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Legion of Stupor-Heroes

William Bushway

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Originally posted by Lord Mhoram

He's got hammers for hands and wheels for feet raised by farm Implements and living in the woods. She's a martial artist with who hobby is burning churches with pyrokenesis.

They Fight Crime.






Couldn't resist, on a suggestion from my wife.


You forgot the exclamation point.


They fight crime!

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Originally posted by OddHat



OK, what are his powers?


"He's an inteligent, flying, invulnerable worm!"




"He got his powers in an experiment where worms were injected with Kryptonian blood! And he's a vampire!"




"He only drinks the blood of evil! He hunts supervillains for their super-evil blood! And he'll spend his experience points to add multipower slots based on the powers of the villains he drinks from!"




"He's only two inches long, and communicates by carving words into objects using his heat vision! He has eyes!"






Shut up.


Sounds like some of my more oddball vilalins!


I don't have anything that works for this thread really, save a couple friends who came in with characters you've all pretty much shown already one way or another.


But I'd like to think I'm responsible for the most ridiculous character concepts with some of my super-villains. I've posted notes elsewhere on these, such as the couple Home Despot and Office Despot, with powers reflecting their respective workplaces. And the Living Tongue - a giant tongue, massive REGEN (after all, your tongue heals fast), strength, entanglement, and a burning acidic secretion. He didn't have much body and limited defenses so everytime he got hit he'd feel it but just recover quickly.


But I think it's okay for villains to be completely flakey concepts. I may borrow the quoted one.

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Originally posted by OddHat

Feel free. :)


I'll take Home & Office Depot in exchange. Make them very oddly themed magicians...


I've been a PC faced those villians.


Well, while I wasn't too keen on the Despots, but let's say the Living Tongue was just plain wierd.


In a very early game:

The PC was a very smart gadgeteer. Not so bad.

He was a Cab Driver who was Bovophobic and allergic to smoke. The GM brought out, Bessie the Hell Cow.


My wierdest character was Explorer who was a spaceship that was 2" long. Just think the Enterprise shrunk down to that size. Disads included Prime Directive, Infatuation with Attractive Women and some other silly things. Ran it for just a few games as a filler character.

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The Living Tongue? "I... TASTE.... EVERYTHING!" LOL!


No, but seriously, I have a friend in my current gaming group who tries to bring in his "Glop" character every once in a while (don't even ask what his powers are). I always say "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" He hasn't got the hint yet.


And the same guy who played The Red White and Blue Buckeroo, also brought a PC into our game that was a living plant called- and I kid you not- THE GRIPPER. Plant brick, stretching, regeneration. Ugh.



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Worm-E doesn't sound much more ridiculous than Captain Marvel's old annelidian nemesis, Mr. Mind. Ah, simpler days. :)


Explorer, though, reminds me of a character written up in Adventurer's Club #21, "The Sphereship Polaris." Actually a pretty cool concept: an exploration vessel about one foot in diameter, crewed by humanoids 1/8" tall. It had the stats of a normal character with appropriate SFX - tractor beams for Strength, Stun representing minor damage and injuries, Recovery as repairs and medical attention, and high Ego for a large number of small minds (author's pun).

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A brother of a friend wanted to create Polaroid - a living camera. He wanted to be able to take pictures with his eyeballs and pull the film out of his stomach...


Mentioned before but there's always the infamous Amoeba Man. He was a taxicab driver who'd change into a giant Amoeba, *blurp* out of his taxicab after crashing it into whatever building the crime was taking place at. Did I mention he crashed it while passengers were still in the backseat and didn't know he could (ahem) shapechange?

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Ambush Bug


Waaay back in the late 1980's, I played with a group called "The DGAgents" in Denver and one of the guys had done Superman. Our GM would very occasionaly run short 1-2 session adventures where we could run pretty much whomever we wanted. Of course, Supes was enthusiastically pulled from the files and submitted for her approval. I, being prepared for just such an emergency, removed Ambush Bug and Cheeks the Toy Wonder and put them in the same pile as we passed down our sheets to our long-suffering GM. I think I really made her week when she saw what I had created. When everyone asked who I was going to play I kept it a secret and said that it was a 250 pt character that I wanted to try out. They thought I was crazy! How right they were....... I gleefuly spent the entire afternoon "helping" Superman all over the place. Ah, memories.........

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I can't think of anything anywhere near as ridiculous as what you guys have described. There's a guy who tried to get the GM let him play a psychic squirrel in one campaign. There's a guy who always seems to play some variation of Data from Star Trek: TNG, and someone was suggesting for my campaign that they might play a disco-stu type character. I told them to hold onto it in case we do a comedy campaign.

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Worst character hands-down was Sage. The player pitched him as an older guy who didn't gain his superpowers until he was in his 60s. Low-level psionic with a moped who was more inclined to call a bad guy names and throw rocks at him than use his powers on him. Not comically bad, just utterly and completely bereft of heroic motivation.


A friend of mine delighted in pitching bad concepts which he knew wouldn't get approved. I think the worst was "The King" - a genious Japanese inventor/Elvis Impersonator who fought crime in a giant robot that looked like...you guessed it.


The same guy gave us Cap'n Stretchy and Cap'n Wombat...

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Re: Ambush Bug


Originally posted by John515

Waaay back in the late 1980's, I played with a group called "The DGAgents" in Denver and one of the guys had done Superman. Our GM would very occasionaly run short 1-2 session adventures where we could run pretty much whomever we wanted. Of course, Supes was enthusiastically pulled from the files and submitted for her approval. I, being prepared for just such an emergency, removed Ambush Bug and Cheeks the Toy Wonder and put them in the same pile as we passed down our sheets to our long-suffering GM. I think I really made her week when she saw what I had created. When everyone asked who I was going to play I kept it a secret and said that it was a 250 pt character that I wanted to try out. They thought I was crazy! How right they were....... I gleefuly spent the entire afternoon "helping" Superman all over the place. Ah, memories.........


You wouldn't happen to have any stats on them still, do ya? That sounds so hilarious to try and use.

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the quill:


a wolverine-esque teen-aged mutant that looked like a porquepine. with a "spiny" damage shield, several HTHKA's and a continuous, uncontrolled, ranged, double AP killing attack known as, "the dancing quill...."


the player went out of his way to get on as many nerves, and step on as many toes as possible....


oh yeah--his battle cry was "the quill kills!!!"


was one hell of a character in a fight, though....


another player who was notorious for going out of his way to build characters designed to be unstoppable by any means, in any circumstance came up with this doozy....


talos--the strongest man in the world:



a 225 strength 7ft tall cyborg (with healing) that looked like a giant robotic toy, his only weakness being a psychological disavantage that "he liked kids" and would do anything for them....


....then someone pointed all that all it would take to beat him was for some crazed scientist to create a bunch of kid androids with bombs inside, then send them out into dangerous situations, so that when talos showed up to save them--BOOM!!!


soon after that talos gained the power to "detect kid...."

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Some friends of mine and I were sitting around during a champs game eating some chinese food from the favorite local eatery when our terrible idea for a character came into being. General Gao. He had a "Gaoss" (get it? hah! ... I will now light myself on fire) cannon, which was either an hurty entangle or a 'sticky' NND (defense: no sense of taste/smell. you can't resist the delicious Gao sauce).


In other regions you could go for a Tao-chyon cannon I suppose, but Gao is way better, IMO.

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The GM who introduced me to Champions back in the day (1984) had a character called The Doctor, that looked like the Tom Baker (spelling?) Doctor Who (Tweed and long wool scarf). He used mental illusions generated by "clicker frogs". Devastating to non-mentalists. Usually rolled high enough that illusional attacks did body. All the other characters saw was the Doctor whip a frog out of his coat pocket, and point it at a villain. The frog started clicking. The villain started screaming, and collapsed.:D


Not a bad character, really, just weird. (He also had lots of useful non-combat skills.)

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