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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Bought my Prius just in time. Had to get my oil changed today' date=' and asked. They, right now, have an 8 month waiting list on new ones.[/quote']


Sounds even worse then when I bought mine. Which was when the time was running out to get the ~$3500 tax credit for buying one.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


In the supermarket today I saw one of our soldiers inline covered in tattoos. Nothing unusual there. One of the tattoos was an ornate and vicious looking skull and crossbones...with the words "In God I Trust" emblazoned on it.


Somebody's gonna have to explain that one to me.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The San Bruno Mountains are ablaze. I can see the fire from my backyard. I'm in no danger; the fire is much too far away. But I have to feel sorry for the people living downhill. Their homes are still pretty far away from the fire, but I'm sure they've been evacuated. I don't see any news alerts, though. Strange.


Edit: More news on this. The fire is closer to Brisbane than San Bruno, but it is near Highway 101, on the way to the airport. No homes have been burned as of now, but about 100 people have been evacuated.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So I signed back onto City of Villains after several months off. In making a new character I discover...I have City of Heroes now, too! That is very cool. In fact, they've added quite a few new things that make the game a bit more interesting than I remember. I've been playing CoH pretty much all weekend. Just what i needed, another game addiction!

Oh hell, most of the reason I signed on is to play with the costume creator again. :o

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Reading taken at 10:30 am Saturday 6/21 in a Tempe, AZ Parking Lot:


One of the volunteers had a heat sensor that when you aim it at a surface it gives you the temp. I also had a inside/outside thermometer in the van.


Sidewalk in shade: 102 F

Sidewalk in sun : 135 F

Red Curb: 150 F

Asphalt: 175 F


Inside of adoption: 137 F


Outside of van (shade side) : 115 F


Roof of Van : 137 F


Instrument Panel : 170 F


Thankfully, we were spending most of our time indoors.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Subject line from a university-wide email: "Facilities Services repair scheduling system temporarily down"


There's something of a levels-of-indirection-confusion there that appeals to my sense of absurd.


To give them credit, they do provide a voicephone number for getting repair work into the queue while the repair scheduler is down for repairs. What I haven't checked is whether the answering machine on that number is itself down for repairs too. ;)

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The condensed & cheery version.


Man's search for extra-terrestrial life is amusing. Well not from the other perspective who must view humanity as a lead-weight. A lead weight that is LITERALLY weighing down the Milky Way Galaxy, from moving forward (evolving) into greater light and love.




Humanity is not alone in the universe, it only appears that way from the 3d universe we inhabit and veiw from Earth as the rest of life forms that inhabit the Milky Way Galaxy have already evolved to the degree that our physical eyes and technology can't perceive them. Thus it appears that we are alone in the Universe and the popularity of SETI is more a deep longing need to reconnect with our Space Brothers, the Confederation of Planets, and those ancient civilizations that inhabit our Subterranean Earth. They want to tell us their stories and help us shed this lead weight, but humnity is, at least in the mainstream consciouness deaf to their words.


It is a shame really, our stories are just pale echoes of their history. Star Wars? True. The Library of Alexandria...wasn't lost after all. The "Star Trek" Federation of Planets? Check. Holodeck? Check. Star Trek 'First Contact'? Check, coming soon. Space Travel. Check. Eden-like paradise. Check. Crystal technology from Superman's Fortress of Solitude? Yes, this too is true. The Green Lantern Corps? In a manner of speaking, yes. So, why does humanity settle for what we have presently, when there is infinitely more waiting to be shared? And yes, this is just around the corner. So can mankind rid itself of this lead-weight for the glory and peace of the whole *expletive* Milky Way Galaxy!?


Time will tell.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Dad called last night. He's going into surgery to get his gall bladder removed. I knew he was going in for this, but it was supposed to be next month. Apparently somebody pulled out and he got bumped to this morning. He should be in their right now. It's laproscopic, fairly non-invasive and very routine, but his cybernetics make even routine surgeries trickier. I'm not terribly worried, but it is on my mind.

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