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Quote of the Week From My Life.


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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


So my GF and I were sitting at the breakfast table morning, "enjoying" the cool, dreary, rainy weather, when she looks outside and states: "What is it with all of this rain? I thought we we supposed to have gotten all of this in April!"




Me: "It is April!"


GF: "Oh!" Looks back outside. "Carry on, then!"

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


So my GF and I were sitting at the breakfast table morning, "enjoying" the cool, dreary, rainy weather, when she looks outside and states: "What is it with all of this rain? I thought we we supposed to have gotten all of this in April!"




Me: "It is April!"


GF: "Oh!" Looks back outside. "Carry on, then!"



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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


I like terrorizing slobbering nitwits. I like hiring minions that bribe me with red velvet cake.


I'm actually the opposite. I have a really hard time delegating any work that I know I could do better and more efficiently than whoever I would have delegated it to. Usually by the time I have sufficiently communicated and documented what it is I want, I might as well have done whatever it is myself. So my plate fills up and things start to fall off.


Of course this company has managed to drive away half my engineers in the time I've been here, so I really don't have anyone to delegate to anyway.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


I'm actually the opposite. I have a really hard time delegating any work that I know I could do better and more efficiently than whoever I would have delegated it to. Usually by the time I have sufficiently communicated and documented what it is I want, I might as well have done whatever it is myself. So my plate fills up and things start to fall off.


Of course this company has managed to drive away half my engineers in the time I've been here, so I really don't have anyone to delegate to anyway.


It's my nature to do the same. I had to train myself to delegate and there are some things I just won't delegate.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


Introducing my crew...

Me: Here's Smith, Johnson, and V-8.

Newb: Why do you call her V-8?

Me: Read her nametag aloud.

Newb: (Tries, fails). What language is that?

V-8: Hawaiian.

Newb: We allow Hawaiians in the navy?

Me: (Facepalm)


For the record, V-8's name has only two consonants. I've suggested she get with a CPO I once knew, a Ukrainian we called G-11, whose name only had one vowel, so they could do some trading.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


Introducing my crew...

Me: Here's Smith, Johnson, and V-8.

Newb: Why do you call her V-8?

Me: Read her nametag aloud.

Newb: (Tries, fails). What language is that?

V-8: Hawaiian.

Newb: We allow Hawaiians in the navy?

Me: (Facepalm)


For the record, V-8's name has only two consonants. I've suggested she get with a CPO I once knew, a Ukrainian we called G-11, whose name only had one vowel, so they could do some trading.

...Y'know, I don't normally agree with hazing...

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


"Why are you so normal?"


I gave him "Art of War" before he went to Hawaii on vacation and when he got back I asked how his trip was. My boss slammed "Art of War" on the desk and said: "Now I finally understand everything you've said for two years!"


So, the other day when he asked "Am I Empire building with our department?" I said "Yes, but it's the Mongol hoard, we're mobile and take what we need and leave the husk behind, we encircle what we want and they join or die." He paused, nodded and said: "I'm so glad I hired you." :D

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


I was expressing my annoyance to a co-worker, that another forced a confrontation between my boss and I before I'd intended the subject to be raised, thus leaving me arguing my point from a point of weakness and having to roll over and show my throat.

He's fond of her (as am I) and sprung to her defense, to which I shrugged..

"She just got her degree in Developmental Psych. Her head right now is all full of aggression behavior patterns and conflict resolution. Mine is full of Sun Tzu, Musashi, Machiavelli and Nietzsche. What she did was perfectly right if we were trying to get along. Unfortunately, this is politics."

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