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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Speaking of shield fu, does anyone know what happened to the way of the silver shield that was in UMA 4th?
  2. One advantge of having more detailed stats would be for heroic level characters whereas even 1 DCV can make a big difference. Especially if said DCV bonus is tied to a STR min.
  3. Clinging with damage shield was proscribed to do the tar body effect. So I think that would be a place to start.
  4. Would be neat to see more asian shields. The only one mentioned (the tortise shield for karate) has no stats (at leaast for 5th ed uma)
  5. If this is the same mind worm from Doctor Who, then don't forget a damage shield - mind control "completely forgot last hour of memory" lim. "Must have skin to skin contact"
  6. I like this and a failed roll could be a wrong answer. Not nessecerly a lie but the spirit is confused.
  7. Off the top of my head, I think systema is a grappling base style so I would look at jujitsu
  8. Re: Is Speed underpriced? By experience, I found that the outcome is a draw. In a game a while ago, my ninja and mentalist (a friend of mine) was fighting against Brick. Brick as in the orginal champions villian brick. Somehow, the mentalist got knocked out. So it became mexican standoff. I could dodge all day, but when I hit Brick, barely a scratch. He could wallop me, but only if he hit me. I ended it by making a compromise with Brick.
  9. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Turks or arabs the same thing right Lucius? Well more or less. And I think (which right now I can't check) but the Hyrkanians are Iranian which are probably more Arab than Turk.
  10. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Tasha I do allow non-human sentinet pcs. In fact, I'm building a tiefling for a friend of mine. How many is too many? I don't know? To be quite honest, I don't get to play often enough for it to matter to me.
  11. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? My take in on race bloat is this; if you consider every race published as being true, and or in extistence, then I see the bloat. However, I like to think of supplements as a smogasboard for your game. You can look at new races and say, hey that's a neat approach maybe I'll add this in (I really like the concept of Dragonborn from DnD 4th) Or as in the case of Hero system, they might be an example of a previously presented idea. Think of the Innare from Fantasy Companion two. * I just have to present this here-I have a supplement with isn't DnD oficial and htey have a race called the Squarn who for some unknown reason love build and leave traps underground.
  12. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Hyborian is the name of the age and continent-Hyboria, Shemite are the Israelites and Khitai are Chinese.
  13. Re: World with superheroes - Only one power set? Last summer I ran a Supers Martial arts game. In it I had a speedster and a brick subtype characters. It can work to have one power set, it just takes a little bit of imagination to individualize the characters. I think phoenix240 FISS example would work well. The only hitch from the start would be defining invulnerability. I think that when people hear the word, they assume (as I do) that nothing can hurt them. so a better definition of invulnerable would be in order.
  14. Re: Is Speed underpriced? Just look upthread and when there is a slow super, its a brick for example. And this isn't the first thread I've seen it on though they had a simular theme with this one.
  15. Re: Is Speed underpriced? Ok side question, when speed comes up, bricks are always supposed to be slow? I thought we are supposed to move away from archeotypes.
  16. Re: Is Speed underpriced? See to me having a higher DEX accomplishes the same thing. ymmv and all that
  17. Re: Is Speed underpriced? Balabanto- your post did remind me something that Susano has on his website. He mentions that when he adapts older villians and such, the reason that they had a higher speed was that there wasn't as many options to do in a phase as there are now.
  18. Re: Is Speed underpriced? Tacking onto what Hugh said, to me I think that you should set even trained normals lower to speed 2. I personally think that is why you also see higher speed than one should think. If the average policeman or thug has speed 3, speed 4 only grants an extra phase and if you are playing a martial artist, which usually means that your defense is dodge or blocking, then you want a higher speed so you can abort and later attack before a group of thugs. Also if you have a group of players, then a lower speed isn't as detrimental as a smaller group. I've ran some one on one and the players appreciated the extra phases. People have noted that with a higher speed there is a disadvantage because of the wait till the free recovery. I'd like to point out that if you are significantly higher speed than your opponents, this isn't quite the case becasue you have more phases to act and one of those are taking recoveries.
  19. Re: Stop Hits I have a reprint of the orginal spiderman comic and after he first fought Electro, he put on rubber gloves so he could fight him without being shocked.
  20. Re: Black Collar Ninjas in space? Well I must track down the books!
  21. Re: Stop Hits Just Fyi "At the GM's option, attackers may be able to insulate themselves from the effects of the Shield by attacking the characterwith an object (such as ataff or a chain), but this depends on the situation and the special effects involved." 5thr pg 254 I guess it depends whether you're Electro or Spiderman. (And I agree with Capts. Shield btw)
  22. Re: Has anyone tried doing an Hyborian/Conan game using Fantasy Hero I have a few of them too and enjoyed them.
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