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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Allen Sherwood always hated Ken, with a passion. While Ken had played around, even made a few "passes" at him over the years he was always so dedicated to the b*tch Barbie. He never could believe that Ken was really straight. Come on it's not like Barbie put out or anything. Sure she looked like a fine ho, but come on, even Barbie wouldn't put out for Allen either, even when she wore the sexy nurses uniform. It was enough to make an anatomically incorrect Afro-American doll such as him do crazy things. One night things after too much to drink, Allen saw his chance. That night under the baleful glow the nightlight Allen got his revenge. It was childsplay to mess with the brakes on Barbies dream car. And just as he predicted Barbie along with Ken took a romantic drive along the upstairs hallway. Allen couldn't help but chuckle as he imagined them getting close to the stairway. Then a sudden serve and Barbie and Ken were flying through the air totally out of control. In the end mayhem was the result. Allen would've shed a tear for his lost Ken, if he could, but of course that was physically impossible. Getting into Ken's humvie, Allen Sherwood drove off to join the other Misfits.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Leopardess


One of the creators of the Thundercats thought that there should be a bit more balance in the team and felt that Cheetarah should not be the only woman and so Leopardara was discussed as a concept. It was abandoned before the show aired but tests were made and a toy created. It was suggested that it could be one of Skeletors group but that post was covered really by Beast Man.

Nice idea, but Skeletor and Beast Men were He-Mans enemies. The thundercats had the "Mutants" and "Mumm-Ra".

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Lepadarea: Another tragity...she was forgoten by the time Matel got ready to do the Princess Of Power line (She-Ra's toy line)...this she would never become a member of Hordak's Hord.


Allen: You realise that the Misfits were part of the Gem line? And no, size wise thay were not equvalent. Gem dolls were larger, so Barbie clothing would not fit in Gem's clothing (and vica-versa). And, what musical intrestment or posion did 'shortie' play as part of that group...or would of if he wasen't so short?

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


My error. Actually according to wikipedia, Allen has been around for awhile (of course I couldn't find an image on the web of him), so he couldn't have been that successful. He's been having a man crush on Ken for years and finally broke.


Since I scooped Death Tribble before I let him take the next group.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains ! Come on down to the Create Villain Team thread for our latest offering ! You design one and we'll give you one free !

Yes welcome to MIT or to give it its full name the Mad Intellectual Think Tank. It's where villains go to get inventions etc from the favourite or only mad scientist but here's the trick. If you post one, then Death Tribble will throw one in for you as a bonus. There are five mad Scientists to post (but the Tribble also posts five on his own). Each non-Death Tribble poster gets one post each. So there will be six posters on the team. The last non-Death Trible poster gets to pick the new team. (My team my rules)

So don't delay, get posting your mad scientist today !


The Think Tank is an informal group of Scientists that are consulted if someone needs a little something extra. Laser cannons to destroy the moon, giant monsters, giant robots and garlic with no flavour, that sort of thing. They come together usually via video conference when needed.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




David Matthews is Designer. He never wanted to be a villain and he never set out to do such things. owadays he tries to build armour, weapons. esoteric gadgets and vehicles for the Underworld. Some of them even work. So why does he even get the jobs ? Well his first big job was his downfall. Maybe the metal was radioactive, maybe the software was too ahead of its time, maybe an AI should not have been used and maybe the fuel was contaminated or magic or alien. David was the one who built Wheels of Steel. His creaton has a nasty habit of tracking him down and then loudly broadcasting 'HELLO DADDY !'. Police and heroes then pile in en masse necessitating another getaway as David is being held accountable for his creation's crimes. But because he built it, his fame is ensured and that's why he keeps getting jobs. Jobs which always keep him onestep ahead of the law.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Assistant


Alan Brynes got a job as a research assistant for a scientist who was a little odd. True the work he was doing was cutting edge but the guy was a little bit out there. In appearance no but some of the things he said sometimes gave Alan pause. He still worked for him doing odd jobs on computer modelling and what appeared to be gadgets for the Video Games industry. The truth came out when heroes smashed in the lab one sunny day confronting both men. 'We've got you this time Dr Nymax! !' they said. Alan suddenly found out his boss was the notorious supervillain. And then to his horror was landed right in it by said boss.

'Not so fast ! Come with me faithful assistant !' said Nymax! who used sorcery to escape. Alan found himself alone but wanted by the police.

He also found out that working with such a great villain got you lots of jobs with other people as the scientist in waiting. Alan would love to get back at his ex-employer but has seen what happens to those that do so contents himself instead with work. He has been branded by the good guys as Assistant and thus knows where the evil Doctor is. He does not but the price of staying out of jail is helping other people like Viper etc.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Profesor Robert Steriaca.


Talk about putting yourself into your work... Robert Steriaca was a humble utility clerk at a supermarket who dabbled at writing for role playing games. One day, needing a mad scientist charater for his latest unpublished adventure, he wrote himself as the scientist. That is when the fates stepted in, in the form of a dimentinal reality warp, which took him from his normal universe to the Champions Universe. Now he is an infamous mad scientist. To make things worse, he has no science skills, but eveything he thinks up and has built in his guise works. Yes, he is prone to odd remarks as "Make your saving throw aganst this, Defender!" or "Nobody can survive my Ten D Six Armor Piercing Penatrating Lazer O Doom!", but clearly he is haveing fun with his new role.


Examples of Steriaca's Messed Up Gadgets:


1) Seeker Missles: What can you expect...a missle launcher which does not seek out it's prey. Instead, it explodes into a gas which changes all thoes who breath it into...Seeker! Yes, copys of the long forgoten Australa Ninja return from the void and must obay Profesor Steriaca's comands (unless it conflicts with there psyc lims, that is). The only way to change them back is to stun them, or convince them that thay do not exist. (Seeker was his faverote from the Big Blue Book days, and just when the charater was finaly getting some respect, thay whipe him off the face of the Champions Universe. How Dair Thay!)


2) Personlised Blaster: He writes the name of the victom on the side of the gun, then fiers. It only damages said charater till he changes the name on it, or untill someone else does. (Note: Writing "Profesot Robert Steriaca" will not work...he will never forget to put his VVP points into Personol Imunity).


3) Stat Scaner: This device is basicly a speed gun with a DSi hotguled to it. He scans a target with it, and gets a Hero System 6ed Charateristic Sheet on the DSi monitor. Alowes him to coment on a charater like "Ooo, 2d6 of Luck...". Might be a perament part of his charater sheet (as opose to part of his VVP).


4) Carbornian Battle Shield: Basicly a round carbord disk with some sort of strap on it and the word "Carbornian" writen on it. As long as the word is on the disk, the disk itself is indestructable. Erase the disk, and almost anyone can rip it into pieces.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Dean of Science: "You must be Joe! Come in! Come in!"


[Phone rings.]


Joe: "I can come back some other time, Doctor Maximinian."


Dean: "Nonsense, nonsense! I always have time for the Weekly Varsity!" Dean's office, Maximinian speaking...."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: ".....No, no, Bill. I don't know...


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "That is a lot of graduate students...."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "It does sound as though Doctor von Falkenburg has..."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "Not to interrupt, but I'm not sure I see the...."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "Yes, your work is important to the university, but I don't see..."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"



[The Dean puts his hand up and gestured at the phone. The interruptions cease. A distant choking sound can be heard through the open window from across the quad in the Physical Sciences Building.]


Dean: "Pardon me, Bill. If I may be so bold as to summarise: Erich has more graduate student assistants than you do, even though you have exactly the same grant. That is terrible. I'm just not clear on how it came to happen. No, please, go ahead."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "Ah. "Young Fanshawe is missing from your lab. That is bad news. But shouldn't you call the Campus Police, first?"


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "Bill..."


Phone: "Sorry."


Dean: "It's so much easier when we're civil, don't you agree, Bill? It really is a shame about young Fanshawe being stuck in the Mesozoic. I don't suppose that you could get him back? If it's not speaking out of turn, I must say that he's up for quite a nice little grant. It really would mean so much for the university if he were around to receive it, as opposed to being dinosaur fodder, as it were. You know, some people might even hold you partly to blame."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "Bill, civil tone, remember? It doesn't matter what Erich may or may not have done with those alien cadavers. The question was young Fanshawe."


Phone: "Ma-mph-blah-blah!"


Dean: "You need more unobtainium? Why didn't you say so? There's a statue made of pure unobtainium at the Civic Museum right now as part of the Lost and Unmentionable Civilisations Exhibit. I am sure that in the spirit of improvisational research, you could..."


Phone: "Bwa-ha-ha-ha!"


Joe: "There's no need for the giant robot with the gun to see me out, Doctor Maximinian, I'm sure that I can find my way to the surface....gak!."


Dean: "Allow me to let you in on a little secret, Joe. Science is ninety percent experiment. Let me be the first to welcome you on board the Scientific Method."


Many people say that a great talent was lost to mad science when e Professor Alexander Maximinian joined the Dean's Office. But, in the end, as many budding mad scientists within the faculty will testify, having an administrator that understands their particular needs is better than having one more colleague, however distinguished.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


What' date=' no coments on my creations weapion load? I'm especaly proud of the Seeker Missles myself. (One missle into a croud of normals and it is wave after wave of "G'day miss. Watch this.")[/quote']


Yeah, but one area effect killing attack and they fall like corn before the reaper.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary remembers Seeker. But probably not vice versa.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Professor Mayhem


Ivan Strelkov is an ex-Soviet Union scientist who now makes his living in the West. He has no love of the likes of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin who in his view ruined his country. This has nothing to do with Ivan's view that almost everyone is a test subject ie children, pregnant women, the military and even members of the Kremlin. It was wheen he wished to exploit those who had been injured or affected by the Chernobyl explosion that the authorities thought he had gone too far. But Viper spirited him away to the West. Why ? Well you know that massive plane on the water that could fire missiles ? That's one of his.

Those he works with have to be very careful for he does not suffer fools gladly and will willingly experiment on them as a result, but he is also very offensive. Take this remark 'The problem with experimenting on a Chinese person is that five minutes later you want to experiment on another'.

The Professor perefers working on grandiose and often rather doomed projects. It suits his temperment.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


What' date=' no coments on my creations weapion load? I'm especaly proud of the Seeker Missles myself. (One missle into a croud of normals and it is wave after wave of "G'day miss. Watch this.")[/quote']


I liked it but can't rep you yet.


Back on topic. If it is one thing that a mad scientist hates it is another mad scientist who is actually successful. That in itself is bad enough but if said successful mad scientist has also got prestige and backing from other organisations that is worse. Moreso one that has a Demon as a bodyguard. And even worse is a mad scientist who has experimented on their own relatives and turned them into supervillains. To escape from prison in the style of Macguyver using only an orange and an elastic band can only deepen the disgust and hatred one mad scientist could feel for another. But surely this could only be topped by a mad scientist who is also a successful sorceror as that is well cheating to the scientific community, yes ? Well no. Not if you are Dr Nymax!. He is despised and hated by his fellow mad scientists for being above all a success. His family tree was heavily into sorcery but he also excelled at science. The family is also heavily into the criminal community ie Visgoth is Dr Nymax!'s cousin.

But after a number of the family were arrested and imprisoned when Visgoth's brother Peter turned Supergrass, Dr Nymax! took revenge by kidnapping Peter's son Dennis and turning him into The Rotten Blue Ogre. This had the dual purposes of exacting revenge and getting his favourite niece Katya to eat her vegetables. See, she had taken a dislike to the Jolly Green Giant and threw a world class fit. The evil Dr promised her a plaything if she ate her vegetables and so used Dennis as a guinea pig. There is talk of a Terrible Tawny Titan and a Sad Scarlet Something but this is just on the internet so you can discount that. He does have at least one other sister. Confirmed that the Sibyl, who is alleged to be part of the same gang as The Urban Spaceman, is another member of the family.

What really gets up the noses of other scientists is that not only has Dr Nymax! got clones of himself running around but that he used his own sperm to fertilise a test tube baby and thus truely observe whether nature or nurture is best. The rumour is that he has done this more than once.

He still gets on well with Diabolicus who once worked for him and is now part of the Supervillain Army. So what is the secret of his success ? Well it is to do with his sorcery. It was never going to be on a par with the likes of the Unknown, of Infernal Affairs fame, but it did give him an up with contacts and his major contact were and are the Lords of the Fae. If anyone says that Dr Nymax! is away with the faries they don't know how true that is. He did many favours for them so they in turn have helped him to the detriment of most of mankind it has to be said.

He has no superpowers of his own although he has powered up clones for getaways and appears as a charming, genial lab coated scientist which is the same guise he has used for nearly 30 years. Dr Destroyer wants words with him about increasing longevity but you know what they say, too many Doctors spoils the Dictatorship.


That makes four from me and three from others. We need two more posters to complete.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Dr. Days Duke has joined the facility with an interest in time travel. His interest has sparked several interventions by the Chrononauts, Time Guardians, and the Planetary Patrol.


Captain Chronos considers him a menace that should be put down as soon as possible


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Yeah, but one area effect killing attack and they fall like corn before the reaper.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary remembers Seeker. But probably not vice versa.


True, but if the heros are using AoE KA's, then thay deserve to be called baby killers by the press. Remember, the Seekers are inocent people transformed.


Besides, I'm a mad scientist. I can easaly excape capture while the heros are distracted, along with the coponents to a giant missle so I can create (wait for it...) The Million Seeker March! And this time, I'll use his UMA write up. Mahahahaha!

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


While Dr. Robert (Dr. Corpse) Corpening is the master of resurrection science, his associate, Dr. Burke Hare is the master of physical enhancements. He is always on the look out for test subjects for the next implant or gene therapy.



Dr. Days Duke has joined the facility with an interest in time travel. His interest has sparked several interventions by the Chrononauts, Time Guardians, and the Planetary Patrol.


Captain Chronos considers him a menace that should be put down as soon as possible



I did say specifically

Post one and Death Tribble posts one. All other posters have one Mad Scientist each. Pick one of the three and that will be your entry.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


What is the most shocking, unusual Mad Scientist you could think of? Even despised more than Dr. Nymax?

BB*, the blonde bombshell Mad Scientist.

Despite being a geneticist she claims her body is all natural ("Yes, inlcuding the gender. And no, no plastic surgery either. And if you got any more snide questions, I turn you into an Urang Utang."). She has only one superpower: Resistence against most chemicals, drugs mutatiosn and the like. Quite handy, considering the wierd tendency of female scientist to be doused with some mutagen and become some wierd human/plant or human/bee hybrids that try to destroy the world of man(kind).

What keeps her in the field are her non-goofy genetic enchanchments and creations (you won't get talking gorillas, flying monkeys or dinosaurs from her. She makes usefull creatures).



*Short for "Beatrice Bourmont". She has no secret ID.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


I apologize DT. The first then.



Fine. The necromancy angle is rather unique and solves one comic staple. 'But he died in last week's episode !'


The Architect of Desire


There is a real science behind pit traps, sliding walls and the swinging axe on a pendulum. One of the real masters of this sort of thing is Carl Radley. He got a BSc, then an MSc and finally a Doctorate in physics. He was always fascinated by momentum and saw shows from the 30s which had all these mad ideas for haunted houses and death traps. He was also interested in what Mr Holmes did in Chicago. He had constructed something small as a test for insects while at University but this did not satisfy him. Perhaps he would not have gone on to a life of crime if it had not been for Viper kidnapping him. Here he was put to work and came up with an ingenious series of traps to protect the base. Child play for a hero to bypass but it did cost them some time. And Carl learned from this. the fact that it also bought time for several high level members to escape did not escape Viper's notice either. But what really made his name was 'The House on Haunted Hill' incident in New York. He spent over a year designing traps for it and getting them rigged up. Some of the Viper people were not convinced of its use or the practical application of the traps so this was the acid test. On Halloween the House trapped over 50 students from the University. And then quite a few heroes and police officers who tried to get them out. And all of it non-lethal. That did it. Carl now designs traps for Viper bases all over the world and consults on other projects. The House also turns a nice profit for Viper as various groups across the country try to solve its riddles. Carl redesigns various bits of it each year still all non-lethal unlike his other work. He has worked with Designer and Assistant but thinks BB is some kind of joke played on the world by Dr Nymax! and he hates Professor Mayhem with a passion after the latter tried to use him as a test subject.


Right one more. So Bolo, Cygnia, Badger, Hermit, Log-Man, Jack Valhalla and Lucius if you post a scientist you get the new team.

the ones who can't post a new member having already posted are Steraica, csyphrett, LawnMower Boy and Christopher.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Designer is usually vehicles.


The Assistant does almost anything but usually smaller scale.


Dr Corpse is resurrection technology


Dr Steraica is weapons


Dr Maximan is admin


Professor Mayhem is grandiose things like weapons and bases


Dr Nymax! is anything and everything from titans to software.


BB is useful enhancements to fauna and flora


Architect of Desire is traps and buildings.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The nearing 80 years old (but still exceptionally spry for her age) Doctor Ruth Von Teufel is more infamously known as Doktor Sykosis, whose field of expertise can best be described as "weaponized psychology". Though not a mentalist herself, the not-so-good Doktor has (literally) picked apart many a psychic's brain to see what makes them tick and how their abilities actually affect people. Because of this, she's created a few neurotechnological devices that can manipulate a victim's thought processes. She's also very handy when it comes to brewing certain psychotropic drugs. And even without such gadgets and drugs, Doktor Ruth knows how to dig out a victim's very weaknesses and secrets from them by just talking. No one has confirmed the rumours that she is still a voracious nymphomaniac.

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