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Mister E

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Everything posted by Mister E

  1. If Duplication is based on a Focus extras can be gained from the equipment doubling rule. e.g. multiple "Rings of Duplication". What is the rule for possessing multiple Duplication powers?
  2. Darth Vader is Transatlantic Radio.
  3. There used to be a lim called "Noisy" in 5th ed. -- Perceivable is not strong enough. -- An Images (mental; nontargeting) Side Effect would work.
  4. I played an undead slaying elf a long time ago. The one time I fought a ghost the gm ruled that the aging attack was proportional to my total lifespan. So each negative energy attack aged me a bunch of years extra more that normal. The concept of longevity or being an elf did nothing for me. It was a rude awaking.
  5. Sniping is psychologically taxing due to the questionable morality of it. Alone a person is not likely even going to take a sniper shot. Also it is an easy thing to miss even if a sniper shot is taken. Conscience is at play. Spotters provide the necessary peer pressure needed to go out & kill on command. Everything else points to snipers being able to work just fine alone. They just don't.
  6. A ninja by any other name would smell as sweet.
  7. So... it has come to this. But at what cost? There is no escape from destiny.
  8. Lunar Anti-Negative Energy Dusting Gun: Dispel Electronic Device Powers 2d6, All Powers Simultaneously (+2), Proportional (×5 Power [+8d6] Only During Full Moon; +2)(30 Active Points); OAF (-1), 12 Boostable Charges (-0), Range Based On STR (-1/4), Easy To Remove (Spray Bottle e.g.; -1/4). 30 AP, RC 12 Really only works well during a full moon when fully charged by positive lunar energy. 2d6 Dispel normally. 10d6 Dispel during a full moon. +1d6 by spending 3 charges. +2d6 by spending 5 charges. Boosting charges results in the Lunar Anti-Negative Energy Dusting Gun gaining a 15- Burnout roll which gets worse with every boosted use. No END required. Is not itself an electronic device. At full capacity this thing only averages 42 active points of Dispel damage which is not enough to shut down most big powers. If allowed on a living target a critical hit at full capacity would do 72 active points of Dispel damage. -- A more direct attack w/out All Powers Simultaneously (+2) would do much much better by toning the Proportional advantage down to (×3 Power Only During Full Moon; +1/4). Thusly I Break Your Thing: Dispel Electronic Device Power 8d6, Proportional (×3 Power [+16d6] Only During Full Moon; +1/4)(30 Active Points); OAF (-1), 12 Boostable Charges (-0), Range Based On STR (-1/4), Easy To Remove (Spray Bottle e.g.; -1/4). AP 30, RC 12 8d6 Dispel normally. 24d6 Dispel during a full moon. +1d6 by spending 2 charges. +3d6 by spending 3 charges. +5d6 by spending 4 charges. +6d6 by spending 5 charges.
  9. I always thought people were talking about a baseball player. Hence the collapsible rapier! I need to see Phantom 2040. From what I've gleaned it must be good. Lovely. I want one. Make my Voice Penetrative too please. Heh heh heh...
  10. A built in stethoscope? I've never seen this before. Very cool. I like how powers are part of the suit rather than items on a utility belt. Reminds me of Batman Beyond.
  11. What is a ninja? I don't know. Is it some kind of board game? ~Mister E
  12. The Gormless Glom: Mister Stick the Gormless Glom is a silicon based life form from planet Go-Goo-Goon X once hidden deep within an uncharted dark globular cluster in a galaxy pretty far from here. Unfortunately a long while ago Go-Goo-Goon X was swallowed up by a giant evil hole in space caused from dividing the color sea foam green by zero. Mister Stick as the soul surviver of his species escaped through a cosmic anti-extinction loophole to the conservation planet Earth. Now lives in Springtucky a small logging town in the Pacific Northwest. Gets along by trudging around town picking up recycling, loose change & concert tickets for scalping. The local high school back in the 80s once thought to make the Gormless Glom their school mascot but it was voted down after he got struck by lightning & ate half the science wing to keep from splitting into multiple Gloms.
  13. Sorority Solidarity The League of Extraordinary Gentlewomen Coven Bevy The Chic Chick Clique Cliché
  14. Equating magic w/ nothing: Magic is indistinguishable from anything else because magic has no elements with which to make a distinction. Magic exists at the end of eternity. Magic contains everything. Magic ever changes.
  15. "I Want To Steal His Pants" + "You're Going To Backstab Him With A Ballista?":
  16. "How To: Memory Invisibility": http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/47589-how-to-memory-invisibility/ "Don't Look, I'm Invisible!": http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/12525-dont-look-im-invisible/ "Invisibility: Memory": http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/12340-invisibility-memory/ "Kragar's No One Notices Me - Sample Power": http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/89864-kragars-no-one-notices-me-sample-power/ "Ignore Me!":
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