,
  • lack of hatred,
  • a love of learning,
  • self-knowledge (extra defense vs Mind Control and the like),
  • actions consistent with beliefs,
  • often asking questions,
  • understanding based on knowledge,
  • understanding based on experience,
  • understanding based on intuition and reflection.

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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


I'm not sure that wisdom should be as closely associated with combat as many of the posts have suggested. It seems to me that someone with super wisdom would be able to avoid things coming to blows.


Super wisdom would include

  • calmness,
  • the ability to distinguish between right and wrong,
  • the ability to say the right thing at the right time and be concise about it (clearly I'm excluded),
  • lack of fear,
  • lack of hatred,
  • a love of learning,
  • self-knowledge (extra defense vs Mind Control and the like),
  • actions consistent with beliefs,
  • often asking questions,
  • understanding based on knowledge,
  • understanding based on experience,
  • understanding based on intuition and reflection.

Remember, comic book superhero Wisdom. It might include combat applications. Knowing when to fight is as important as knowing when not to fight.



Kenny Rogers knew what he was talking about. :)

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Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'?


Another option would be to take Luck...but the FX of the benefits would be more of 'See how following his vision was the right thing to do?'


That's what I was thinking--but rather than buy Luck and define it as wisdom, build it as an all-new power. Spend five, perhaps ten points per die, then the GM makes a Wisdom roll whenever appropriate--in other words, whenever he feels like it. Like Luck, each result of "six" gives the character a better idea on the "wisest" course of action, that in most cases being the action that would benefit himself and his friends.


I suppose Deduction could also be considered a form of wisdom, especially given its definition as "the ability to take several facts and leap to an inobvious conclusion--" (FRED, p. 38). That suggests to me a form of reasoning on a level other than conscious, rational thought--in other words, it's akin to intuition, which to my mind is something like wisdom, except that for intuition you usually don't know how or why you feel that a particular course of action is the proper course to take--whereas with wisdom you usually do. (Or you are able to fake knowing convincingly. :D)


Hope that helps.

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