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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings




D&D 4E's saving grace is that there will probably never be a Book of Erotic Fantasy written for it.



ME: "I can hear the whining over whether orgasm constitutes an At-Will or Encounter power already."

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


But now you're caught up

In the undertow,

You never knew a man

Could sink so low

But now you know

Cause you're John Doe

In a black bag, a tag on your toe

I built the House

I felt the Pain

You're victimized

But got no one to blame


Just another victim

You're just another victim, kid

Just another victim

You're just another victim, kid

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Has anyone here had any experience with getting custom-made scratch cards (like the scratch-off lottery tickets, but made to your own specs)? There are some interesting possibilities mentioned for using these for instant-self-teaching short quizzes in the classroom, but the places I've looked at don't want to tell you a price until they can put a sales call in your face. Nor do they mention anything like lead times or what they need from you to make the things.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Dear Motherf@#%ers at Work,


When are you going to put the phone connection in my workstation? When you guys moved my team up to this unventilated upstairs attic office (which, among other things, means our wheelchair-bound Call Quality Analyst can't consult with us face-to-face anymore), you got everybody's computer and workstation connected with an office phone. Except mine. Which means I can't call the company answering machine to see who called in late or sick. Which means I can't call agents to tell them they're over break. Which means, basically, I can't do the job you expect me to do. Since week after Thanksgiving I have had to play a game of Musical Chairs every time I get to work trying to scope out a seat that is both a. working and b. unoccupied. Or I could just wait for a seat to be left over after a supervisor leaves work for the day, except we also have to log in to the phones in order to get paid.

Of course, this is of a piece with everything else that's been going on around here, for instance again shoving us up the most inconvenient place for some of us to reach, or leaving supervisors in the dark while wondering why there's so much turnover with supervisors. The term that's been bandied about in this place is "red-headed stepchild department."

Should I actually find a job that pays the bills from check to check, as opposed to one that blames "the economy" for why I haven't gotten a raise in almost three years despite passing every quarterly review to qualify for one, I will be sure to let everyone know the reasons why.


Oh, and if you're going to close off the break room kitchen for remodeling and tell us the work will be done by "December 23," please be sure to specify which YEAR.


Thank You,


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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I said good-bye to a friend of mine today--my good friend's brother, actually, but a friend in his own right. Nicest guy you could ever meet. Played airsoft and warhammer. We talked about modding our cars a lot--he was always willing to do more radical things to his vehicles than I was to mine, but I really liked his Accord. You hear about guys who are quiet and dependable, but that cliché fit this guy perfectly. If you ever needed a hand, with anything, you could call him. There are a lot of ways I wish I could be more like him. Christmas Eve he was walking back to the house with some of his family and he just instantly died for no apparent reason. Dead before he hit the ground. He must have set some kind of record for abrupt, unexpected, poorly timed deaths. Kid was 37.


I thought I would be all right at the funeral, but I was totally wrong. His family, my friends, weren't over it at all. There was just no time to prepare and no hint that it might be coming. I wept for an hour. Hell, I'm still not over it.


All I can think about is that Christmas morning there were a lot of presents waiting for him under the tree.

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