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Everything posted by Vanguard

  1. Re: Large Creatures Versus Head Shots Probably too late to answer but here goes anyway . . We had this come up in our Gatecrasher game with the sniper not only wanting to go for a head shot, but wanting to hit it in the eye as well. Wildcat sat there and thought about it for a moment and then said, "Hey guys, if you shoot my dragon in the head, the session is not only going to be over but it's going to be a very anti-climatic ending as well". What we decided is that the Large Creatures don't get the minus to their DCV for called shots like that because it's just makes it ridiculously easy to hit them in vital locations. If you beef up the defenses, then the only time you are doing damage is when you hit them in those vital locations . . so we thought it would be better for cinematic sense, to just do away with Size mods for Location hits. It's worked rather well so far.
  2. Re: Mind link to a vehicle Buzz, Everyone else has pretty much already answered your questions here but I'll toss in my two cp if you don't mind. Going over the character sheet, there's nothing in there that would allow the character to use his Mind Link with the Computer/Mecha to have it attack a target. He could use the Mind Link to initiate the computer to pilot the mecha to other locations but there no other programs in there for having it attack a target. For that, I think he'd need the appropriate programs in the computer and then he could use the Mind Link to have the computer initiate the correct program.
  3. Re: Invisible Misses Sounds like it's just a SFX. From the way my GM does things, as long as the SFX doesn't (or rarely) do anything, then you can have it do whatever you want it to do. So I'd just define the SFX as the Flash of Light, Flame, Whipped Cream, etc still "hits" the target, just nothing happens. Although, with a Flash, you can readily tell it failed, so I'm not exactly sure what effect you're trying to achieve.
  4. Re: What do you consider “Modern Paranormal”? For me, I'd classify it as The Dresden Files (by Jim Butcher) as well as perhaps the earlier Anita Blake books (before it all went to S&M porn), maybe the Weather Warden series (by Rachel Caine). As for TV series, I'd think things like X-Files, Supernatural (although I've never seen it) would count. Maybe even Erueka (sp). Buffy counts but it did get . . odd towards the end of the series. You could even throw in my personal Fave, Highlander: The Series as a type of "modern Paranormla" (Although with that one, the only "paranormal" thing around, for the most part, are the Immortals).
  5. Re: "Mundane" Magic Items Well, it depends. I was going to say that it was a code and I didn't think UT translated codes and the like. But, the more I thought about it the more it sounds like what you're doing is a language. You're just using Runes and Sigils for words. So, I believe that UT, mechanically speaking, could translate it, if you allowed it.
  6. Re: Little Help - Ground Exploration Vehicle. Actually, Hero Designer does print the Limitations on the REC but only if they are different then the ones on the Reserver itself. What it does is list out the Reserve/Rec and then below that gives you the limitations on the Reserve and then the Limitations on the REC. Like this: 24 Fusion Reactor: Endurance Reserve (175 END, 45 REC) Reserve: Only Powers Electrical Device (-1/4); REC: When Docked with a Battlestar or C.R.V. (-2), Slow Recovery 5 Minutes (-1), Only Powers Electrical Device (-1/4)
  7. Re: My book is falling apart!! I don't know if there's a way to glue the pages back together. About the only thing I can think of is taking it to Kinkos (or some other place) and seeing about getting it rebound (if that's even possible).
  8. Re: Untapped Universe? Only problems being is that the Aliens in Shamalayn are extremely stupid. Don't want to say more due to spoilers. (Yes, I know it's been out for a bit but some people that want to see it still may not have . . )
  9. Re: Desintegrator Weapons Cheaper yes but I think that with a Supress, once you stop Supressing the Body . . they're now alive again (weird I know). At least I seem to recall something said to this effect either in the FAQ or in FrED revised . . don't have a book handy at the momeny.
  10. Re: Desintegrator Weapons 3D6 RKA, AVLD (Force Field) - SFX: Disintegration
  11. Re: Megascale and Hyperdrive Yeah know, was just thinking of something . . are all th Tports done this way considered "blind" since they certainly can't see their destination and while they may have been there one or two times, that's an awful lot of points to spend on fixed locatiosn . . . Or, is it just done the easy way and hand waved (which, is the way I'd do it).
  12. Re: Living ship Unless using the Optional Rule for TUV that allows you to integrate the Ego and Int of an AI into the vehicle itself.
  13. Re: Gps Detect: Location on Earth, Discrimnatory, Analyze
  14. Re: Hit from behind Actually, my GM does it that way and has all the time. Granted, he KNOWS the "proper" way to do it but it makes more sense to do it the other way. It means there's a lot more thinking in combat. I mean, I'm not going to just blindly charge that guy standing in the hallway with a pistol because I know he's going to get a chance to shoot me as I do it. I think it makes characters think a bit more. It DOES have it's draw backs, sorta, for things like Move-bys, passing strikes, etc but I beleive the rulling he made was "If your half move is enough to get you there, you can make the attack without fear of reprisal." I could be wrong, in either case I think it helps more then it hinders (IE: IT does slow combat down a bit more but you only really notice it if you're playing Champions and are dealing with speeds of 5+).
  15. Re: Dispelling Advanced Technology Don't have my book handy but I believe one of the Disadvantages the Nuke has is "Can be Missle Deflected", unless of course, that's what your "technically" was supposed to mean.
  16. Re: Weight a minute I think it's illegal because you can't "turn off" your STR. It's always on and therefore you're getting free points out of it.
  17. Re: Power Build: Super Archery DOH!!! Ok, yeah that would preclude using the Big MP Pool option. < sighs > Oh well, I tried.
  18. Re: Hybrid Characters I've come to the realization that some concepts start out as hybrids and other concepts, through character growth, tend to edge slightly into the hybrid realm even if they didnt' start out like that. As a general rule, the GM's I've played with have tried to work it so that no one stepped on anyone's toes as they spread out. Sounds a bid difficult but surprisingly enough it's worked so far.
  19. Re: Power Build: Super Archery So why was the Multipower with a big enough pool to use a couple of ultra slots together over looked? Is it just because it's waay to expensive to do it that way?
  20. Re: Why is Piercing a power? More then welcome. Glad I could help. Also glad that my posting here didn't kill the thread. I seem to be "Vanguard Thread Killer" sometimes.
  21. Re: Why is Piercing a power? Eosin, I believe the altered STR Min to boost damage is an optional rule for Fantasy Hero (although nothing says you can't port it over). We still use the 5 pnts thing in our DC game and although the only weapon so far that has Piercing is a set of guns, it hasn't really changed the combat dynamic. I'm going to ask the GM if I can add 2 points of it to my HtH weapons so after a couple of game sessions, I can come back and let you know how badly, if at all, it altered things.
  22. Re: Why is Piercing a power? We're finding that is exactly the case in our DC-esque game. We're extremely glad that it was brought back. We tend to keep the Piercing levels light, since you've so eloquently pointed out that it can get really bloody otherwise.
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