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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I didn't see Kitty yesterday and so far today she hasn't shown up for her usual morning breakfast.


I believe she's been pregnant for a number of weeks now, or at least since the Toms stopped following her around. I had hoped she'd decide to have her kittens here.


I'm worried she's having them somewhere else right now. :angst:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


For the first time in my adult life I'm stable. At the age of 34 I've now been at my job for just shy of six years (a personal record), I've lived at my current residence for almost four years (another record), and I've had the same girlfriend for over two years (yet another record).


Maybe that's why I'm depressed. I don't think I'm cut out for stability or contentment. It's a very disconcerting thought.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Why can't people define requirements when it's little and simple? Instead I have to rip out and redo this thing for the THIRD time because these people can't just come out and say what they need and THIS IS SIMPLE, this is NOT a hard system. There's no reason they couldn't have figured out what they needed in the first place, explained it all, and then I could have done it once. Instead every time they play "peel back the onion" and see what effect "one more thing has" "if it's not a trouble." THE REASON IT IS TROUBLE IS YOU KEEP TRYING TO BE "NICE" ABOUT IT. Today I had to stop the session and say emphatically "STOP TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IT "COULD" DO, TELL ME WHAT IT MUST DO." Why oh why is it that you have to keep telling people, constantly, to stop trying to "guess" at how I "might" or "should" do it (particularly when you have no clue what programming is anyway, so why are you worried about it?) and just tell me what is wanted/needed?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I mentioned this in passing on another thread, but let's make it official - I start my new job on Monday (May 3rd). I'll be testing hardware for Verizon in Reston, VA. The work promisses to be boring, but its paying well, will provide steady income for 5-6 months, and I'll get my foot in the door with Verizon... none of which sucks.

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Guest kawaii gin neko

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


bleeeh, i'm so sleepy. if i can't get angel to stop snoring all night, its gonna go down like that one commercial where the wife whaps her hubby with a frying pan so he just passes out and she can get some sleep.


a sleepy neko is a dangerous neko....

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just got back from a weekend in the Rhine Valley. I hadn't taken a day off in months and I needed it. Three days of daily museum-prowling, nightly carousing and sleeping three hours per night, and now I feel completely recharged. Sometimes a small change of pace is all you need.


I just wish Germans could make some decent coffee.

OTOH, I also wish Italians could make some decent beer. :o

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Every year my allergies get worse. It used to just be some sniffles duringthe blooming season. Now it's watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing fits. Not fun.


I think I get it from my dad. I remember as a kid he used to be out back doing yard work and he'd sneeze for minutes on end. Often times he'd call us out there so we could watch him squeeze his nose, causing jets of water to squirt from each nostril. Nice image, dad. Thanks.


I hope that doesn't happen to me.


I don't use Contac because it makes me drowsy and I have plenty of other things to make me loopy. Sudafed is hit-or-miss, and when it misses I want to shove my head through a window. I've started using Claratin, and if taken early enough in the day they work like a charm. But at $1 per hit... err... per pill... it's more expensive than I would like.


I'm considering getting an allergy shot next year, and every year after than until my nose falls off or I die.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just something neat I got in my email this morning:



Today's Word: Amphiboly (Noun)


Pronunciation: [æm-'fi-bê-li]


Definition 1: (1) A phrase that is ambiguous because of its syntactic structure; (2) any ambivalent or ambiguous phrase.


Usage 1: Today's word also appears in the guise of "amphibology." It is not to be confused with "amphibole" ['æm-fê-bol], the mineral hornblende. The plural of today's word is "amphibolies," and the adjective, "amphibolic" or "amphibolical." The adverb is "amphibolically."


Suggested Usage: We suggest you restrict usage of today's word to speaking of sentences like this one, "Flying airplanes can be dangerous." Depending on the syntax, either flying or airplanes that are flying may be dangerous. Groucho Marx was the master of the amphiboles, ambivalence, and equivocation: "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. (How he got in my pajamas I'll never know.)" The meaning of this amphibole depends on whether the prepositional phrase, "in my pajamas," is attached to "I" or "elephant." This one is simply ambivalent or equivocal because "got her looks" has two possible interpretations: "She got her looks from her father. (He's a plastic surgeon.)"


Etymology: Today's is another word borrowed via French from Late Latin, this time from amphibolus "ambiguous." The Latin word is Greek amphibolos "doubtful," thinly disguised. It is the adjective from amphiballein "to throw on either side," based on amphi- "both" + ballein "to throw." "Ballein" comes from Proto-Indo-European *gwel- "to throw, pierce," the stem underlying Old English cwellan and cyllan "to kill." The first of these is today's "quell" while the last is "kill." Greek ballizein "to dance," the origin of English "ball," the dance, derives from the same stem. Despite the meaning of the original stem and the fact that one can throw both types of ball, the word for the ball you throw and catch is unrelated.


-Dr. Language, yourDictionary.com

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Yay, my neice had her first birthday today. I was working and unable to make it :(.


Some of the highlights I was told:

  • She wanted to walk everywhere not crawl
  • She had a sensation/feeling that the day was special (but not that it was her birthday)
  • When her 2yr old brother unwrapped a present of a child in a cot (or something to hold a child) she said "bubba" and kissed the 'bubba' through the plastic/paper package. She also kissed the doll throughout the morning.

All up everyone had a great time.


Proud Uncle.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Somedays, I think I am cursed. My car has been needing some work for a while now, but I wait until I actually have a job lined up before I take the car to the garage $569.73! Mostly to get the hydraulics on the brakes replaced. Its like, life goes "Oh! He has money, now! Let's make sure he doesn't get to keep any of it." I just cannot seem to ever get any money saved up!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I received my pre-qual letter for a home loan today. First time buyer. I have this knot in the pit of my stomach. Half of it is fear--I mean, really, I'm buyin' a friggin' home!--and the other half is excitement--I'm buyin' a friggin' home!


I think I have the chaos I wanted, now.

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Always remember...


Always remember...


never forget...


When it's 42 degrees outside...


even if it's supposed to get up over 60 later...


and you're commutting in to work on your motorcycle...


at Interstate speeds...


No matter how late you are...


Or how nice it seems...




Good lord, that was cold!



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Re: A Thread for Random MusingsBudd (Sidewinder)


You're Budd! You're Bill's kid brother, though you don't talk to him very much anymore. You're a good liar, and a good fighter. Sadly, you have a weak spot for money and greed, and it will eventually be your downfall. You're always trying to prove yourself to the world, and will do anything to make them notice how important you are.

Kill Bill: Which Deadly Viper Assassin Are You? (Vol. II spoilers... results with pics)Just took the quiz from a link in the Amuse Mightybec thread.I am Michael Masden. Yay Me !

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Well, we had the home inspection today. The house needs a new roof, new siding all around, structural work on the expansion roof, a new floor in the mud room, a new central air unit, a new water heater, and several minor other things.


So, unless the sellers agree to come down some $25k on the price, which they won't, I'm backing out of the sale.


There are no good surprises in life. Only bad. Dry fishsticks, all the way.

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