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Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


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Not too tough of a WWYCD- more about how powerful and useful they are compared to their peers as well as how willing they are to sacrifice it all.


(based on Crisis on Infinite Earth from DC comics)


It's been a tough few months since the skies turned Red and black shadows appeared, along with wierd time rifts, the breaking down of physics, and the mounting deaths. But the heroes of your Champions Earth have finally found a way to the Anti-Matter Universe where the Big Bad, the Anti-Monitor exists. At his most powerful there, it is also the only place in the multi-verse that he can be killed


(Quick note: the Anti-Monitor is a universal monilith of evil, alien, that is not even alive in the conventional sense AND his goal is the complete destruction of the universe which he is dangerously close to achieving- CvK do not apply).


The Phantom Stranger/Spectre/Drifter of your universe can open a portal to his world within 24 hours but:


1. he can only sent through 10 heroes against the Anti-Monitor and his forces


2. Your chances of success are virtually non existent


3. The portal is only one way. It's possible that a way back may exist in the other world or the other mystics and techs might be find a way to bring you back it's all speculation.



1. does your hero volunteer and why or why not?

2. what do you do in your last 24 hours (the other heroes will 'guard the walls' as it were.


I'd be interested in hearing some responses.


Oh as for the odds, yeah it's about 1 million to one but come on- for heroes that's practically even money!



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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Both Blackberry S. Firr and Psyche would be willing to go, but neither brings the all that much raw power to the a team.


However, both play very well in groups, so if the team needed an internal liaison, either would be appropriate, but neither would make the cut onto a "dream team" of heroes when everything is at stake; both simply lack the "oomph".

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


With great responsibility comes great power... which I think is truer than it's reverse. So I don't think it matters how many points your character is built on. If he is going, then he's got what it takes.


Can I do that? Ask to amend someone else's WWYCD? I kind of feel like I stepped where I shouldn't now. What do you think, Powerhouse?

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Volt would go in a heartbeat. He'd be one of the first, if not the first. He's all about sacrifice. He's not too powerful or versitile, but if willingness counts, he's an excellent choice. He'd say his goodbyes and charge in. If he made it back, so much the better. If not, it was a good day to die.


Olorlin would sigh and go in armed for bear. As a very versitile mystic, he probably has the best chance of surviving. At 747 years old, he'd say "Well, I had a good run; nothing to complain about. Here goes!" If he died -well he already said it. If he lived he'd go "Man, I thought I'd be rid of this mess. Oh well." (of course he'd say that sarcastically.)


Black Tiger would go in only if there was a spot open and noone else would go. He's a martial artist and not too versitile or powerful, and figure it would be best is someone better went. Not selfish, just realisitic.


Futurian "Oh wow. Well... Ummm... Crud." See black Tiger. Only if spot open. A bit more selfish, but would eventually charge in and say "See you soonest!" A bit cocky and flighty, but still heoric,


Leadman would charge in expecting to die. If he lived, he'd be surprised.

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Terminus would step forward instantly. He was literally made for this sort of thing - to fight in the defence of those unable to defend themselves. To die in such an action would be a vindication of not only himself, but everything the Terminus Soldier Corps was about.

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Badger- probably, sounds like a challenging fight. Slightly worried, where his soul winds up if he dies in a different universe. But, would chalk up to "God will sort it out"


Frosty Bob- Not sure what a guy with guns could do, but he is immortal. May or may not volunteer, though. Depends on his mood. But, like Badger, if a good fight is to be had......

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


"Can I do that? Ask to amend someone else's WWYCD? I kind of feel like I stepped where I shouldn't now. What do you think, Powerhouse? "


No stepping on whatsoever. Please feel free to answer as you see fit. I'd love to hear more about why one would or would not go as well as how do you spend that last day.


Thanks for the responses and I look foward to more.

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Black Cat would spend the last day meditating, and finding things that enhance ch'i and martial prowess (say like the fishnets in this thread). In her normal day to day hero-ing she find them tacky to say the least, but is willing to put aside her annoyances of using enhancements to give her an edge up on the Anti-monitor. She defeated the death dragon, she would have the confidence she could do something about the bad guy here. :)


Ballistic would go, and get as much magical enhancement as he could, as well as a supercharged version of his armor. :)


Both those two would be in the 10 to go, by common accolade - they are among the most powerful heroes in their world. Most of my other characters would decline the honor, as they aren't the toughest around, although all would be willing, they wouldn't think they could make a difference.


Smokeater actually sort of did this already, going through a portal to stop an alien invasion that they figured would be a one way trip (it was the climax of the campaign after all, would seem silly not to go :) ). So he wouldn't hesitate.

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Quantum - would not hesitate to volunteer. He would spend the next 24 hrs trying learn as much as he could about the Anti-Monitor, his forces, the Anti-Matter Universe, and trying to come up with some tactics


Stone- No one is going take out my universe! What are we waiting for? Stone would spend the next 24 hours trying to get gear. Like big wrecking ball with a extremely strong chain.


Spectre - too many innocent souls would be lost if the Anti-Monitor succeeds. He would volunteer to go.

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Deuce would probably not go, unless specifically asked or if there were no other recoruse. He has too much respect for fellow heroes, and although he's extremely resourceful, he has no superpowers (at least none that he's aware of) and almost no scientific knowledge which with to battle such a formidable foe. Without a lot of back-up, the Anti-Monitor would be way over his head, and he'd know it.


Instead, he would spend the next day trying to subvert the Anti-Monitor's intentions, as befits his nature - could he instead find a way to trick the Anti-Monitor to believe he'd accomplished his goal? Could he find a hero - or even a villain who wanted the universe intact, even for their own purposes - into thwarting the Anti-Monitor's aims? (What's Istvatha V'han doing these days?)


If nothing else works, Deuce will spend the last hour getting stinking drunk, with the most beautiful woman he can find. He will spend the last moments of his existence coming and going at the same time. If the Anti-Monitor shows up in "person", he will challenge him to a duel. No technology, no biological assistance, no lackeys.


Casey would go, as he's technically not alive anyway, and the party might use some fast transportation (He can fly and swim, and carry 5 people in comfort for hours at a time). He has the ability to talk to inanimate mechanical or electronic devices, to find out what they are and what they did in the past, so he has skills that the party could find extremely useful in certain situations. If the A-M is overconfident, Casey may even be in rare cases able to talk the devices out of their intended mission. His only requirement is that someone load his trunk with as much dense organic material as possible, or carry about 100 gallons of regular gasoline.

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Hermes: On one hand, he is not exactly the most powerful hero available, even from just his own time period. So, he'd ask why cosmic force is asking him, as opposed to gathering up, say, Minos, Ioannis Kymberion, and eight more Rhadamanthines.


OTOH, Hermes and his friends have been involved in so much cosmic weirdness, and have been declared as cosmic anomalies ( though Hermes doesn't currently remember that bit ), that Hermes would totally buy "you have the ability to change the course of destiny well beyond your power." In which case, well, that's that.

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Pyrie would volunteer at once; she's too hotheaded to even think about the consequences......


Until the finality of the situation dawned on her. She'd then spend the final 24 hours panicking and saying goodbye to her parents and friends--probably over the phone, as she'd be to nervous to keep herself from igniting. when the time comes to enter the portal, though, she'd go with no hesitations, hoping that the Anti-Monitor is flammable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Shadow Hawk would go. I would assume that his stealth powers would be very useful. He would spend his last 24 hours much how he spent most of his down time, trying to determine "Why". Genetically engineered in a government project, he has no religious training but spends a great deal of time talking to religious folks about "Why is this the way it is". Think Socrates at his most annoying.


Stick would go. I don't know how useful a blind martial artist would be, but he'd go. He'd spend his last 24 hours in a house of ill repute, enjoying himself and spouting out his strange philosophy... (For it is written, no matter where you go, there you are.)

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Marksman* would love to go...but he would not, he understands that he is a certain level of ability and while he is one of the most accurate shots in the world, he just is not able to damage something of this scale.


Now if a (Brainiac 5 equivilant) super brain has created a weapon that needs to be used against it he is more than willing to go for it, and he would spend the day mastering that weapon (As much as he could anyways)


*Marksman is a weapon master, his primary weapon is a Bow and quiver of trick arrows, he is a good shot with guns as well. He is not a gadgeteer type, he has a tech guy who designs his equipment, He is Basicaly 75% Hawkeye/Green Arrow (More GA than Hawk), 20% Batman, 4% The Guardian (DC Comics), 1% Punisher

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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Jericho, my oldest heroic brainchild (from another system, originally), would be stepping forward before the question was even finished. Not just to fight the good fight, but to stop anyone else from sacrificing themselves because he hesitated.


Of course, he doesn't believe anything can kill him. But maybe he's right. ;)



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Re: Crisis of Infinite Champions: 10 brave heroes


Soulbarb wouldn't normally appear in a setting of this apparently high power level; she's a street level super and endeavors to keep a low profile. If she somehow wound up in the position of being one of only a select few able to go (e.g. because of mystic requirements) and someone actively looked her up on that basis, she would do enough research to satisfy herself that there really is no other good solution, and then go ahead with it. She's not particularly keen on apparent suicide missions, but if she's enough of a realist to know sometimes you just don't have any good choices left. Might as well die with your boots on, she'd figure.


While Sylph isn't particularly powerful either, and might not be the best choice if that's the main consideration, she too has mystic connections that might land her in such a spot regardless. If so, she'll be scared spitless, but probably go anyway if she was really needed. She'll be convinced that someone more capable should have been chosen instead and potentially frazzle herself into a nervous wreck if not given a healthy dollop of encouragement, but she'd go. :) Of course once she gets there, it's anybody's guess what will happen; very likely the entire Greek pantheon will be watching with great interest.

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