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What would you do? what would you do?


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The most psychotic, neurotic, and craziest nutball super villian ever known to man, has a cough and decides it must me because of hairballs cause hey cats cough all the time dont they. so he decides to go to a local pet store and rob it of all its hairball remedy. He and his cronies bust in and hold the old old man at the counter up as he and the rest of the crew search the shelves for the hairball medicine.


Your characters come in capes a flapping and start wailing on the Pyschopaths goons. In a panic he grabs for a hostage and slams his gun to the hostages temple.


You stand there face to face against this vile evil human who is totally and abosolutely crazy. His evil gleaming Mad Eyes flicker over your team his lips cracking a sinister grin.


As he points his 9mm handgun at the head of an innocent cute fluffy pet shop kitten.


What would you do? :D

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Depends on the character I'm playing.


Quasar - Seeing as it's nearly impossible in Champs to one punch anyone, he's try to "talk him down." And fail. And the kitten would die. Then Quasar would mop the floor with him.


Mind Maiden - Mental Domination all the way.


Shadowhunter - He doesn't go in for those Mano-a-Mano fights. He would have snuck in and ambushed the chief villain with a NND Martial Nerve Strike to the head!

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Apex: He'd grab the gun's muzzle, let it fire... it won't likely hurt him.


Lone Star: "Mister, here in Texas, we put up with a lot of things, but you just don't go chasing other men's wives, you don't rustle cattle, and you don't shoot another person's cat. You put that gun now, or Ah'll flatten you so hard, you'll feel like Houston Asaphault in summer heat, comprehende?"

(PRE attack the guy, then move fast ;) )


Recluse: Web his hand and gun up.


SLAMMER: Touch the kitty, and protect it with my forcefield. "Fire away, that kitty is now bullet proof" :)


SURGE: "Cat threats? You're kidding, right?" Then fry the guy trhough a conductive material... or flash attack him.


Wildcard: Kill the cat "I'm more of a dog person, and it's got 8 more lives punk. Now, come along quietly or you're next."

Pay for the kitten later, and take PETA as as a Hunted :)

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"He doesn't want to hurt you," Anthem would say calmly. "You're a good boy. You're a gooood boy."


Slowly she would move in. When he objects she would stop, but she would try and line up a bank shot in the process so that she could disarm him with a simple throw of a throwing star.


No pets will die on my watch!

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Baron von Darien -- *wordlessly steps forward, watches the kitten die, crushes the skull of the villain with a single iron-hard fist, assumes his mist form and wafts away into the night*


Starguard -- "No! You can't! Not the cute little kitten!" (And then the stress of the moment lets her find out that she can use her Power Pool to disintegrate guns by looking at them.)


(5d6 Drain vs. BODY, Ranged (+1/2), Only vs. inanimate objects (-0), if you gotta know. :)


Dr. Pain(*) -- "What kind of [scatology] has to [profanity] *HIDE* his yellow-striped [obscenity] behind a *LITTLE FLUFFY KITTEN*? YOU STUPID WORTHLESS COWARDLY MAGGOT! FINALLY FOUND *SOMETHING* YOU COULD BEAT UP ON, IS THAT RIGHT?!?"


(PRE attack, and then hope he gets at least a half-Phase of hesitation... which is enough for him to move in and apply a 70 STR Martial Grab to both the bad guy's arms.)






(*) I liked the wrestler concept in 'Ninja Hero' so much that I changed the backstory and made him a good guy for a 350-point Supers campaign. Brick with a 'Pro Wrestling' martial arts package, of course.

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Calico: "You realize of course that just because I have a lot of cat like features, doesn't mean I have that much empathy for a kitten, right? How about I give you all this hairball medicine for the cat? If not, I'll take your arm off." <PRE>

If that doesn't work, there's plenty more kittens... But I'll still take the arm.

Ice Pirate: She'll grab a puppy and threaten it until he let's the cat go.

Scales: "You're kidding!? This is worse than the time I tried picking up the Purina Dino Chow. :rolleyes: "

He'll give the kitten enough defenses to protect it vs. the sound & bullet. Then it's night-night for mr psycho.

Spectrum: I'm afraid I'm just going to have to rewire his brain to drop the kitten and change his mind on the cure. It's not hairball medicine he needs, he needs the contents of the litter boxes.

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Deliver long, agonizing speech about the agony of the universe, life, and existance (suing a zero phase action). Proclaim that I know where the villain is coming from...I too hate cats! (Make coughing and hacking noise when approporiate)


While the villain is distracted with my oratory, I propose an alliance with him, to destroy the true enemy...the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals!


In painstaking detail, I explain how the SPCA has sytematically made it so that we are unable to exterminate the vermin underfoot. I then conclude telling him how I myself, have developed a mutated virus which will destroy all felines worldwide! All I require is a young cat to test my virus on!


So convinced is the villain to my commitment of the cause, that he gladly hands the kitten over to me, for my unholy experiment.


As soon as the kitten is in my possession, I pet it nicely, wrap it up in my cape to keep it warm, and tell my teamates to obliterate this sick fool.


I then try and sneak the kitten out of the mall, hoping the mall moles haven't put one of those sensor-thingees on it. The kitten becomes the team mascot for several months, until it is slain during our assault upon Dr. Grondicus base, when it sets off the land mine.


Am I the only one who buys acting, oratory, persuasion, and Sleight of Hand for every heroic character? :D

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Warg - Would probably be more disruptive to the business of the pet shop than the the villain. He might be skulking around somewhere outside, but that's as close as he'd get. Besides, the cost of cleaning the carpet if he entered the store would be more than all the hairball medicine the villain could want.


Glaive - Throws spear, or strikes if in melee range. Couldn't care less about the cat, and wants to get this job over with ASAP. Wonders again how she allowed her boss to convince her to go on this mission instead of remaining at his/her side to protect him/her. Also wonders whether she's missing something or if is this really as trivially unimportant as it seems.


Dynamode - "You meanie, what did that kitty ever do to you? Try picking on someone your own size!" Force Grip bad guy, bad guy does an Admiral Motti impression, drops gun & kitty, and clutches at throat, hopefully soon to pass out from asphyxiation. After bad guy passes out, tries to coax kitty out from hiding, and wonders if she took it home whether Daddy would let her keep it.

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Warp (Spatial Manipulator and Billionaire Playboy): Telport, Usable As Attack, on the kitten. Now it's safely forty meters away. Proceed to knock out and capture villain.


Spectrum (EM Spectrum Energy Manipulator and Air Force Officer): An Indirect NND (Defense is Safe Environment: High Radiation) hits him from behind, stunning him before he can do any harm.


Mystic (Potential Archmage and Fantasy Author): The villain is now holding a super strong, super durable, and regenerating dire kitten. :D


Proteus (Biomorphic Shapeshifter): Is the kitten. And has just gave himself armor, regeneration, and claws. :D

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Special Agent Michael Trent paused for a moment (as did everyone else in the pet shop) and just stared at his opponent. Psychoticman's eyes glinted with the light of madness, and his pupils were the size of pinheads.


Trent cradled his face in his hand for a moment.


"I do NOT get paid enough for this," he muttered. Sighing, he straightened himself and regarded the cat's crazed captor once more. The gun gave a "click", loud in the sudden silence.


Psychoticman's finger tightened reflexively on the trigger, but nothing happened. The safety? He reached for it with his thumb, but the gun twisted in his grasp, and came free. Instead of falling, it rose up and slammed its muzzle against HIS forehead. The gun was too close for him to get a good look at it, but he heard the safety click back off and the hammer cock.


"Putting the kitten down," said Trent, "would convince me that you're *just* smart enough to continue living."



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Originally posted by The Watcher

Proteus (Biomorphic Shapeshifter): Is the kitten. And has just gave himself armor, regeneration, and claws. :D


Yep. One of my characters had a team mate who would have done that.


Something nastier: what if the kitten was Choo Choo Bear?


(See http://www.somethingpositive.net/ if you don't get the reference.)



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My Anthem (supermans powers with James Bonds job and attitude) would heat ray vision the gun, or step between the gun and the cat, wag his finger at the psycho with immense condescention, and then pinch the tip of the gun closed.


Midnight would do some fancy kung-fu kick disarm, or some fancy grab the cat and evade sort of maneuver.


Pinstripe (my major ordinance toting triggerhappy homicidal vigilante who would more aptly be named "body count") would put a .50 caliber handgun shell through the psychos head. Not because he cares about the cat, but because violent maniacs need to be dealt with... (anyone see a logic error here?). After that he would go after the other baddies with the tommy gun he keeps in the musical insturment case he carries with him, probably taking out several innocent kittens and puppies, and several schools of goldfish in the process.


Doc Micro - the leader of microforce - would announce: "why don't you pick on someone your own size?" and proceed to shoot the maniacal goon with his micronization gun, turning him into a one inch tall whack-job. Then microforce would beat the tar out of him.

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Originally posted by D-Man

Doc Micro - the leader of microforce - would announce: "why don't you pick on someone your own size?" and proceed to shoot the maniacal goon with his micronization gun, turning him into a one inch tall whack-job. Then microforce would beat the tar out of him.


why not let the kitten have fun with the villain now he is mouse-sized ? ;)


my characters :


Copycat (shapeshifter) : kill the kitten herself then shapeshift to a feline humanoid and rip the villain into pieces.


Doctor (rastafrian pot-smoking biokinesist) : "try to move your finger now, brotha ... i control your hand, your arm and your gun ... i could play with your fing.. *BANG* oops, errr ... You did it !!! , brotha, you killed the cat !!!. oh maaann !!"

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Shoot the hostage, take him out of the equation......


I would offer to get Psychoticman the hairball remedy, drop a tracer in the remedy, pay for the hairball remedy when he flees (ah, 15 pts. in wealth), then follow him back to his lair and pummel him senseless, then get him the help he obviously needs in a 'private' asylum......

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Mayday would leave to de-escalate the situation and track him to a less populated area. A crowded mall is no place to be staging a violent brawl with a maniac, and, with her gone the kitten SHOULD be ok. If the kitten dies, then it becomes personal.


ShadowCross While not overly concerned with a cat of any kind, his abuse of something weaker than himself would tick her off. Disarm and move the fight out into the open mall area where she can work better than a crowded little mall shop. The least this guy will walk away with is a broken nose, and if the opportunity for a groin strike should appear well, its all in the line of duty right? Any reporters who object can suck an egg. (She would use more colorful suggestions on what to suck).

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Irving would probably try and talk the guy down, though given his old team dynamic said talk would be interrupted by the rather bad-tempered energy projector shooting Psychoticguy in the face and then pummeling him, in which case Irving would try to save the kitten. And if he didn't, he'd feel awful for days, probably just trying to console himself that at least it wasn't a human child (while Irving is not human himself, he tends to place somewhat more importance on the lives of fully-sapient beings, if only because you can have great conversations with them).

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I hope this is immediately prior to a microwave blast? That is cute.

thoughts on previous post...

I was told I was sick when I made the character many years ago with a 33 dex and an 18- mystic danger sense. I can hardly imagine a 43 dex!



Originally posted by J4y

Tell him not to use a gun, you shouldn't put metal in microwaves.

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I really like the last 2 here...


Lets see what were my last 3 Champions Characters. HMM


Stalker, early years, he would probably go enrageds (innocents threatened can suck :) espcially when the Volshoth is dropped on Redmond by the Demonologist)

and start whaling on him. Of course the kitten would die, but it might well have company from the psychopath.

Later years he would shadow walk behind him, then NND him into unconsciousness.



John Hawkshaw the 3rd... HMM, probably shoot mr. psycho in the head with his .50 Barrett M82 with the laser sight and sniper scope, probably loaded with either rubber bullets (he had enough money to have them made... or something like a glaser safety slug. He was an 8' tall HIGHLY trained supernormal. If he was close enough, he might try pepper spray, but kitten would probably still die.


Mr. Takeda. Japanese government special agent... in a street level game. Probably either shoot him in the head with his .45 super or use his cybernetic tentacles (from his wrists, sicko!) to disarm him. He probably likes cats, but it would depend on whether he felt he had time out from his mission.


Hmm... maybe I need to make a nicer Champions characater




Originally posted by The Watcher

Warp (Spatial Manipulator and Billionaire Playboy): Telport, Usable As Attack, on the kitten. Now it's safely forty meters away. Proceed to knock out and capture villain.


Spectrum (EM Spectrum Energy Manipulator and Air Force Officer): An Indirect NND (Defense is Safe Environment: High Radiation) hits him from behind, stunning him before he can do any harm.


Mr. Mystic (Potential Archmage and Fantasy Author): The villain is now holding a super strong, super durable, and regenerating dire kitten. :D


Proteus (Biomorphic Shapeshifter): Is the kitten. And has just gave himself armor, regeneration, and claws. :D

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Re: What would you do? what would you do?


Originally posted by cutsleeve

As he points his 9mm handgun at the head of an innocent cute fluffy pet shop kitten.


What would you do? :D


Captain Death, a 7' tall brick with translucent skin, would grab the little wiener dog next to him and say "Hurt one hair on that cat and the wiener dog gets it."


And while he was wondering if I was serious I would kick him in the groin.


"I told you..."




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Walkabout: Creates a small gate under the kitten so that it drops outside (and being a Cat, lands on its feet) and then hits Mr Psycho with his staff.


Fauna: Give Mr Psycho what he wants. Anything to save the kitten. Then the kitten and I would track him back to his lair and, along with every cat in the greater state area would put him through the 'death of one thousand scratches'. If he survived it he wouldn't be able to approach a petstore again, let alone threaten a cat.


Karma: "I've seen 'Speed'. Shoot the Hostage.... WHAT?" (there's a reason she's Hunted by the Police. Now she can add PETA)


Switchblade: Remove Mr Psycho's Gunhand from the rest of his arm with a Hard Air Blade. If the Kitten dies, too bad, its not like Mr Psycho's going to be trying that trick again.


Caress: Read Mr Psycho's mind to see what he wants (possibly having to take a EGO attack from delving to deep into that mind). Then offer to give him the hairball medicine. As I hand it over make contact with his hand take over his mind and use him as a scapegoat for my next seies of crimes until he dies in the inevitable shootout. Pathetic male that he is. Oh yes and buy the kitten. Breading Cats for Supervillian Blowfeld wantabees is a passtime and this one's already learned calm in the face of inevitable death.

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