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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Well this team member its not sure if they have any super powers or not butwas a very useful team member, Amy Goodheart.


Stunning good looks (amplified by a very revealing bunny suit) she wouldapproach her male targets (or females of a certain persuasion) and nothingwould be heard of them for a very long time (or a lot if within a block ofthem).


When she had finished they had promised to be good and given up all of theirsecrets in a signed confession and could not do anything for a long time due tototal exhaustion.


Her name was Rampant Rabbit.




Sorry it had to be done :eg:

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


I choose you, Blade Bunny:


Okay, she may not count for six be she counts for one. Asuming that writeup counts as Nr. 6 I again have no idea what to bring next. So just go on without me.


She has nothing beside her codename and hails from an alternate earth. On her earth exist a company for the sole purpose of of creating the perfect human/animal hybrid ninja. After some failures (like the Praying Mantins Ninja) they finally setteled for a ninja with high speed and reflexes - Blade Bunny. But through an accident she got thrown to our earth.



She is fast and deceptive. She can formulate plans of unparalelled complexity where every step of the enemy goes the way she want's it. Also, she sometimes seems as dumb as a piece of bread (but that may just be a ploy/disguise or her anoyance about the way to stupid world).

For some reason everybody keeps calling her The Hare, much to her annoyance. She is frequently attacked by robots from her earth trying to get her back.

As long as Bunny get's her Monney she can be hired for anything. Well, almost anyhting. When she should appraoch you and you arent enemys, she is way saver than the Praying Mantis. If not, you might miss equipment or appendages afterwards.

But whatever you do: Don't call her Hare!

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The Lagomorph brings the ability to shapechange to the table for the Knights. Christine Snow looks like a blond bombshell in her bunny suit, but it's a far cry from her original dumpy brunette self. Exposure to a self help guru's secret book unlocked the power of her mind to express herself as anything she can imagine from a tiny speck to Ginormica.


Blade Bunny


Bunny Love

Rampant Rabbit




That's six Knights. Here's the new theme.


Majo Shoujo.

These are seven girls given abilities to fight their enemies wherever they may show up in the typical Sailor Moon fashion.



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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Home Run Queen is a bit on the old side for a magical girl, looking at least twenty. Mind you, the missing eye may add a year or two. When in her civilian identity as "Hannah Killebrew", she wears a pink floral eyepatch, but in her magical identity, HRQ just lets her bangs fall over the dull red glow of her eyesocket. She uses her magical bat and glove to fight evil, and attempts to give sisterly advice to the younger members of her team. Hannah tends to be standoffish towards people who aren't on her team, especially men, and does not get along well with animals.



Hannah is actually from the near future; within five years a traitor to the Majo Shoujo will get them all killed in an ambush, allowing the dark forces to take over the Earth dimension. Hannah's abilities were cobbled together by the last remaining free mages, and she's here to find out who the traitor was and stop them if she can.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Kazumi Kandegawa was the first recruit to Majo Shoujo. Blessed by the spirit of the kitsune, she became Righteous Fox, wielding powers of self-invisibility and illusions. Her illusions can even affect hearing, scent and touch and her go-to attack is an eerie green fireball most of her targets think is real she grimly dubs "Foxfire". She's no slouch in Akido as well. A bit of a hot-head, Kaz butts heads regularly with HRQ in terms of advice and leadership. She's also heard rumours of a group calling themselves "Magical Princess GemStars" and considers them a bunch of incompetents making a mockery of a sacred charge.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Akane Nakajima is the middle member of Majo Shoujo recruited fourth. She does not stand out in a crowd but when opponents of the group see a pink glow they start running as Akane generates winds and storms as Typhoon. She does what the others tell her most of the time but gets carried away when her power activates. She does tend to lose it and there are concerns that she wants to use her power more and more regardless of what else is happening. Looking into her eyes when she is letting her power all go she seems to be in raptures. And there was that pout she made when she was told to tone it down next time, the others noted she didn't like it but would obey for now.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Haley Reyes is shy and a bit of a wallflower, but she's loyal to her friends. She also has a lovely singing voice, which she puts to use as Lyra. While she sings she can produce force fields for protection and even heal her teammates if they get injured. She doesn't like to see the rest of Majo Shoujo argue and tries to play peacekeeper. While it doesn't always work, even with all the personality conflicts the group has with each other, no one seems to have issue with Haley, who all can see that she has a good heart.



Which has the genre savvy, time-displaced HRQ worried, to be honest. It's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for and Hannah is wondering if the least-likeliest member of the team to turn traitor is the one to be most suspicious of. Haley hasn't given any sign about being evil secretly. In fact, she legitimately seems in awe of the older girl. Needless to say, HRQ is dealing with a heavy amount of guilt right now.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Just making a Status (for me and for the rest).


Majo Shoujo.

These are seven girls given abilities to fight their enemies wherever they may show up in the typical Sailor Moon fashion.


Home Run Queen (short: HRC) Leader

Righteous Fox - invisibility, illusions and Martial Arts

Typhoon - Wind powers

Quarterback - "Long Bomb"

Lyra - Protective Focefields and Healing produced with singing


Nira Kotlepot was destined to become the next Yellow Avenger. She knew it. Her Family knew it. And so she was trained for the day that the power would be transferred to her. Finally the day of the ceremony came, they started - and the the current Avengers enemys attacked. In the end the ceremony was halfway succesfull. The powers were transfered, but a little "buggy":

All she could do, was turning green (it was supposed to be yellow, the namesake of the Yellow Avenger).

They are certain that this is only a temporary setback. The next Yellow Avenger, baring another disturbed ceremony, will get the full deal out of it. Nira will perhaps get some of the powers someday, but until then she is more or less stuck with the Avengers Legacy Enemys but none of her powers.

Luckily she had recieved a very solid training for being the avenger, so she has a lot of skills to field (among others full detective Skills). This is the main reason she was accepted into Majo Shujo since she brings a lot of Knowledge, Abilites and Skills none of the others have developed so far.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Márta O'hare is nuts a fizzing ball of boundless manic energy her fiery red curls bouncing as she moves with athletic grace bemusing and bedeviling friend and foe alike. the embodiment of Irish mythic power a the grand daughter of an irish moon godess and faerie prince she is a teleporter acrobat and haphazard weilder of mystic power.

she is the Mad March Hare(kind of came up with her for the previous challange but actually she works pretty well as a magic girl too )

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Márta O'hare is nuts a fizzing ball of boundless manic energy her fiery red curls bouncing as she moves with athletic grace bemusing and bedeviling friend and foe alike. the embodiment of Irish mythic power a the grand daughter of an irish moon godess and faerie prince she is a teleporter acrobat and haphazard weilder of mystic power.

she is the Mad March Hare(kind of came up with her for the previous challange but actually she works pretty well as a magic girl too )


That's 7?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


didn't cassandra start a teamdescription recently?

Nope, it was csyphrett here:



But we already finished that here:



And the one finishing it has not issued a new chalenge.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


If no one else objects:



The Pantheon!


Seven beings of potent mythical might, stepping forth into the modern day to revel in the glory that was mostly denied them in their true pantheon's heyday.


Challenge: Seven characters, each from a different pantheon, each a lesser known or lesser regarded deity. These guys/gals by and large don't suffer from a whole lot of arrogance, and indeed might be kind of needy.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Challenge: Seven characters' date=' each from a different pantheon, each a lesser known or lesser regarded deity. These guys/gals by and large don't suffer from a whole lot of arrogance, and indeed might be kind of needy.[/quote']

Do you mean their names have to be mentioned somewhere in the pantheon, or could we make "misfit gods" whose names were "somehow" never written down?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Hyacinth was the protoge and minion of Apollo. One day as Apollo was throwing a discus, Hyacinth ran to catch it to impress Him, was struck in the head, and killed. There is suspicion that Zephyrus, the Wind God, caused the discus to strike Hyacinth because Zephyrus also desired Hyacinth and was jealous because the beautiful youth preferred Apollo. Apollo mourned His beloved and apotheosized him.


Hyacinth exercises many of the same skills and powers one would expect of a Sun God; He strikes down evil doers with golden discs formed of light. As Apollo taught Him so much, He now teaches others, and always has at least one young sidekick; His current companion is Billy Lightfoot, a Chickasaw from Oklahoma using the superhero name Hiawatha.


edit: just an idea, but since Enforcer said "seven" and many pantheons were based around the seven "classical planets" - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn - maybe we could choose Gods around that theme.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says, like Batman and Robin with mythology.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Kartikeya has awoken from his slumber. The Red God of War despairs at what he sees, mindless slaughter and honorless killing. This is not true war! Holding vast reserves of will, strength and courage, he rides upon his peacock wielding his javelin of fire. In ancient times, such was his resolve that no foe could withstand his fury. However, once he had six arms and six heads, and now he only has two arms and one head -- like mortals. This troubles him. Also troubling are rumours of a band of powerful villains calling themselves "The Children of Shiva". Worse still, Kartikeya has also heard of a destructive entity calling itself Shiva that is wreaking terror upon the world. His heart weeps. Is this truly his father?



Kartikeya doesn't know why he's been "downgraded" as it were. However, he's still quite powerful and durable in his own right -- providing his confidence holds. If he believes in himself, nothing can stop him. But given how everything has changed, Kartikeya has started to feel doubt...


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


So we have a Solar Deity, a Martial Deity, and a Mercurial Deity. Here's a Saturnine Deity.



Janus is a God who will never turn His back on you - because even if He turns around, He's still facing you. Besides retrocognition and precognition, He has the power to create all manner of walls, barriers, and boundary markers, and the ability to pass such things too, making Him very difficult to keep out of places. He can usually keep villains confined until the mortal authorities arrive to take charge of them.


Quote "You've crossed the line."


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has never been happier with me

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Hyacinth was the protoge and minion of Apollo. One day as Apollo was throwing a discus, Hyacinth ran to catch it to impress Him, was struck in the head, and killed. There is suspicion that Zephyrus, the Wind God, caused the discus to strike Hyacinth because Zephyrus also desired Hyacinth and was jealous because the beautiful youth preferred Apollo. Apollo mourned His beloved and apotheosized him.


Hyacinth exercises many of the same skills and powers one would expect of a Sun God; He strikes down evil doers with golden discs formed of light. As Apollo taught Him so much, He now teaches others, and always has at least one young sidekick; His current companion is Billy Lightfoot, a Chickasaw from Oklahoma using the superhero name Hiawatha.


edit: just an idea, but since Enforcer said "seven" and many pantheons were based around the seven "classical planets" - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn - maybe we could choose Gods around that theme.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says, like Batman and Robin with mythology.


Just to make it explicit: Yes, there was a sexual relationship between Apollo and Hyacinth, and I'm implying the same between Hyacinth and his sidekicks.


I wouldn't want anyone to think I was being coy about it, and part of why I chose Hyacinth was because someone had mentioned a lack of homoerotically inclined superbeings.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has a Y chromosome and a Y-not? chromosome

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Standing in for Venus, Gefjon, goddess of plowing, foreknowledge, and virginity, takes her rightful place among the pantheon as the goddess of beauty. All those who die virgins join her hallowed hall as attendants (she's miffed that she gets a smaller share of the populace than she used to). In her heyday, even Odin would not anger her because she knew the future at least as well as he did. Staying on her good side brings prosperity and good fortune. She returns to the world looking for unselfish people. She wanders the earth with a plow. Any who stop to help the seemingly weak woman plow a field are given chips of wood as payment. Though some throw the chips back in disgust, those who give a simple thank you will find that the wood turns to gold.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


sorry about not realizing I was the seventh poster last time think I'm the sixth this time so that should be OK so one i need to finish writing up for my UK hero project




roman goddess of hearth, home, and family was worshiped throughout the roman empire and her temples where represented by virgin priestesses the Vestal virgins who kept a fire burning in the temple eternally that was until 391 ad when the emperor forbade pagan ritual. desperate not to break the connection to the goddess they bound the flame to there own bodies and so it passed from mother to daughter in an unbroken chain to Virginia Vespers last of the line blessed by the goddess with the power to draw forth the flame. a fire that heals the sick soothes troubled minds, brings people together and protects the weak. of course deep down she just wants to be a chef.

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