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The library advocates quoted in that article say they can't understand why the Texas government would be doing this. If you look at the pattern of Governor Greg Abbot's other actions and policies, the motivations for this one become painfully obvious. I won't spell that out here out of respect for Dan Simon's own policy, but I doubt anyone reading this will mistake my meaning.

Edited by Lord Liaden
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Prosecutors have added new charges in the Trump documents case...altering/destroying evidence, and basically a conspiracy charge to do so.  It's about getting video recordings deleted.  They also charge a worker who allegedly took part in this.  There's also a new Espionage Act count related to a presentation of a classified war plan to a group in New Jersey.



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2 hours ago, Iuz the Evil said:


A political leader trying to change the way democratic government in his country functions to secure his power and keep himself out of prison. This refrain is getting old.

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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:


A political leader trying to change the way democratic government in his country functions to secure his power and keep himself out of prison. This refrain is getting old.

It’s not a good thing. An independent judiciary is a safeguard against tyranny. Lest we forget:


As true now, as it was then.

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So active disinformation campaigns aren't just a US-only problem.







There's one weather site I like to use...because it has real-time rain rates and accumulations, and quite a few nice summaries (like month by month total precip.)  The site also gives NOAA-style daily summaries.  From June 21st to July 22nd, the high was never below 99.5...round up, 100, in other words.  Some other sites report it was 100+ for the entire period;  the location of one's reporting station can account for that easily.  It was only 96 on the 23rd, breaking the streak...but 101, 103, 106, 106, and 105 forecast for today.  105+ is very unusual down here;  we're not as bad as Phoenix.  That said...we've been 105+ 14 different days so far, between June 26th and yesterday, and today's expected to be #15.  The particular reporting station they use has only been in place since 2007, so not that long...but this year saw a new record high.  In that period, tho...2020 had the most number of days with highs over 100, at 37.  We're at 33.  Forecast highs are close to 100 next week;  some days may go over, if expected cloud cover doesn't materialize, or materializes later than expected.  But that's 33 and we haven't touched August yet.

The other aspect...in 2020, those 37 days of 100+ came between June 4th and August 29th...87 ordinal days.  This year it's happened in less than 40.  That's sustained, INTENSE heat for this area.


Far as I'm concerned, people making the baseless assertions that everyone's lying about the severity of the heat are committing a crime against humanity.  

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Mmm...Mitch McConnell froze up and had to be helped off the stage while delivering remarks Wednesday.  This comes after, apparently, multiple falls.


I'm hearing mini-strokes, and if there are several in a relatively short period, that is Not Good.


While I'm no fan...his departure opens up the potential for a mess in the Senate much like the House...especially if the Republicans retake the Senate.  

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6 hours ago, unclevlad said:

So active disinformation campaigns aren't just a US-only problem.







There's one weather site I like to use...because it has real-time rain rates and accumulations, and quite a few nice summaries (like month by month total precip.)  The site also gives NOAA-style daily summaries.  From June 21st to July 22nd, the high was never below 99.5...round up, 100, in other words.  Some other sites report it was 100+ for the entire period;  the location of one's reporting station can account for that easily.  It was only 96 on the 23rd, breaking the streak...but 101, 103, 106, 106, and 105 forecast for today.  105+ is very unusual down here;  we're not as bad as Phoenix.  That said...we've been 105+ 14 different days so far, between June 26th and yesterday, and today's expected to be #15.  The particular reporting station they use has only been in place since 2007, so not that long...but this year saw a new record high.  In that period, tho...2020 had the most number of days with highs over 100, at 37.  We're at 33.  Forecast highs are close to 100 next week;  some days may go over, if expected cloud cover doesn't materialize, or materializes later than expected.  But that's 33 and we haven't touched August yet.

The other aspect...in 2020, those 37 days of 100+ came between June 4th and August 29th...87 ordinal days.  This year it's happened in less than 40.  That's sustained, INTENSE heat for this area.


Far as I'm concerned, people making the baseless assertions that everyone's lying about the severity of the heat are committing a crime against humanity.  


Air temperature is not the only danger.



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Several of the big pet lovers have warned about walking dogs in the heat we have, as it can readily burn pads.


Story from CNN a few days ago:


I got a small burn from my seat belt latch once, myself, and several times, the steering wheel was too hot to grip.  And hopefully a story that doesn't need repeating...sealing your pet...or worse, your KID...in a car, in the sun, even for only a few minutes...IS NOT SAFE.  The temps will rise FAST!!!! 


The extreme heat maps I saw showed much of central Texas about as bad as Phoenix, and much of the Souteast was about as bad as we are, here in southern New Mexico.  

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On All Things Considered today, a heat expert came out and said it: Is it even rational to speak of a "heat wave" when the high temperatures don't stop? 3-5 days is a heat wave. Week after week is something else. Possibly the new normal for summer. And it's terrifying, because we are not ready.


Dean Shomshak

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52 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

Several of the big pet lovers have warned about walking dogs in the heat we have, as it can readily burn pads.


Story from CNN a few days ago:


I got a small burn from my seat belt latch once, myself, and several times, the steering wheel was too hot to grip.  And hopefully a story that doesn't need repeating...sealing your pet...or worse, your KID...in a car, in the sun, even for only a few minutes...IS NOT SAFE.  The temps will rise FAST!!!! 


The extreme heat maps I saw showed much of central Texas about as bad as Phoenix, and much of the Souteast was about as bad as we are, here in southern New Mexico.  


I was reading a comment warning about going out on hot pavement wearing flip-flops or similar flimsy rubber or plastic footwear. It will melt and stick to the pavement.

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15 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


I was reading a comment warning about going out on hot pavement wearing flip-flops or similar flimsy rubber or plastic footwear. It will melt and stick to the pavement.


Beau noted that asphalt in 120 degree heat might hit 200.


I'd think this might melt a LOT of rubber or similar soles.  That is freaking HOT.  

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It was really, really STUPID and careless but...


I was cooking something on the stove, I don't recall what it was.  I almost never cook above medium heat, it's plenty hot enough.  OTOH, I use steel or cast iron.


So there I was...and leaned over, preparing to turn or maybe pull whatever it was.  Bare gut made firm contact with the tip of the handle...furthest away from the heat, right?  OWWWW!!! No, it didn't last more than a second.


2nd degree burn.


And vociferous expletives.


Heck, if you cook much at all?  I don't even wanna count the number of times I've totally brain farted and started to grab a handle I BLOODY WELL KNOW!!! is hot.  USUALLY my hand's halfway coming off as it touches, as my lizard brain kicks in...but anywhere the fingers just BRUSH?  Minor burns.  But still painful.  



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1 minute ago, Lord Liaden said:

Unless you're Kryptonian, that's bound to happen to everyone at some point.


Oh yeah.  If you cook?  You will, at times, cut yourself or burn yourself.  It's simply gonna happen.


My only point was how EASY it can happen, and we don't have to be talking serious heat.  Heck, 150-160 degree water...  From CPSC PDF:



Most adults will suffer third-degree burns if exposed to 150 degree water for two seconds. Burns will also occur with a six-second exposure to 140 degree water or with a thirty second exposure to 130 degree water. Even if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns. 


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