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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Worldmaker

A lesson I learned rather recently: when working in a kitchen, steel toed shoes are a good thing. That way the french knife bounces off instead of imbedding itself into your foot.

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Wahoo. On Saturday the Adelaide to Darwin railway is complete. After over 100 years of broken promises and false starts history has been made. The bottom to the top end of Australia has been linked by rail. It is thought to be (hopefully) one of the great rail trips in the world.

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Guest Worldmaker

I really am a pretty easy going guy, and it takes me a while to get to the point that I want to actually do harm to another human being. That being said, I'd like to take a pistol to Sean Hannity right about now.

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Guest Worldmaker

Speaking of Hannity, can Alan Colmes be more of a sissy-boy? Is that possible? I mean, he already lays down for Hannity and never calls that facist moron on any of his lies... is it possible to show that Colmes is even more Hannity's butt-monkey than he already is?

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Guest Worldmaker

Native Americans who have set themselves up as professional victims do so for one reason: they are sucking high on the government tit and don't ever want to lose their grip. Indians on the reservation who can make a good enough case for it don't ever have to work in their lives because the government is falling all over itself in order to "make things up to the red man".


Its disgusting, its embarassing, and those of us whose family figured out that the only way to prosperity in this country is to work hard for it wish the lame-ass whiners on the res would dry up and blow away already.

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Guest Worldmaker

I cannot remember the source for the following quote, so just be comfortable with my saying that its not mine originally:


"Every time a liberal mentions that the Bush tax cut plan benefits primary the richest Americans at the expense of the poor, Republicans start screaming "class warfare.


"In France, during the revolution, the masses of the poor cut off the heads of the wealthy and the nobility with the guillotine. That was class warfare.


"Pointing out that Bush's tax cuts favor the rich isn't."

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