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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm thinking about starting a religion which is the exact same as Christianity, same book, same story, same rituals. Heaven, hell, sin, salvation, all that good stuff. The only difference would be that instead of the name "Jesus" I would insert the word "Dude." And instead of God it would be "Voltron." Otherwise everything else is in tact. So you got Dude of Nazareth and Voltron Our Father in Heaven. Has a certain ring to it, don't it? I can imagine a Sunday sermon about Dude in the desert being tempted by Satan. What did Dude do? He resisted! Yay! Way to go, Dude! And Genesis would read: In the beginning there was Voltron. Voltron made the earth and the heavens and on the sixth day the Lord Our Voltron created man in his own image. When he saw that it was good, Voltron rested. Moses, of course, would be known as "Beavis." I think it has potential. The Church of Dude. And Voltron. We could play team basketball against the Subgenius people and the Flying Spaghetti Monster Cult. We could form our own league. Winner gets dominion over all existence.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings



To all those who like Firefox as a browser and think it is the bees-knees really should give Opera a try. why?


1) it is standards complient (acid 2)

2) it is FAST both in rendering javascript and CSS. much faster than firefox.


read more here. The article is Mac-focused but has plenty for Windows users too (IE the javascript and CSS stats)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Do you have an open mind? If so read this -> Coincidence?


Article Summary:


If we combine the two important dates of June 5th and June 6th, together with recent world events, we obtain the following extremely significant occult triplications:


222 days from the Muslim riots in Paris;

333 days from the London Train Bombings;

444 days from the second anniversary of the Iraq Invasion;

555 days from November 28, 2004 (the 333rd day of the year, with 33 remaining);

666 in the date pattern and in the pattern until the end of the Mayan calendar;

777 days from the foiled Sears Tower Attack.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Once more, to my kittens:


1) The lamp is not your enemy.


2) Even if the lamp were your enemy, you can not defeat him. He is a lamp. He has no losing conditions.


3) Those things under the covers are not other kittens. They are SatinKitty's feet.


4) If you wake her up, she will be very unhappy. Please don't.


5) There is nothing you want in the toilet.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My boss wrote up a sign. It reads:




He put it up in 3 locations inside the room where our server is now being kept. It's a 5'x5' room, with absolutely no vents or fans or anything. With the server in there, there's enough room for the two CPUs, a flat-screen monitor, a keyboard, a shelf for all of these to sit on, a chair, and a shelf behind that to hold all the routing equipment. Even with the door open, this room is routinely 5 degrees warmer than the room outside it.


This sign was put up on Friday. Again, three locations.


When I left work on Friday evening, the door was closed. They actually had to move the sign out of the way to close the door.


THIS, my friends, sums up pretty well the problems I run into at my place of employment.


And yes, of course I opened the door before I left. Bemusedly shaking my head the whole time.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Advisory item for college students:

At least try to pick up your exams as soon as possible after they are graded. To do otherwise suggests an indifference toward the course which even the most charitable of instructors find difficult to sympathize with. There are practical reasons as well. Picking up an old midterm exam on the next-to-last day of the term drastically increases the difficulty on your Grovelling skill test that you are obliged to attempt when you discover you only got an 11 out of 100.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


One of the minor fringe benefits of teaching a college course is that you can make assignments for your own purpores, and as long as it's germane for the course you can do anything you want.


I've been teaching classes bearing on extraterrestrial life for about 15 years now, and for most of that time, I have given as assignments some short little essays that I call position papers. These are one-to-three page papers the students write giving purely their own opinions and views on whatever question I assign. I don't grade the things, except to mark down worse-than-usual language problems (and of course to mark whether they've been done or not). Mostly what I do is make note of what the class's collective response is, and present that to the class when I give the papers back.


I've settled down to giving just two of these routinely. The first happens the first week of the term: "Do you believe there is life elsewhere in the Galaxy, and why?" The second happens late in the term (that's usually when it's most relevant to the material), and posits that the student leads a research group that has detected radio signals of clearly technological origin from a relatively nearby star; the question is what they do about it. I do give a guideline there, that it's not possible to hide the result; anyone with a radiotelescope could make the same discovery at any time. Though I don't tell them this ahead of time, there is a "correct answer" for this one; there is already an international protocol in place about such an event.


About a quarter of this year's group would take the discovery first to the government or a specific government agency. That represents an all-time high, and it makes me scratch my head a bit. About a tenth would go straight to the mass media with it, which is on the low side of what I've seen over the years.


About a quarter of them also said they'd send a signal back. That also is towards the high end of the historical returns. This response, though, usually tracks other aspects of the popular culture. Shortly after Independence Day came out, no one wanted to respond. When E.T. was the most recent blockbuster movie featuring aliens, lots of people wanted to "phone home". So the answer to this one seems to depend of what sort of press the aliens have been getting lately.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm off to Canada tomorrow. The drive from here is about 1300 miles, so I'll be on the road for a few days. Looking forward to it. Hotels with clean water will be nice to visit.


I finished school and now the hard part begins. I was staying around here because I thought I had a job lined up, but that job is looking worse all the time so I won't cry if I don't get it. I was excited because I thought I could forego the imminent months of unemployment, but I can deal with it as I stay at my father's house again. He fell and broke his collarbone last week (and 'forgot' to tell me) which is a part of the motivation for leaving now, but I also need to get proactive and can't do that from someone else's couch.


I'll see you in a few days.







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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Aaaargh, I got a chrystal clear Ippon! And I won the match!


Lost the other three matches of yesterday, though, but I was so far outclassed that I don't mind. Much.


Suffice to say, all the objectives of the Championships were achieved, and then some! I'll try to find some pics to link to, but not yet . . .

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