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STAR TREK: Discovery


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Well for myself I think the biggest issue for CBS is they need to fire everyone associated with promoting the series due to stupidity and outright lying.


Even the thickest dunderhead can easily see STD (I still get a chuckle out of that title blunder) is not even close occurring in the prime timeline between ENT and TOS.  Even if it was presented with fingerprints it would completely fail as a direct inline show.  This is not a question of movie/TV production methods/technology.  It is a question of story/plot/script/design and everything else in a Trek show. 


Is CBS has said


"We are making a Star Trek series that will take place 10 years before the Original Series.  But due to both technical issue and our vision for the show, it will not be actually in the Prime Timeline itself. Instead it will be heavily influenced and inspired by the Prime Timeline while being a unique and standalone universe."


Instead they said:

"STD is in the Prime Timeline and set 10 years before the Original Series" even when it is obviously not.


Which immediately translates to: "No, you are wrong it is Prime Timeline and you are all idiots.  It. IS. THE. SAME! old Trek, F-bomb you all".


A Civic is a good car that is really good at fulfilling its role as cheaper transportation currently MSRP new at $18k.  But if they called me and promised me a new luxury sedan for only and then rolled out a Civic, I'd be pissed.  Not because a Civic is a bad vehicle, but because a Civic is not a luxury sedan as promised.


STD might be good or even great SciFi.  But it is not Prime Timeline Star Trek, which is what they keep claiming. 


And I do not believe it is doing that well because if it was they would not be hiding the stats, they would be shouting them from the rooftops.


After the last weeks episode the local morning radio show (a CBS owned station) spent allot of time talking up STD.  But the primary "cool think" that they centered on was the F-Bomb.  Really?!  Out of the entire show all the had was "Trek now cusses".


They still have time to save it, but it would require them to come clean and stop the institutional dishonesty. 

So I expect it will die on the vine....

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It would be expected to at least a get a second season for a Star Trek series.  After all, TNG season one was panned (and rightly so - MOST of season one is absolutely terrible) but made it through.


The show is not without flaws. Serious flaws. The largest of which is that there is only one genuinely likable character (Cadet Tilly).  One of the doctors seems ok too but he's had probably all of 5 lines.


Michael dropped her Vulcan mannerisms a little quickly for my tastes but is pointed in the right direction as far as being likable is concerned. She's growing from her experiences and since this is a modern show there's a chance the growth won't get reset at the end of every episode. 


 I could like Saru if he got more screen time - but he's pretty limited in that so far. 


The tech is pure magic - nothing more, nothing less -  and as such the show works better if you put it in its own continuity.  That helps with other complaints, like the Klingons, as well.   The ships in particular - they say a D7 just dropped out of warp but honestly it looks a lot more like the Scimitar from Nemesis.  Which is menacing an I personally like it but it is definitely different and I understand why there's a fan project that inserts classic Klingon ship models in.

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A shopping link?


If that link doesn't go to startrek.com for you, your browser's probably been hijacked. Run a malware scan.


Edit: OR a skimresources link may have been inserted into the link by some misfortune. That's a contextual advertising thing that makes links in the posts if you don't block it. Probably harmless, but annoying.

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If that link doesn't go to startrek.com for you, your browser's probably been hijacked. Run a malware scan.


Oh, it goes to StarTrek.com's buy my stuff page.  All kinds of Trek merchandise.  


But dumping merchandise into their shop does nothing to indicate popularity.   

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Oh, it goes to StarTrek.com's buy my stuff page.  All kinds of Trek merchandise.  


But dumping merchandise into their shop does nothing to indicate popularity.   


I see. Is there an article in between the top of the page and the shopping links? It's on the News page, but there are things to buy down below the article. It's possible the article content isn't displaying.


Edit: Here's what I'm seeing:



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I see. Is there an article in between the top of the page and the shopping links? It's on the News page, but there are things to buy down below the article. It's possible the article content isn't displaying.


Ah, my guess is the store is the primary page and the article is a insert.  I run a  blocker that prevents extra items from populating.  What is the title so I can find it.

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Title of the post is:

Discovery Renewed for Second Season



Found it. 

But it doesn't really mean anything, we've seen shows green lighted for a second season before they ever even aired half the first season, just to have it killed before it was actually released.


It is possible that Netflix (who funded season 1) see's the ability to make it elsewhere.  I wonder if the "Rest of the World" is being fed the same line about it being Prime Timeline or not.   If they aren't having smoke blown up their keister, they may be watching it as a unique stand-alone.  

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I'd say being the biggest draw for a brand new streaming service is a case of big fish, small pond. If they had impressive numbers, they'd have shared them.


Yep, I totally agree with that one.  GoT definitely couldn't be accused of being coy with their initial numbers.

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I hear it's not bad but I'm already paying far too much for cable and streaming that I don't have time to watch.




That's kind of my place; its one more cost I don't see a point to and I'm kinda tired of Star Trek by now anyway.  For this to justify its production cost and be the tentpost that holds up the network its got to be a home run, not a weak dribbler to third you managed to run out.

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To expand on what I said earlier about likeable - I find that makes them the most 'realistic' crew put on screen in Trek.  More human than even BSG was.  There are high points and low points about every single character so my internal jury is still out about whether this complexity will serve them well in the long run. 


I want to say 'yes' because that was my favorite part about DS9 as well but I could see them overdoing it alienating both casual viewers (wanting something to identify quickly) and hardcore fans (wanting something to look up to).

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Hippy-dippy boomer woo-woo utopian pipe dreams has never done much for me. Oddly, the boomers who produced TOS created a show that was less of that than this one is claiming to be. I have seen every episode of trek prior to this series, but will happily skip this one. We've had 28 seasons of Trek prior to this, not including TAS. The only way we'd ever need more would be if it were actually good. The only new Trek I'm interested in at this stage is the reboot films

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Hippy-dippy boomer woo-woo utopian pipe dreams has never done much for me. Oddly, the boomers who produced TOS created a show that was less of that than this one is claiming to be. I have seen every episode of trek prior to this series, but will happily skip this one. We've had 28 seasons of Trek prior to this, not including TAS. The only way we'd ever need more would be if it were actually good. The only new Trek I'm interested in at this stage is the reboot films

Discovery is claiming to be utopian pipe dreams, really? Because in the show I watched they're claiming to be at war with the Klingons with Discovery explicitly stated to be working on technologies to enable them to win said conflict.

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