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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Pretty much every major holiday, the SciFi Channel runs a movie marathon, and it's usually horror movies -- not necessarily ones that are thematically related to the holiday in question, either.


Horror for the holidays, according to SciFi.


I'm wondering if there's any kind of deep significance to that...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm Only Happy When it Rains - Garbage


I’m only happy when it rains

I’m only happy when its complicated

And though I know you can’t appreciate it

I’m only happy when it rains


You know I love it when the news is bad

Why it feels so good to feel so sad

I’m only happy when it rains


Pour your misery down

Pour your misery down, on me

Pour your misery down

Pour your misery down on me


I'm only happy when it rains

I feel good when things are going wrong

I only listen to the sad, sad songs

I'm only happy when it pain


I only smile in the dark

My only comfort is the night gone black

I didn’t accidentally tell you that

I’m only happy when it rains


You'll get the message by the time I'm through

When I finally get to me and you

I'm only happy when it rains


Pour your misery down

pour your misery down

Pour your misery down on me

pour your misery down

Pour your misery down

pour your misery down

Pour your misery down on me

pour your misery down

Pour your misery down

pour your misery down

Pour your misery down on me

pour your misery down

Pour your misery down



You can keep me company

As long as you don't care


I'm only happy when it rains

You want to hear about my new obsession ?

I'm riding high upon a deep depression

I'm only happy when it rains


pour some misery down on me

I'm only happy when it rains

pour some misery down on me

I'm only happy when it rains

pour some misery down on me

I'm only happy when it rains

pour some misery down on me

I'm only happy when it rains

pour some misery down on me

pour some misery down on me

pour some misery down on me

pour some misery down on me

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A great song and some trivia about the singer! :eg:




You’ll take my life but I’ll take yours too

You’ll fire you musket but I’ll run you through

So when your waiting for the next attack

You’d better stand there’s no turning back


The bugle sounds as the charge begins

But on this battlefield no one wins

The smell of arcrid smoke and horses breath

As you plunge into a certain death


The horse he sweats with fear we break to run

The mighty roar of the russian guns

And as we race towards the human wall

The screams of pain as my comrades fall


We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground

And the russians fire another round

We get so near yet so far away

We won’t live to fight another day


We get so close near enough to fight

When a russian gets me in his sights

He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow

A burst of rounds take my horse below


And as I lay there gazing at the sky

My body’s numb and my throat is dry

And as I lay forgotten and alone

Without a tear I draw my parting groan




"I read somewhere that Dickenson was a world-rated fencer (16th at the time, IIRC) and that he was some sort of minor royalty in England. True?"






"Never heard of that, but yes, he was/is a top-rated fencer; he was once one of the top 10 British foil fencers, represented Britain in some international competitions and he might have made it to Barcelona Olympics had he not been busy with the band. He also writes books and has his own radio show on BBC. Some people complain that he has a big ego, but with that kind of resume, who wouldn't have? And yes, he is excellent vocalist though his performances were sub-par in last couple of Maiden albums before leaving the band in 1993. But nowadays, he is all gold. Some of his solo albums are also primo stuff.


He actually used to be traditional drinking-shagging-drugging rock icon in his Samson days, because that band was slightly (well, totally) ****ed up and he thought that such kind of behaviour was part of the 'artistic process'. Then he joined Maiden and immediately noted that "oh, these guys are pros...I guess I better tone it down".


Yeah, Maiden is the best HM act around (though peak-Metallica - which is sadly in the past - comes close). I love their sound, it has similar 'ageless' feel like Led Zeppelin etc. And their songs tend to be more complex and progressive than your average 'banger bands. My sig is actually from a Maiden song. I understand they are largely forgotten in USA, but in Europe, they are huge and their live concerts are pretty much automatic SRO. I liked their last two albums, though they are bit uneven. But 'Paschendale' is easily amongst their best 5 songs ever. "

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Dad bought another car today. It's a three year old Saturn with low miles and in excellent shape.


I'm very proud of him. He's owned probably 25-30 cars in his lifetime because he's a clunker junkie. He loves to buy crap cars. Now he finally has a car that won't fall apart, melt, or disintegrate for no apparent reason. I had to really twist his arm to convince him to not buy someone else's problems again.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I feel like George Bush: "But, y'know, it's really HARD to make a good new game, I mean it's hard, y'know? Really hard. It's not easy, you have to come up with good ideas, support the theme, y' know, it's really hard."


Which reminds me, that was always such an odd clunker from that debate. It was funny because on one side he was certainly right, and his comments are actually a bit insightful in that we often forget just how hard that job is, no doubt, whatever you think of Bush, it's one of the hardest jobs in the world in its heaviness and lack of precedent in so many situations, and there's no real training program specific to it. And it's neat to stop and think about that. And it's a very human response; in fact, I tend to think what he was coached originally to say was something more along the lines of rising to the challenge of the difficulty of the job, to remind everyone just how hard it is. But then the way it came out, like some guy whining about his really tough job over a beer, plus the fact it was in the context of "why should we choose you?" forum, a sort of national job interview. I don't think I'll ever forget that.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So for the record.

Bush Administrations Iraq war rationale, not lying merely incompetant information. Cause that makes us feel so much better.


Tom Delay legal/ethics troubles. Liberal Media bias (I think the NYT is the paper that idicted him)


The best thing in politics is watching the other shoe drop. When you go public with your condemnation of the actions of others; there's nothing quite like having to explain your own similar actions as "party politcs", or a witch hunt.

So tune in in 10 years when the shoes are on the other foot and watch democrats try to explain their redistricting plan...:D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My current rep power is one of the most prevalent numbers I've encountered in my life. For starters, it was my house number for the house I lived in most of my life (and I still get mail forwarded from there).


My first car's license plate ended in that number. I received three test grades in one semester with that score.


There were a number of other odd coincidences like that, but I can't remember any of them now.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Took a ride out to Vegas Tuesday, just me and the girlfriend. I've had enough crap to deal with lately that a few days outta town were good for me. Besides, if I lose my job next year I won't be able to afford a vacation, so it was pretty much a "now or never" kinda thing.


Cirque de Soleil - "Mystere" - inside Treasure Island hotel. A most excellent show, especially center, 8 rows back. Worth every penny. Went from there to a karaoke bar complete with "flair" bartender. Being the shy couple we are, the gf and I made bunches of new friends. A good time was had by all.


"Samba" restaurant inside Mirage hotel - how else would you spend Thanksgiving than at a Brazilian BBQ joint with all you can eat meat...sirloin, turkey wrapped in bacon, whitefish, pork loin, ribs, sausage thingies, more than I can remember. I think there was a salad, too, and bread, but I can't be certain. Excellent food. And a $10 rum drink that darn near knocked me on me **** all by itself. So I had two.


Karaoke, piano bars, live bands, hotel shows...oh, and $100 in winnings, mostly from poker, but some from roulette. I'm a small timer when it comes to gambling, but apparently I do all right when I apply myself.


Hate the city, could never live there, wasn't keen on the 7-8 hour drive either way, but for a three-night stay it was very much a good time.

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