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  1. Like
    Beast reacted to Panpiper in Nemesis   
    Very nice build. It is a good idea for a background, but personally I would prefer to have the background more detailed. Not all GMs care  much about such things though.
  2. Like
    Beast reacted to Tjack in Best jobs for Secret IDs?   
    Fiction writer, Composer, Graphic Artist.  Anything where you work from home or at least alone and don’t have to account for your time as long as the work is turned in on schedule.
  3. Like
    Beast reacted to Pariah in Independence Day has been cancelled   
    Ladies and gentlemen, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir recorded live at West Point.
  4. Like
    Beast reacted to Zarthose in Question about "only in Hero ID"   
    If someone has "only in hero ID" I'm unclear on how that works? As a rule of thumb, should that be 30 seconds to switch IDs? Oe just a segment? If they want a completely different look ( human to demon) is that something they have to pay for ( shape change, transformation ect) or is that free? I just want to be fair, and am looking for guidance. Thank you for your time. 
  5. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Brian Eye in GURPS Traveller Deck Plans as Source Material   
    here are a bunch from Independence games(formally Gypsy Knight Games)
    they do their own traveler universe using the Cepheus engine(modded Mong Traveller 1st ed)
  6. Downvote
    Beast got a reaction from Chipmunk in The perennial M&M/Champions conversion question   
    use PL 10 to simulate 20 DC
  7. Like
    Beast reacted to tkdguy in More space news!   
    The NASA manned mission has just launched. This is the first time in years we've gone to space without hitching a ride from the Russians.
  8. Like
    Beast reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Champions Begins!   
    A while back, we spent some time discussing how Hero needs a way of introducing people into the game for modern players.  In the past, it was fine to print a book of rules and hand them to people, because folks were more accustomed to long-form reading, studying, and figuring rules out on their own.  For those who like this sort of thing and still do it, well that's great.  But for many others, especially younger players we want to draw into the hobby, we wanted something more. Also, its not that Hero is complicated or difficult to learn, but it has gained that reputation in recent years, and its useful to help people see that isn't the case.
    From this discussion came the idea of building a "tutorial" for Champions, a scenario that each session gave the players and GM more of the rules until they knew the full structure of the game and how to play it.  The name we came up with for that was Champions Begins (a riff on Batman Begins).
    The concept was this: a simple scenario of superhero-ing in several parts, each of which introduces more of the rules step by step.  With that would be tips on how to run a game for the GM and how to play RPGs for players.
    I've started writing on the main sections of the book, and am almost done with scenario 1.  My idea was this: use the old Viper's Nest scenario as expanded in Viper 4th edition, because its great at bringing players into the scenario a little bit at a time and is a classic for the game. With its six chapters, that gives us 6 sections to teach people the game with.
    I figure for each character we give them only what they will use for each scenario, adding with each one points and abilities then added in the next chapter.
    For example, chapter one is just pereception rolls, very basic combat (no END use, Body damage or special attacks), and movement.  So Character X gets stats, a few powers that let them hit things, move, see, and not be hurt.
    Chapter two adds skills and presence attacks, so Character X now gets a list of skills added to the sheet!
    These upgrades can be treated as "experience points" in lumps that help players get used to the game.
    Much has been said about how we could and should step up more to help our hobby out.  Much has been discussed about how we can reach new players and excite them with Champions by putting out new content and running games.  Well, here's your chance!   You can help out and contribute materially to this goal, by giving the game a tool that would help players learn Champions and become familiar with real role playing games.  They've played computer games.  They've watched movies.  Now they can BE a hero.
    Pitch in and help us out!

  9. Thanks
    Beast got a reaction from DreadDomain in Where to start   
    I's start w/ Champions complete pdf at 20$
    then add the current Bundle of holding for 4th ed as this will give you tons of earlier source material that can be converted to 6th ed or go with 4th ed as the rules are there also
    4th edition is a bit simpler in building characters
    the bundle is currently at 30.52$ for everything
    hurry as it will be going up
  10. Like
    Beast reacted to assault in Where to start   
    Champions Now is a bit of an outlier. It's not part of the "family" in the same way as the other editions. Basically, a lot was changed.
    Champions Complete is the "current product" in terms of the main continuity of editions.
    If you want to run published scenarios, Champions Complete would be better. Champions Now is aimed at Do It Yourself campaigning. It's also much less compatible with other editions.
    Of course you can also run 5e, or whatever set of rules you feel most comfortable with. Only some players care about "the latest!" edition.
  11. Thanks
    Beast reacted to Duke Bushido in Bundle of Holding   
    For those who missed it last time, the Bundle of Holding offer starting today is the complete HERO 4e.
    I haven't had time to look, but here's hoping that this time around it contains Western HERO and Horror HERO. 
    Sorry for the confusion. 
  12. Thanks
    Beast got a reaction from Tjack in Swords in science fiction -- why?   
    This guy

  13. Haha
    Beast got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    well 3 if you count the pdf or 4 if the back up counts
    and the whole 4th ed bundle when it came out
    besides at 5$ it was hard to turn down
  14. Like
    Beast reacted to Gnome BODY (important!) in How Would You Create an "Anatomical Separation" Power?   
    I'd call that Stretching, Does Not Cross Intervening Space and Clairsentience, Only to Locations Stretched To. 
    Main difference between my construct and dsatow's is that my version permits your detached bodyparts to be attacked to hurt you.  If that's not what you want, definitely use dsatow's version. 
  15. Like
    Beast reacted to Jason S.Walters in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition) is now available POD in black-and-white softcover on RPGNow.
  16. Like
    Beast reacted to Koop in Roll20 HERO Support   
    @Beast My experience is similar. I set up basic 3d6 die rolls and a simple damage roll using macros that were available in the Roll20 forum. For a Champions-based game like mine, that's 90% of the rolls anyway.
  17. Like
    Beast got a reaction from drunkonduty in GURPS Traveller Deck Plans as Source Material   
    here are a bunch from Independence games(formally Gypsy Knight Games)
    they do their own traveler universe using the Cepheus engine(modded Mong Traveller 1st ed)
  18. Like
    Beast reacted to shadowcat1313 in GURPS Traveller Deck Plans as Source Material   
    the new T5 kickstarter had a -package of deckplans incluided that might prove useful
    theres also a really sweet  book of deckplan geomorphs that is a **FREE** download, it says unofficial, but Marc Miller has approved it being distributed, it just cant be sold.
    I was the one who took it to Marc for verification of permission, and can provide such if ever needed. its not my work, I just happen to talk to Marc a fair bit, usually by accident
    http://travellerrpgblog.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-starship-geomorphs-book-if-finally.html. for scale reference 2 hero hexes=1 traveller square
  19. Like
    Beast reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Western Hero 6th edition   
    I have completed and sent Western Hero to Hero Games to look over and build a cover for.  Its a complete book with all you need to build characters and play the game (minus powers and modifiers etc, as not applicable in a heroic game) with a full campaign setting adapted from the original Western Hero 4th edition, plus tons of adventure ideas, campaign tips, background, maps, etc.
    Also, I have uploaded a file of The Greatest Guns Who Never Were, a file containing almost 50 fictional characters of western and western-inspired background from books, comics, movies, television, and radio, from Hopalong Cassidy to Mal Reynolds and all points in between.  Its free in the Downloads section and includes full Hero Designer write ups as well as a pdf containing them all and some notes on how they were made.
  20. Like
    Beast reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Western Hero 6th edition   
    OK I have completed the build and uploaded the companion file The Greatest Guns of History as well.
    This includes dozens of historical figures of many various types, free for download and use in your game.
  21. Like
    Beast got a reaction from pawsplay in Swords in science fiction -- why?   
    This guy

  22. Like
    Beast reacted to Brian Stanfield in What makes a complete game "complete"?   
    I love your list of countermeasures! You should run with this as a game! Maybe if you write it up as a "setting," you could put it up in the Hall of Champions.
  23. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Duke Bushido in What makes a complete game "complete"?   
    I agree Basic should have been called Sidekick or something simular
    there is nothing stopping the writer from setting some dials as a suggestion
    really the power  level suggestions on the bottom of page 14 of the Basic(Sidekick I loved that name also) rule book pretty much sets most of the dials there
    the rest of the dials are pretty much what the GM and PCs agree on
    there is also no stopping the publishing of pre-gens for PCs to look over and maybe with help of the GM to swap skills,talents,perks, and equipment

    I know how to fake it good

    1920/30's bores me to tears unless there are low power supers

    what probably is needed are a 10 to 15 monster/villain pdfs for beginner games
    get HSB(Sidekick) and maybe a free or really cheap Splat pdf like above, also a setting that will have followups in the future and maybe an over all storyline to follow(like TORG,VtM,7th Sea, etc)
    this begging stuff should be cheap, maybe recycle some art, monster and villains
    you might even get it down to say WildStrike sized
  24. Like
    Beast got a reaction from Vanguard in What makes a complete game "complete"?   
    was stuff left out or was new stuff created after 4th ed came out?
    now I know 6th ed APG's where done with stuff left out of 6th ed but was also never in 5th ed or FREd as Steve Long said that before 6th ed was printed
  25. Like
    Beast reacted to Brian Stanfield in What makes a complete game "complete"?   
    The ideal I have in mind is to use a game like this as an incentive for players to want to buy the toolkit and fiddle with it themselves. This is basically what we did back in the '80s (right, @Duke Bushido?) and is not a new concept, or even a difficult one to grasp. We can go to the HERO store, for example, and buy HERO Designer, but for people who are really curious, they have the option to buy the source code for HD and fiddle with it themselves. Same concept: HERO System is the source code and programming language. The game is the consumer-side interface.
    I may have to create an entire game with nothing but heroes bitten by kangaroos. . . .
    The supers genre is a bit more complex to figure out, at least for me. People have so many ideas of what they want to do, it seems a hard sell to create a game with only some of the powers included. I know that's not exactly what you mean, but by the time you create several kind of Blast options (AoE, NND, Indirect, or whatever variations), you may as well simply use the entire Powers list and expect people to figure it out. I think maybe this is the PhD of HERO System gaming. I think this is peculiar only to the supers genre though. 
    I think it fits really well for Fantasy HERO though, with specific spell lists and such. People are already "trained" to use spell lists, magical items lists, special skill lists, and stuff like that from D&D or whatever else game they came from. 
    In each case though, if this were to be the model for supers or fantasy, I think maybe they'd have to start with a setting in order to explain and understand the "settings" for the Powers in the game. We don't have to reveal the builds, but we do have to explain why wizards can't use armor, or why there are two spell systems (arcane and divine, for instance), or whatever else. These decisions imply a setting, and half the setting work is already done by the time these decisions are made. Again, I think it works less well for supers, but maybe it's still workable. 
    Can you imagine if a new setting book came out for Champions that made these sort of decisions? Do you think it would work, at least as a starting point for new gamers? Experienced HERO players may not like a more setting-limited approach, but non-HERO people may. Since Champions was the first game I learned after a few years of D&D, I'm used to its wide open approach. I'd be a bit disappointed if I could only select from pre-defined powers lists. In fact, this is why I never picked up other supers games, because they seemed to be too limited. I can't tell if others would feel the same.
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