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Does anyone really roll 30D6?


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Okay, so I was reading through my PDF copy of The Book of the Destroyer and thinking about the power levels that Champions can be played at. When I was last playing on a regular basis in the 1980s, an 18D6 normal attack was considered to be off the charts. At least in the groups I played in and most of the published stuff I remember. Now we have published characters with 20-30DC attacks.


Does anyone actually roll 30 individual dice? That seems like a mess. Do people use die roller programs instead?


I would almost rather use standard effect rules with die pools that large. Or maybe you could come up with a simplified bell curve of possible damage rolls before the game based a 1d6 roll and write it on the charaters sheet. Something like:


1-minimun damage as if all 1s were rolled.

2,3,4,5- standard effect rules

6-max damage as if all 6's were rolled.


That seems like too much work, and it is possibly mathematically flawed (not my strongest skill). Does anyone have a simple cheat system they use, or are die roller programs more ubiquitous than I think?

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Back when Dispel was 3 pts/d6, I had a character with a 30d6 Dispel PD IPE Always On Damage Screen, with some fairly steep limitations.


She was introduced to the campaign as the sacrifice for a DEMON summoning ceremony. Apparently the heroes conducting the rescue goofed, and let the ceremony go too far. The summoned evil arch-prince of whatever (I never did find out) arrived, picked up my character with both hands, and the GM rolled 30d6.


One guy at the table winced, and looked shocked, saying "Ouch. Rough way to lose your character, before you even got a chance to play."


The GM said, "Oh. That wasn't the DEMON-guy's attack on her. That was her attack on him."


And then someone asked for a description of what happened. "You notice nothing at all. But the DEMON-guy seems suddenly nervous."


In the pile-on by the heroes, the pyro-girl had no effect with her EB, though the knockback did stun that got through the very much reduced PD. The mentalist had no effect at all. The (total CVK) Martial Artist punched through the demon's rib cage, before it fled back to its home dimension, vowing revenge on the Morbanes for their 'deception'.


Alas, poor Fluffy. Her main power was zero help to everyone on the team except the one guy who didn't want it.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I seem to remember in one particular game (that was intended to be combat oriented) once managing to get up to 36D6 through the fast fly-boy sky-diving my brick character into the neck of a dinosaur rampaging through London town.


Of course I rolled the dice. I one go I seem to recall :D

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I've done it.


If presented with the opportunity I'll do it again.


I mostly run heroic games now so I don't hold out much hope.


But my supers game would see a haymaker in excess of 20d6 every few months, and 30d6 falls did happen.


We had one attack that combined a 26d6 pushed haymaker (4E style) with the velocity of an accelerated 60" per phase on a stunned opponent...


Teamwork. Such joy.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


In the late 80's, I was playing in a game where if the brick Haymakered he could do 34d6. one time he did this rolled a 4 to hit. Then rolled his 34d6 damage. ALL SIXES!!!!:eek::eek: Then rolled TWO ONES on Knockback. 66 inches of knockback on Juggernaut from MArvel. He actually knocked him back !!

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


In the late 80's' date=' I was playing in a game where if the brick Haymakered he could do 34d6. one time he did this rolled a 4 to hit. Then rolled his 34d6 damage. ALL SIXES!!!!:eek::eek: Then rolled TWO ONES on Knockback. 66 inches of knockback on Juggernaut from MArvel. He actually knocked him back !![/quote']


...into band camp?

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


In the late 80's' date=' I was playing in a game where if the brick Haymakered he could do 34d6. one time he did this rolled a 4 to hit. Then rolled his 34d6 damage. ALL SIXES!!!!:eek::eek: Then rolled TWO ONES on Knockback. 66 inches of knockback on Juggernaut from MArvel. He actually knocked him back !![/quote']


Milk came out my nose.


More seriously, I actually don't think that I owned more than 12 six-siders when I was younger. I have to think this never came up for us. Side question: What wa the biggest attack on a published character back then like 15 normal?

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


If you want more consistent damage while rolling fewer dice, the aforementioned "use standard effect for 20d6 and roll 10d6" works. If you want a wider variance, you can roll 15d6 and double the result, or roll 10d6 and triple the result.

I use the "box of dice" rule--if your dice box contains 36 dice, you can roll that many dice when appropriate.

(I used to have one that held 200 tiny dice...:eg:)

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I've rolled 30d6 and larger attacks. I've rarely played a game where it was a common occurrence, but I've done it. No, I don't use a program. I just roll the dice. Maybe I'm just weird, but counting it up doesn't really take that long. Group it in 10s, and count the difference in 6s and 1s and you're good to go. :)

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


As a GM, I would not want to regularly roll 30d6; I'd roll 15d6 and double it. However, once in awhile (as GM and player), I've rolled 24d6, 26d6, 27d6, 28d6, 30d6 and 30+d6. I think the most I've ever rolled, with the help of my brother, was 96d6. The GM poured the dice into our hands... ah, so many bouncing dice and the accompanying sound... ;)

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Guest Admiral C

Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


The few times I've rolled 30d6 for terminal velocity it was no problem and I once level a puzzle door with 40d6. That said I've never been in a game where damages exceeded 14-16d6 for the average attack.


Now that Haymaker is +4 DC and not STR x 1 1/2, I don't plan on seeing many games where the players would exceed 18-20d6, and even then it would be a Galactic Champions game.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?




I have a character who's standard attack is 20d6, and can do up to 26. I always roll all the dice.


Easy to count - Pair for 10s (i.e. a 6 and a 4, a 5 a 2 and a 3 ect) for stun.

Count ones, count sixes, subtract ones from sixes, add that to the dice rolled for body.


Quick and easy.


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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I played a speedster that could do a 1000d6 a round with multiple applications of 24d6. Now that got tiresome the few times the circumstances came up.


I've been in other regular games where 30d6 wasn't uncommon... That's not so bad. It's only when they don't fit in your hands, it becomes a problem.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I played a speedster that could do a 1000d6 a round with multiple applications of 24d6. Now that got tiresome the few times the circumstances came up.


I've been in other regular games where 30d6 wasn't uncommon... That's not so bad. It's only when they don't fit in your hands, it becomes a problem.


I'm so glad I read your post. People keep telling me my game is broken.

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