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Champions Campaign 34th Anniversary


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Our Champions campaign is approaching it's 34th anniversary. There have been some ups and downs in the past few years, with some players moving on, and others joining. After all this time, our campaign adventures have entered - as one player stated - a golden era. As GM's, we like to get feedback from our players and we ourselves on occasion rate them old-school style: A+, B-, C+ and so on. Well, we've have an incredible string of them with an A+, each one seemingly better than the last one. To date, a couple of our talented players have created over 40 animation/commercials to be played before the adventure, to give a sense of what the adventure we be like, and over 50 music tracks selected from various games/movies/etc to represent the heroes. The campaign has changed a bit over time but incredibly is still the same campaign, it's not a reboot of it.


It must be asked: why are the adventures so good after all this time and increasing in quality? True, after all that time, we've gotten used to learning what real storytelling is. I think more than that, we've learned as GMs to step back and let the players have a say-so in some GM decisions. We as GMs have learned to trust our players and our players the GMs. We've learned what players like (and certainly don't like). We've learned simply to have fun and remove the AD&D style of DM/GM-vs-Player style which, unfortunately, runs in alot of campaigns I've heard and read about.


We have episodes of adventure, redemption, spying (did one just this Friday), suspense, epic, creepy, light-hearted fun and out-right goofyness to name some. I say this campaign would never have gotten this far without these elements. I applaud an excellent group of players and GMs who have discovered its more fun to work-together than to fight about who's right. :thumbup:

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I think you've got it. Good players, plus good Gms equals good games. :rockon:  Over the years I have had both good games and bad, but I've moved around a lot. Shoot if I had know how hard it can be to find good gamers, I might have moved less often. :winkgrin:


May the next 34 years be even better! :rockon:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Imagine how many xps you would get in 34 years.

If you average 2 XP per game and 2 games per month, that's 48 per year. With a couple of bonus XP for good play, that's 50.


Times 34 years, is 1700 XP. Even if you miss a few sessions over the years, and have a few bad games where you only get 1 XP, you're probably looking at 1500 XP.


I can build you a minor God on that kind of budget.


What I'd like to know is, have they been updating editions as they go along, and what's that been like each time?


Lucius Alexander


I haven't even had a palindromedary that long.

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  • 1 month later...

If you average 2 XP per game and 2 games per month, that's 48 per year. With a couple of bonus XP for good play, that's 50.


Times 34 years, is 1700 XP. Even if you miss a few sessions over the years, and have a few bad games where you only get 1 XP, you're probably looking at 1500 XP.


I can build you a minor God on that kind of budget.


What I'd like to know is, have they been updating editions as they go along, and what's that been like each time?


Lucius Alexander


I haven't even had a palindromedary that long.


My apologies to everyone but real life called, hence long delays to this question.


To answer your question: the campaign has gone from 1st edtion, to 2nd, to 3rd, to 4th. Nowadays, it's an interesting combination of 5th edition and a little 6th edition, with possibly a touch of 4th. Characters have been updated and with the experience gotten, become quite versatile, as opposed to walking powerhouses. Many skills, including Knowledge skills, fill their sheets. A couple characters have so many skills, they've either double-columned them on their sheets or just put them all on a second sheet. For this GM, this is a simply wonderful asset: the more skills they acquire, the more complex episodes can be created to challenge them.


Also, the players have created other superheroes. So, all that experience has not gone to one set of characters making them unbeatable characters of destruction and all-knowledge. Updating them from edition to a newer edition has changed some of the dynamics of how many points are in a power but the characters remained essentially the same after each edition update. In the same vein, alot of villains have become more skilled, versatile and/or powerful. A villain nemesis wielding an 8d6 EB may have been a challenge 300 xp ago, but not anymore so even he gets an upgrade.


Each time a newer edition came out, the group sat down (gm and players) and discussed what they liked and didn't like about it. Some people simply liked the older version of fill-in the blank, but we came to a consensus about what we would use (or not use) and the campaign continued. Everyone knows what is going to be used and everyone is happy (and the GM doesn't have to worry about using powers/rules that someone doesn't like). This is probably one of the reasons for the longevity and it works for us.

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