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Funny Pics II: The Revenge

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What is it about misogyny?  Has anyone ever, even _once_, nit seen it go hand-in-hand with an over-inflated sense of self-importance?


It is just the weirdest thing, they way they go together...


Though, just like the loud stereo cars, every time I am exposed to it, I cannot help but remember the findings of the howler monkey study....




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I tried to find some more information on that book.  There isn't much but apparently these "Little Blue Books" were published pre-Depression by a progressive socialist feminist, so it seems odd that he would have included an outright misogynist title in his catalog.  So I have to wonder what the context of the title really is.  Are many women not sexually attractive because they have better things to do?  Because the reader is gay?  Why can't we judge this book by its cover?


Thank you for listening to my TED talk.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled funny pics thread.

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