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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


People in a given field spend a lot of time speaking in shorthand.


Sometimes, we use that shorthand to communicate a complex idea to a layman.


And then the layman takes our shorthand at face value, and repeats it.


A seed of truth expressed in shorthand becomes a huge, sprawling tangle of myths.


For the want of a meta-machete, an untruth based industry is formed.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Marital arts masters lie a lot. Big, stinky whoppers, too.


I guess all teachers lie a bit, to hold student interest, exaggerate for effect, illustrate an idea or emphasize a point.


With Martial Arts masters, national pride and macho posturing get thrown into the mix with those more common "teaching lies". The result is really, really off-putting.


Oddest thing is that these guys have often lead amazing lives, and are genuinely able to do some remarkably impressive things. Then they tell an obvious whopper, and it causes you to wonder about everything they've told you.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Two completely unrelated musings for the price of one! :celebrate


* * *


You know that disease that causing such a panic in the elementary schools a little while ago? MRSA? Yeah. I've got it. Turns out that was the cause of my oozing little sore. No real problem, though. The antibiotics are taking care of it just fine. It's just interesting to me; I seem to have a talent for fad diseases. First West Nile, now this. I did miss the bird flu, though. (Not for lack of trying. You have any idea how many birds I slept with?)


* * *


I spent the weekend recapturing a bit of my youth. I used to spend large portions of my vacations getting completely absorbed in a computer RPG --like the Bard's Tale series or the Shining Force games-- and playing it straight through to the end. I grabbed Shining Force II for the Sega Genesis and played it via emulator on my PC. Wow. You have to love the old school graphics and turn based play. Such a far cry from today's Warcraft or LotRO games. It was a nice nostalgic blast to the past.


I tried Bard's Tale again several years ago, but it was just too old school, I couldn't take it. Like the cartoons we grew up loving, the old video games often don't live up to our memories. Still, good times.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


PleasepleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE let Josh's car pass inspection at this second place. Why we suddenly need $250 in repairs on something that's been there for YEARS (and never hindered his passing inspection before) is beyond me.


And $185 for a clear piece of plastic? What the crap?


Speaking of what the crap, it's 50 degrees outside. Why are we wasting electricity on air conditioning? At a company that's supposedly environmentally-minded? Is it because we like to make the person typing in all this data that's piled up on her while she finished Project from Hell go numb from the wrists down?


Maybe I should've put this in the cranky thread. It certainly SOUNDS cranky . . .

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