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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Hey lady, I know it's not my place to criticize how other people raise their kids, but you know, taking your five-year-old boy to see American Gangster--what the fk were you thinking?! Did you really think that a movie about organized crime and drug trafficking would be nonviolent? That it wouldn't include graphic scenes of murder and execution? And even so, maybe the first ten seconds of the film might have tipped you off, and then you could have taken him out of the theater and gone somewhere--anywhere--more appropriate. It actually ruins my enjoyment of the film to know that you did that to your kid.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Commercial on Spike that about a show describing the making of Beowulf, "If you think Angela Jolie looks amazing in real life, wait till you see her in 3-D"


Uhm, if I've seen her in "real life" and not just on TV/movie screen than I have seen her in Three Dimensions...dumb asses.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"Hey, Alice, can you come on over here and turn on all the processes on this computer I accidentally rebooted? I'm in the middle of something."


Right, 'cause I'm clearly just sitting here with my thumb up my butt, right? :mad:


I've been in jobs before where they've deliberately set me up to fail so they could fire me. This feels rather similar, actually.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Why are people so proud when they tell me "I'm computer illiterate."? It's really not something to be proud of.


I suppose if you're a billionaire who can't read, that might be something to proud of. But if you're a homeless, unemployed junkie fresh out of jail...not so much.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I find it really annoying that the moderators of these debates don't really control how long people speak, and I noticed tonight Wolf Blitzer (that idiot...) was rotating semi-randomly and letting people variously repond out of turn. I think that we should FORCE the candidates to work in time constraints, by simply having their mics turn on and off based on a timer, period. I know that's draconian, but with so many candidates something must be done. Biden commented - lightly but quite righteously - that he doesn't get to speak much in these debates, as an aside. And that really is unfair. I hadn't watched these debates before, but I noticed that (perhaps atypically? I hope so...) Wolf was allowing people to respond every time something was directed at them - this means Clinton got to respond every time somebody brought her up. This is just ridiculous, and extremely unfair to the candidates who are second-tier and are ignored by the others. I'm sort of shocked that this is allowed. It's just plain wrong.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And now, a break in the angst:


I'm renaming files as a huge project at work. I have to note when there's no file there, and was working on a folder of medium-sized images. I reduced it to "No medium," then "No M."


So, glancing at my worksheet, I have a row of, "Nom, nom, nom . . ."


Also, this morning, I watched a co-worker greet another. The second co-worker is nicknamed "Woodstock," which most people abbreviate to "Wood."


So the (female) co-worker says, "Morning, Wood!"


He grins and chuckles. "You said 'morning wood.'"


Had I been thinking quicker, I would've added, "I'm sure you get that all the time."


Drat me and my slow-to-wake brain!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


There was a time, in living memory, when "Let's kill them and take all their stuff" was a perfectly reasonable foreign policy. It was the first principle of every "Great Power", though sometimes prettied up a bit.


Now, many young UKers and Europeans seem to believe that most of their history never happened. I'd guess that the smug, posing pacifism of the UK and the EUers grew out of shame, guilt or denial, but it just doesn't seem all that deep.


Sometimes I think we should kill them and take all their stuff.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And to think, I'm indebted to the Palindromedary for my second millennium.. and it was because I split hares.. so.. technically.. I beat Mr. Teh Bunneh to the Quickening.


That, or I'm beneath his notice.


I really should post to this thread more often, since I'm more or less composed entirely of random musings.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings




Medical story: Don't read if you've eaten recently.



I have a huge bleeding abscess on the inside of my thigh. It started a week ago. At first I thought it was just a zit or a bug bite, but it got bigger and worse. It wasn't healing, but i thought that might be because it was rubbing against my pants when I walked. I put band aids over it to stop the rubbing, but it still wasn't healing. It doesn't hurt anymore, but the fact that it's not healing is starting to scare me. Anytime the thought "Huh, leprosy" crosses your mind, you may be in trouble. Blood, pus, oozing...good times. So yesterday I finally go to the urgent care. Nobody waiting, so I get seen very quickly. I get three burning injections of lidocaine on the site, then he went to work digging out the infected wound. He wants to see me today, too, as a wound check.


well, because of the wound location on my inner thigh, the simple acts of walking or sitting stretch the bandage out and by this morning it has fallen off. Still bleeding. Still full of pus. Mmmm. So I go back to follow up, but the waiting room is standing room only. I have to wait two and a half hours! I haven't eaten, I'm getting a migraine, and of all things 'Medical Mysteries' is on the waiting room television! When I finally get in to see the doctor, he decides it's best to dig it out some more. Three more painful injections, more digging, etc. Apparently it's not a pus pocket because it isn't draining. It's granular tissue of some sort. Going back Tuesday for a culture and inspection. Yay.


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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today, along with my Christmas Decorations, my Dad unloaded on me some other boxes of mine that were in his attic. I just opened two and looked at a few things. They have a bunch of my schoolwork from Grades 1-3. There is a Diary my Mom kept about me from ages infancy to five. Not too many entries each year, but those that are there tell me a lot. There is a diary from Camp when I was 17 in a Star Wars spiral notebook. That box is full of letters from camp, letters to me from my relatives and friends, and I've only glanced into it so far. I also have my Elementary School yearbook with Kid's and Teacher's signatures in it. Lord knows what else I'll find as I delve into this box.


How can I possibly throw out any of it ?

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