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Zen Archer

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Everything posted by Zen Archer

  1. Re: Cryptic Concept Art for Nighthawk
  2. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Anno Dracula: The Bloody Red Baron by Kim Newman. The second book in his alternate history series where Dracula takes vampirism public. Entertaining read, but like a lot of these it's easy to get distracted trying to figure out if you should know a character from history or fiction or whatever.
  3. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The Cramps: Live at Napa State Mental Hospital
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Umberto Eco and The Bunnymen
  5. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle Sure, but it's still more involved then turning them over to the authorities and walking away.
  6. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Daniel Craig in a Martin Scorsese production of a Quentin Tarantino film: Casino Royale with Cheese
  8. Re: Mental Institute name needed Or maybe something completely innocuous, like Acres.
  9. Re: Earlier version of the Champions Superteam I don't think Ultron was ever a hero, so that shouldn't have made a difference.
  10. Re: Earlier version of the Champions Superteam
  11. Re: Earlier version of the Champions Superteam All except for Mechanon. I really would have liked a Hero origin for Mechanon.
  12. Re: Mental Institute name needed Arizona.
  13. Re: The cranky thread The home PC, which has been threatening to die on me since January, has finally given out.
  14. Re: Traveller 5 Kickstarter The Non-Hero forum doesn't seem to get much love these days, so that's where I'd put it. Those are some really impressive numbers for a Kickstarter that hasn't been out a week.
  15. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle I've seen or played in plenty of Champions games where the goal is to be the toughest, even if it meant competing against the other team members. I've played with folks who think the goal of fighting bad guys is to beat up bad guys, never mind rehabilitation. I've seen and played in plenty of D&D games where killing things and taking their stuff is not the primary goal. Or even the secondary. I think it comes down to the qualities of the players and GMs.
  16. Re: Something all SF gamers should have. I think the challenge aspect was to get 1001+ weapons, so I'd start with that for now.
  17. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? Or just pass the Dutchy on the left hand side. What?
  18. Re: Does anyone ekse like People with Powers style games? Wainscot: Hidden culture/society operating in the real world. Buffy's been used above, and it's a good example. So is Harry Potter. Posthuman is less easy for me to explain, so I'll just post a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posthuman
  19. Re: Happy 30th Aniversary to "Wrath of Khan" The first ST pic isn't that bad. In fact, the first six hours are pretty interesting. Anyway, Happy Anniversary WoK, and kudos again to Ricardo Montalban.
  20. Re: Superhero team Leader: PC or NPC? The games I either ran or played in only ever had PC leaders. Sometimes the leader was determined upfront through a vote (or GM fiat), sometimes one or more developed through role-play. We had the occasional NPC government contact, but no indy benefactor that I can recall.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Doorways in the Sand, I think.
  22. Re: So Easy Even A Nine-Year-Old Can Do It! Well done sir.
  23. Re: The cranky thread Lysol, mostly. The coughing didn't last long, fortunately.
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Glen Campbell covering The Foo Fighters' "Times Like These". Very nice.
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