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Storn Idea to full picture Year 7

death tribble

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Ok let's see, I'm actually finding myself less and less a supers guy. Which makes me sad




From last year:

Angel of Music; this concept is a traditional comic book style angel with coppery skin, golden or white hair, halo made of musical notes, white wings, and a music themed costume - armor style. He carries a long horn that can be transformed into any instrument several of which can be used in combat. It can also form a long handled maul.


From this year:


Agent Angel - (I know, but this one isn't my character) a spy/secret agent style, very much marvel's Black Widow but in white with metallic purple gear, she's blonde, and has empathic and ectoplasmic powers, including summon-able violet and white feathered wings.


Scion - something of a heroic Amazo. Artificial human created with the powers of an entire superteam. The team is gone and he's switched sides, trying to live up to their legacy. He's a classic superhero style, white bodysuit with dark blue fields a golden symbol on his chest, red cape. As one of his progenitors was a full blood fey he has slightly pointed ears and otherworldly appeareance, black hair odd blue eyes, well built, when he uses his powers (Gravity Control, Eye Beams, Super Senses, etc) he or the target are sometimes surrounded by golden glowing celtic runes.


And from another discussion, I revisited one of my older characters a female master-villain known as the Lady Tiamat, the Dragon Queen. Think delusional gamer chick given vast superpowers. She heads an organization based on color coded evil dragons, however in my game world dragons don't work like that, however whomever had empowered her has given her great power over the draconic (most are in the Lands of Legend, but some still roam earth). Her organization/cult is very COBRA/VIPER/Hydra with a mystical bent (though lots of ridiculous tech as well). She has a small number of dragons at her command and superpowered lieutenants.


Tiamat herself is a statuesque redhead in a flashy red gown (cut to show her legs and allow for combat) with dark metal dragon themed pauldrons, crown, belt, and boots. her powers tend to conform to the D&D chromatic dragons Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Poison.


Alechemica: a robustly built woman in magic equivalent of powered armor A war maiden golem.


Corsair: A modern day pirate captain. He wears a costume you'd expect from an 80's rocker with a pirate flair. All modern materials and such He has a high tech pistols that haven archaic "fee" ornate and large and a hich tech rapier.


Silver Lion: sort of a Laycanthropic Ninja. powerfully built leonine featured man with white hair and an oriental style comic book martial arts costume in blue and silver with a lion motif. The hero is American and yes he's a fan of an inept football team from Detroit.


Crucible: Flame wielder, his flames are white however. Wears a costume but his hair appears to be white flames. Costume design would be up to Storn I never really figured one out for him. He can create fiery objects or pets something like Feurmacher or Pyro from X-Men


Death Metal: Man transformed int a metal statue juggernaut. The statue is black metal, depicting some overmuscled warrior king has shoulder armor, helm, armbands, bracers, sandals. He added a kilt type garment since it was anatomically correct. the rest is actually attatched. Red eyes, white teeth (appeared after the transformation)

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Continuing the broken record trend, I'll repeat mine from last year...


Technomancer - A gadgeteer with a twist. While he has designed and created his own suit of power armor, high-tech and sleek, he also has the ability to modify technology by touch. As long as there is some (comic-book) way for the tech to be used in the fashion he wants, it works. For example, a motorcycle (or part of a car) could be transformed into a big gun. You'd see elements of the vehicle in the gun (perhaps the handlebars morph into the trigger, the exhaust pipe into a vent, etc). Perhaps he "revs" up the gun before it fires, and it belches smoke and flame from the exhaust port/vent.


I think the contrast between a high-tech suit and a patchwork motorcycle-gun would be interesting to draw. The downside is that you'd probably have to pay extra for the background, showing the unneeded pieces of whatever item he used as a basis for the new gadget scattered around his feet.

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7



Silver Lion: sort of a Laycanthropic Ninja. powerfully built leonine featured man with white hair and an oriental style comic book martial arts costume in blue and silver with a lion motif. The hero is American and yes he's a fan of an inept football team from Detroit.



i'd like tosee this one

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


The Remnant


Figure floating in mid-air, patchwork of different tattered costumes, with some open spaces between body parts. In the spaces a glowing energy "skeleton" can be made out. One hand noticeably male, one noticeable female, some robotic parts, misc. possible foci. Several unrelated power effects going on at once.

Huge fan of this idea, although I'd change the name to Legacy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Well here is another idea


A Samurai in full armour including the face mask.


IMHO it could be fun to combine this with Enforcer's "Silver Lion" were-lion suggestion. The samurai's mask could be shaped to resemble a lion; Storn could draw the character removing his mask/helmet, only to reveal an actual lion's face beneath!

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


I have been working on a character for my wife so I will suggest it here


Her name is Raven, she is somewhat modeled after Black Canary of the Birds of Prey Fame


She was a debutant who after the mob killed her fiancee (At their engagment party no less) became suicidal until she is recruited to help fight crime. I really don't have much of a costume idea yet, a mask with lenses, and for the most part should cover the majority of her body. While a thin slice of cheesecake would be appropriate, it should not be to much.


Basicaly a skilled Martial Artist, she is teamed with the mysterious computer hacker named Nevermore. In the field she has the help of a cybernetic Raven named POE (If you are familiar with one of the original Manhunters, the bird is somewhat modeled after the dog Thor). The only sign of cybernetics on the bird is the eyes, which are cameras


I am sure better ideas will come up. But there is mine

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Here's my contribution.


The hero known as sunbeam has never been so far from home. A resident hydrogen-based alien living in the burning corona of a far off star, her people had a peaceful and relatively undisturbed life for millennium. her species learned over the thousands of years how to travel outside their environment, and eventually had expeditions to other stars for colonization. They had found one viable star, Sol. Sunbeam was part of the advance team of 'starbreed' to make sure the star is proper to sustain them. Unfortunately while she was in transit her sun suffered a calamaty and went supernova, wiping out almost her entire species. The rest of the advance choose to split up, and spend the rest of their lives pursuing their own interests; none of the advance team were capable of repopulating the new star as the supernova had effectively neutered them.


She found herself watching the planet Earth from its very own sun, and after watching their growing need for help, traveled to it and offered to lend her assistance. Wrapping herself in a powerful Solar Containment field, she keeps her hydrogen fusion body contained without worry of burning out in the planet's relatively freezing temperature.


She looks like a statuesque human female, her own design. Her body is covered in a 'skintight' black mesh that makes it safe for others to make contact with her. Her eyes blaze with solar fire, one of the only things she cannot hide, as she actually uses the portals to see out of. her outer appearance is a facade, opening her mouth also unveils the solar fire within. Her hair is a brilliant mane of constantly burning gases, efficiently recycling itself in a roiling manner, appealingly seeming like its constantly moving bright orange hair.


She bears no membership markers, and adorns her exterior suit with her emblem, a curving 'S' within a burning sun circle.

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Here's my contribution. :nonp:


The hero known as sunbeam has never been so far from home. A resident hydrogen-based alien living in the burning corona of a far off star, her people had a peaceful and relatively undisturbed life for millennium. her species learned over the thousands of years how to travel outside their environment, and eventually had expeditions to other stars for colonization. They had found one viable star, Sol. Sunbeam was part of the advance team of 'starbreed' to make sure the star is proper to sustain them. Unfortunately while she was in transit her sun suffered a calamaty and went supernova, wiping out almost her entire species. The rest of the advance choose to split up, and spend the rest of their lives pursuing their own interests; none of the advance team were capable of repopulating the new star as the supernova had effectively neutered them.


She found herself watching the planet Earth from its very own sun, and after watching their growing need for help, traveled to it and offered to lend her assistance. Wrapping herself in a powerful Solar Containment field, she keeps her hydrogen fusion body contained without worry of burning out in the planet's relatively freezing temperature.


She looks like a statuesque human female, her own design. Her body is covered in a 'skintight' black mesh that makes it safe for others to make contact with her. Her eyes blaze with solar fire, one of the only things she cannot hide, as she actually uses the portals to see out of. her outer appearance is a facade, opening her mouth also unveils the solar fire within. Her hair is a brilliant mane of constantly burning gases, efficiently recycling itself in a roiling manner, appealingly seeming like its constantly moving bright orange hair.


She bears no membership markers, and adorns her exterior suit with her emblem, a curving 'S' within a burning sun circle.

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


How about one of my NPC heroes.


Chrysalis (Kai Saunders)



The ability to create objects made of a pale blue crystal like substance. Most often she creates a set of armor and sword as she is a accomplished swordswoman. She has also been known to create darts that have a variety of effects and crystal 'tentacles' to hold foes in place. From her father she inherited some regeneration abilities.


Background: She is the daughter of one of my former PCs and "Icicle" from rule book. Kai is actually from the future as well. Her age is about 30 where her father is only about 40. Doc, her father, is Maori.



Kai is a fit woman who the look of a martial artist. Her hair is shoulder length with a slight wave to it. The normal color is a very light blue but she often dies it brown to be less noticeable.Her eyes are a brilliant blue color. The crystal armor has an eastern flair to it, but does not conform to any one style. She can change its appearance as she likes. Her sword is usually in the style of a katana. She as a Maori tattoo that flows up her arms and around her collar bones to her neck. It is not one solid piece covering her whole arms, bur rather a path or a vine. With long sleeve shirts and a regular collar it cannot be seen. In a blouse that has a somewhat lower neckline the top of the tattoo would be visible. It comes to right where a t-shirt color would be.

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


I have been working on a character for my wife so I will suggest it here


Her name is Raven, she is somewhat modeled after Black Canary of the Birds of Prey Fame


She was a debutant who after the mob killed her fiancee (At their engagment party no less) became suicidal until she is recruited to help fight crime. I really don't have much of a costume idea yet, a mask with lenses, and for the most part should cover the majority of her body. While a thin slice of cheesecake would be appropriate, it should not be to much.


Basicaly a skilled Martial Artist, she is teamed with the mysterious computer hacker named Nevermore. In the field she has the help of a cybernetic Raven named POE (If you are familiar with one of the original Manhunters, the bird is somewhat modeled after the dog Thor). The only sign of cybernetics on the bird is the eyes, which are cameras


I am sure better ideas will come up. But there is mine

have some rep
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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Thanks to Death Tribble for the opportunity to throw in our 2 cents. Here's mine:


Aether: A mentalist who could astrally project from a young age. She did so often to escape her abusive environment, gradually becoming more anchored in the astral plane than in ours. When her physical body was killed during a particularly violent episode, her psyche lived on in the astral plane. She ultimately learned how to project her astral self back into this world, most often appearing like a ghost, but she can maintain a solid form with some effort. She now stalks those who would prey on the helpless as the superheroine Aether.


My primary reason for suggesting this character is because I am totally incapable of drawing her as I envision, so I am hoping a master like Storn can do it justice. Her ghost form is translucent and seems to be made of smoke, with vortices swirling within her form and wisps flowing off her when she moves quickly. Her hair seems to float as though she is underwater. Normally she appears as just a grey, semi-transparent figure with bottomless black eyes, but she can color and texture her form as desired, and generally does so when she wants to be solid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Thought of another one: Garble, a pseudo-mentalist who can mess up the target's perceptions (Mental Illusions, Flash, vertigo-based NND). Though not represented in a picture, he can only speak gibberish. Since nobody can understand him, he's nowhere near well-to-do; he's actually dressed like a homeless person (piecemeal, perhaps with some mismatched items like gloves or boots). To make it an interesting picture for Storn, I was thinking something like Garble apparently attacking the viewer, so part of the picture is blurred / distorted from the effects of his powers. Not sure how do-able that is, just an idea to make it somewhat challenging.

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


How about...




A member of the infamous metahuman assassin corps, Memento Mori, Edgar Meec Donner, began his criminal career as a crooked mortician. He ran a funeral parlor in Euphoria, TN, and would re-use both caskets and gave plots, dumping human remains (weighted down) in Euphoria's lake. His felony might never have been revealed if not for the demise of one of Tennessee's more popular heroines, Ladybird. Born in Euphoria, Ladybird's (AKA Nella Hurston) parents insisted their daughter be buried in the family plot despite her corpse still emitting ionizing radiation from her fatal battle with Radithor. Donner promised a specially designed coffin for Ladybird that would be armored and protect the envronment. However, he never commissioned such a casket and, instead, contacted an individual he thought was a Taliban terrorist with an offer to sell the radioactive remains to fashion into grisly "dirty bombs." The terrorist turned out to be a FBI operative. Donner was arrested and his past scams exposed. Donner made bail and, while awaiting trial, stole the casket that Ladybird's parents then hired an inventor to create as well as kidnapped the inventor himself. The casket was remade into a suite of powered armor and Donner never went to his hearing but began a violent series of attacks against locals and law enforcement in the area.


Casket's powered armor, over 7 feet high, has a special enamel over ceramic and steel so as to resemble wood grain. Brass rails along the sides would be appropriate for pall bearers. In addition to increasing Donner's strength, the armor hs been upgraded to release toxic gas and poison darts. Donner can lower a head/torso sheath to reveal himself through protective double-layer glass (he normally wears a black suit while inside the armor).

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


Just to say I'm still around and because I always like to see how these go... nice to see my old ideas are still rolling around.


Perhaps something new... how about something of a hybrid? We always see gun-users doing the two-gun thing and flitting about doing ridiculous things. What if a blaster type had taken a liking to the idea if not necessarily the guns...? I see a split cape, maybe four pieces altogether for a bit of distraction similar to some of the old chinese weapons, a visor over his eyes shaded in perhaps that amber you see in shooting glasses. Do the tights thing, but with a few belts to look more "tacticool" that perhaps have some hanging isotopes to help power his blasts as if he draws power from them, thus a bit of glow. It could be similar to hanging talismans connected to the belts somewhat like ammunition. His hands are splayed in opposing directions, firing at different targets, but instead of pistols in hand he is whipping energy around like as if tossing throwing knives in multiples. A little kung fu posing, some action flair, dynamic cloth and hanging talismans to give a strong sense of his motion... serious eyes and a gleeful grin.. and boots to give it a little more "tacticool" flavor. Some geometrics to add some flavor to the skin-tights and a modified targeting reticle for his chest symbol like a circle with the lines going in but not connecting in the center. Heck, maybe his name should be "Tacti-Kool." =)


Meh. Its 1:23AM, can't expect much out of me. hehe.

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Re: Storn Idea to full picture Year 7


I am beginning the rocess of weeding these out.


Those definitely in are Lord Liaden's South American idea, a couple of Myrlyn's Nazis, Steve Berman and Remjin's posts above, Logman's crossword and a couple of Enforcer 84's ideas.

Definitely gone are fbdaury and Beowolfe's ideas on page 2 and Logman's gorilla idea on the basis we had a gorilla last year.

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